T. Kuzman, I. Mozetič, N. Ljubešić. Automatic Genre Identification for Robust Enrichment of Massive Text Collections: Investigation of Classification Methods in the Era of Large Language Models, Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 5(3), pp. 1149–1175, DOI, 2023.
T. Kuzman, I. Mozetič, N. Ljubešić. ChatGPT: Beginning of an End of Manual Linguistic Data Annotation? Use Case of Automatic Genre Identification, arXiv: 2303.03953, 2023.
B. Evkoski, I. Mozetič, P. Kralj Novak. The unconstrained LFR benchmark, 11th Intl. Conf. on Complex Networks and their Applications, Book of abstracts, pp. 342-344, Palermo, Italy, November 8-10, 2022. [Cobiss]
B. Evkoski, I. Mozetič, P. Kralj Novak, N. Ljubešić. The Russian invasion of Ukraine through the lens of ex-Yugoslavian Twitter, 11th Intl. Conf. on Complex Networks and their Applications, Book of abstracts, pp. 345-347, Palermo, Italy, November 8-10, 2022. [Cobiss]
N. Ljubešić, I. Mozetič, P. Kralj Novak. Quantifying the impact of context on the quality of manual hate speech annotation, Natural Language Engineering, pp. 1-14, DOI, 2022. [Cobiss]
P. Kralj Novak, T. Scantamburlo, A. Pelicon, M. Cinelli, I. Mozetič, F. Zollo. Handling disagreement in hate speech modelling, Proc. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU), pp. 681-695, Springer (CCIS 1602), DOI, Milan, Italy, July 11-15, 2022. [Cobiss]
B. Evkoski, A. Pelicon, I. Mozetič, N. Ljubešić, P. Kralj Novak. Retweet communities reveal the main sources of hate speech, PLoS ONE 17(3): e0265602, DOI, arXiv: 2105.14898, 2022. [Cobiss]
B. Evkoski, N. Ljubešić, A. Pelicon, I. Mozetič, P. Kralj Novak. Evolution of topics and hate speech in retweet network communities, Applied Network Science 6: 96, DOI, 2021. [Cobiss]
B. Evkoski, I. Mozetič, P. Kralj Novak. Community evolution with Ensemble Louvain, 10th Intl. Conf. on Complex Networks and their Applications, Book of abstracts, pp. 58-60, Madrid, Spain, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2021. [Cobiss]
M. Cinelli, A. Pelicon, I. Mozetič, W. Quattrociocchi, P. Kralj Novak, F. Zollo. Unveiling the interplay between hate and misinfomation, 10th Intl. Conf. on Complex Networks and their Applications, Book of abstracts, pp. 510-512, Madrid, Spain, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2021. [Cobiss]
M. Cinelli, A. Pelicon, I. Mozetič, W. Quattrociocchi, P. Kralj Novak, F. Zollo. Dynamics of online hate and misinformation, supplement, Scientific Reports 11: 22083, DOI, 2021. [Cobiss]
B. Evkoski, I. Mozetič, N. Ljubešić, P. Kralj Novak. Community evolution in retweet networks, PLoS ONE 16(9): e0256175, DOI, Non-anonymized version available at arXiv: 2105.06214, 2021. [Cobiss]
M. Robnik-Šikonja, K. Reba, I. Mozetič. Cross-lingual transfer of sentiment classifiers, Slovenščina 2.0 9(1): 1-25, DOI, 2021. [Cobiss]
B. Evkoski, I. Mozetič, N. Ljubešić, P. Kralj Novak. Evolution of political polarization on Slovenian Twitter, 9th Intl. Conf. on Complex Networks and their Applications, Book of abstracts, pp. 325-327, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 1-3, 2020. [Cobiss]
F. Schütze, D. Aleksovski, I. Mozetič. Stock market reactions to international climate negotiations, SSRN: 3718277, 2020. [Cobiss]
V. Cerqueira, L. Torgo, I. Mozetič. Evaluating time series forecasting models: An empirical study on performance estimation methods, Machine Learning 109:1997-2028, DOI, 2020. [Cobiss]
B. Evkoski, I. Mozetič, N. Ljubešić, P. Kralj Novak. A Slovenian retweet network 2018-2020, Conf. on Data Mining and Data Warehouses SiKDD, Ljubljana, Oct. 5, 2020. [Cobiss]
M. Robnik-Šikonja, K. Reba, I. Mozetič. Cross-lingual transfer of Twitter sentiment models using a common vector space, Proc. Conf. on Language Technologies and Digital Humanities, pp. 87-92, Ljubljana, Sep. 24-25, 2020. [Cobiss]
B. Sluban, J. Smailović, M. Grčar, I. Mozetič. Multilevel news networks, In Multiplex and Multilevel Networks (S. Battiston, G. Caldarelli, A. Garas, Eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 116-137, ISBN: 9780198809456, DOI, 2019. [Cobiss]
B. Sluban, M. Mikac, P. Kralj Novak, S. Battiston, I. Mozetič. Profiling the EU lobby organizations in Banking and Finance, Applied Network Science 3(1): 44, DOI, 2018. [Cobiss]
P. Kralj Novak, L. De Amicis, I. Mozetič. Impact investing market on Twitter: Influential users and communities, Applied Network Science 3(1): 40, DOI, 2018. [Cobiss]
M. Žnidaršič, J. Smailović, J. Gorše, M. Grčar, I. Mozetič, S. Pollak. Trust and doubt terms in financial tweets and periodic reports, Proc. The First Financial Narrative Processing Workshop at LREC-18, pp. 59-65, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7, 2018. [Cobiss]
I. Mozetič, L. Torgo, V. Cerqueira, J. Smailović. How to evaluate sentiment classifiers for Twitter time-ordered data?, PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194317, DOI, arXiv: 1803.05160, 2018. [Cobiss]
I. Mozetič, P. Gabrovšek, P. Kralj Novak. Forex trading and Twitter: Spam, bots, and reputation manipulation, MIS2: Misinformation and Misbehavior Mining on the Web, Workshop at WSDM-18, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, Feb. 9, arXiv: 1804.02233, 2018. [Cobiss]
F. Zollo, B. Sluban, I. Mozetič, W. Quattrociocchi. Toward a better understanding of emotional dynamics on Facebook, Proc. Complex Networks and their Applications VI, pp. 365-377, Springer (SCI 689), DOI, Lyon, France, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2017. [Cobiss]
P. Kralj Novak, L. De Amicis, C. Hughes, I. Mozetič. Exploring the Twitterland of the impact investing market, Proc. Complex Networks and their Applications VI, pp. 967-979, Springer (SCI 689), DOI, Lyon, France, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2017. [Cobiss]
B. Sluban, J. Smailović, P. Kralj Novak, I. Mozetič, S. Battiston. Mapping organizations goals and leanings in the lobbyist network in banking and finance, Proc. Complex Networks and their Applications VI, pp. 1149-1161, Springer (SCI 689), DOI, Lyon, France, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2017. [Cobiss]
V. Cerqueira, L. Torgo, J. Smailović, I. Mozetič. A comparative study of performance estimation methods for time series forecasting, Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), pp. 529-538, IEEE, DOI, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 19-21, 2017. [Cobiss]
M. Grčar, D. Cherepnalkoski, I. Mozetič, P. Kralj Novak. Stance and influence of Twitter users regarding the Brexit referendum, Computational Social Networks 4(1): 6, DOI, 2017. [Cobiss]
P. Gabrovšek, D. Aleksovski, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar. Twitter sentiment around the Earnings Announcement events, PLoS ONE 12(2): e0173151, DOI, arXiv: 1611.02090, 2017. [Cobiss]
D. Cherepnalkoski, A. Karpf, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar. Co-voting and retweeting in the European Parliament, 5th Intl. Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, Book of abstracts, pp. 118-120, Milan, Italy, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2016. [Cobiss]
M. Grčar, D. Cherepnalkoski, I. Mozetič. The Hirsch index for Twitter: Influential proponents and opponents of Brexit, 5th Intl. Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, Book of abstracts, pp. 121-123, Milan, Italy, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2016. [Cobiss]
D. Cherepnalkoski, A. Karpf, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar. Cohesion and coalition formation in the European Parliament: Roll-call votes and Twitter activities, supplement, PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166586, DOI, arXiv: 1608.04917, 2016. [Cobiss]
D. Fišer, J. Smailovć, T. Erjavec, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar. Sentiment annotation of Slovene user-generated content, Proc. Conf. on Language Technologies & Digital Humanities, pp. 65-70, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep. 29 - Oct. 1, 2016. [Cobiss]
D. Cherepnalkoski, I. Mozetič. Retweet networks of the European Parliament: Evaluation of the community structure, Applied Network Science 1(1): 2, DOI, 2016. [Cobiss]
B. Sluban, J. Smailović, I. Mozetič. Understanding Financial news with multi-layer network analysis, Proc. European Conf. on Complex Systems 2014, pp. 193-207, Springer, DOI, 2016. [Cobiss]
I. Mozetič, M. Grčar, J. Smailović. Multilingual Twitter sentiment classification: The role of human annotators, PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155036, DOI, arXiv: 1602.07563, 2016. [Cobiss]
B. Sluban, M. Grčar, I. Mozetič. Temporal multi-layer network construction from major news events, Proc. 7th Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet), pp. 29-41, Springer (SCI 644), DOI, Dijon, France, Mar. 23-25, 2016. [Cobiss]
P. Kralj Novak, J. Smailović, B. Sluban, I. Mozetič. Sentiment of emojis, PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144296, DOI, arXiv: 1509.07761, 2015. [Cobiss]
D. Cherepnalkoski, I. Mozetič. A retweet network analysis of the European Parliament, Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (SITIS), pp. 350-357, IEEE, DOI, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 23-27, 2015. [Cobiss]
J. Smailović, J. Kranjc, M. Grčar, M. Žnidaršič, I. Mozetič. Monitoring the Twitter sentiment during the Bulgarian elections, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), pp. 1-10, IEEE, DOI, Paris, France, Oct. 19-21, 2015. [Cobiss]
F. Zollo, P. Kralj Novak, M. Del Vicario, A. Bessi, I. Mozetič, A. Scala, G. Caldarelli, W. Quattrociocchi. Emotional dynamics in the age of misinformation, PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138740, DOI, 2015. [Cobiss]
G. Ranco, D. Aleksovski, G. Caldarelli, M. Grčar, I. Mozetič. The effects of Twitter sentiment on stock price returns, supplement, PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138441, DOI, arXiv: 1506.02431, 2015. [Cobiss]
B. Sluban, J. Smailović, S. Battiston, I. Mozetič. Sentiment leaning of influential communities in social networks, Computational Social Networks 2(1): 9, DOI, 2015. [Cobiss]
Y-H. Eom, M. Puliga, J. Smailović, I. Mozetič, G. Caldarelli. Twitter-based analysis of the dynamics of collective attention to political parties, PLoS ONE 10(7): e0131184, DOI, 2015. [Cobiss]
P. Kralj Novak, M. Grčar, B. Sluban, I. Mozetič. Analysis of financial news with NewsStream, Report IJS DP-11965, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, arXiv: 1508.00027, 2015. [Cobiss]
D. Tuckett, A. Mandel, D. Mangalagiu, A. Abramson, J. Hinkel, K. Katsikopoulos, A. Kirman, T. Malleret, I. Mozetič, P. Ormerod, R.E. Smith, T. Venturini, A. Wilkinson. Uncertainty, decision science, and policy-making: A manifesto for a research agenda, Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 27(2): 213-242, DOI, 2015. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, V. Podpečan, T. Stare, I. Mozetič, K. Gruden, N. Lavrač. Incremental construction of biological networks by relation extraction from literature, Current Bioinformatics 10(2): 177-190, DOI, 2015. [Cobiss]
M. Popovič, H. Štefančić, B. Sluban, P. Kralj Novak, M. Grčar, I. Mozetič, M. Puliga, V. Zlatić. Extraction of temporal networks from term co-occurrences in online textual sources, PLoS ONE 9(12): e0099515, DOI, 2014. [Cobiss]
B. Sluban, J. Smailović, M. Juršič, I. Mozetič, S. Battiston. Community sentiment on environmental topics in social networks, Proc. 3rd Intl. Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (SITIS), pp. 376-382, IEEE, DOI, Marrakech, Morocco, Nov. 23-27, 2014. [Cobiss]
M. Piškorec, N. Antulov-Frantulin, P. Kralj Novak, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar, I. Vodenska, T. Šmuc. Cohesiveness in financial news and its relation to market volatility, supplement, Scientific Reports 4: 5038-1-8, DOI, 2014. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, M. Depolli, T. Stare, I. Mozetič, M. Petek, K. Gruden, N. Lavrač. Plant defence model revisions through iterative minimisation of constraint violations, Intl. Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 7(1): 61-79, DOI, 2014. [Cobiss]
Ž. Ramšak, Š. Baebler, A. Rotter, M. Korbar, I. Mozetič, B. Usadel, K. Gruden. GoMapMan: Integration, consolidation and visualisation of plant gene annotations within the MapMan ontology, Nucleic Acids Research 42(D1): D1167-D1175, DOI, 2014. [Cobiss]
L. Langohr, V. Podpečan, M. Petek, I. Mozetič, K. Gruden, N. Lavrač, H. Toivonen. Contrasting subgroup discovery, The Computer Journal 56(3): 289-303, DOI, 2013. [Cobiss]
V. Podpečan, D. Miljkovic, M. Petek, T. Stare, K. Gruden, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Integrating semantic transcriptomic data analysis and knowledge extraction from biological literature, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 477-480, IEEE, DOI, Shanghai, China, Dec. 18-21, 2013. [Cobiss]
A. Vavpetič, P. Kralj Novak, M. Grčar, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Semantic data mining of financial news articles, Proc. 16th Intl. Conf. Discovery Science (J. Fürnkranz, E. Hüllermeier, T. Higuchi, Eds.), Springer (LNAI 8140), DOI, pp. 294-307, Singapore, Oct. 6-9, 2013. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, V. Podpečan, T. Stare, I. Mozetič, K. Gruden, N. Lavrač. Incremental revision of biological networks from texts, Proc. Intl. Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO), pp. 1-9, Granada, Spain, Mar. 18-20, 2013. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, T. Stare, I. Mozetič, V. Podpečan, M. Petek, K. Witek, M. Dermastia, N. Lavrač, K. Gruden. Signalling network construction for modelling plant defence response, PLoS ONE 7(12): e0051822, DOI, 2012. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, M. Depolli, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač, T. Stare, M. Petek, K. Gruden. Constraint-driven optimization of plant defense model parameters, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW) (J. Gao, Ed.), pp. 570-574, IEEE, DOI, Philadelphia, USA, Oct. 4-7, 2012. [Cobiss]
M. Grčar, V. Podpečan, B. Sluban, I. Mozetič. Ontology querying support in semantic annotation process, Proc. 12th Pacific Rim Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) (P. Anthony, M. Ishizuka, D. Lukose, Eds.), Springer (LNAI 7458), DOI, pp. 76-87, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Sep. 3-7, 2012. [Cobiss]
K. Gruden, D. Miljkovic, T. Stare, I. Mozetič, V. Podpečan, M. Petek, K. Witek, M. Dermastia, N. Lavrač. Constructing signalling network topology for modelling the plant defence. Proc. 13th Intl. Conf. on System Biology, p. 199, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 19-23, 2012. [Cobiss]
I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Applications and evaluation: Overview, In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery (M.R. Berthold, Ed.), Springer (LNAI 7250), DOI, pp. 359-363, 2012. [Cobiss]
I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač, V. Podpečan, P. Kralj Novak, H. Motaln, M. Petek, K. Gruden, H. Toivonen, K. Kulovesi. Semantic subgroup discovery and cross-context linking for microarray data analysis, In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery (M.R. Berthold, Ed.), Springer (LNAI 7250), pp. 379-389, 2012. [Cobiss]
L. Langohr, V. Podpečan, M. Petek, I. Mozetič, K. Gruden. Contrast mining from interesting subgroups, In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery (M.R. Berthold, Ed.), Springer (LNAI 7250), pp. 390-406, 2012. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, V. Podpečan, M. Grčar, K. Gruden, T. Stare, M. Petek, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Modelling a biological system: Network creation by triplet extraction from biological literature, In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery (M.R. Berthold, Ed.), Springer (LNAI 7250), pp. 427-437, 2012. [Cobiss]
O. Schmidt, J. Kranjc, I. Mozetič, P. Thompson, W. Dubitzky. Bisociative exploration of biological and financial literature using clustering, In Bisociative Knowledge Discovery (M.R. Berthold, Ed.), Springer (LNAI 7250), pp. 438-451, 2012. [Cobiss]
V. Podpečan, N. Lavrač, I. Mozetič, P. Kralj Novak, I. Trajkovski, L. Langohr, K. Kulovesi, H. Toivonen, M. Petek, H. Motaln, K. Gruden. SegMine workflows for semantic microarray data analysis in Orange4WS, BMC Bioinformatics 12: 416-1-16, DOI, 2011. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, M. Depolli, M. Petek, T. Stare, M. Dermastia, K. Gruden, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Constraint-driven optimiztion approach to build a Petri net defense model in plants. COBRA 2011, 1st Conf. on Constraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis, Center for Systems Biology, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 24-26, 2011. [Cobiss]
M. Juršič, I. Mozetič, T. Erjavec, N. Lavrač. LemmaGen: Multilingual lemmatisation with induced Ripple-Down Rules, Journal of Universal Computer Science 16(9): 1190-1214, DOI, 2010. [Cobiss]
Š. Baebler, M. Korbar, I. Mozetič, M. Hren, M. Petek, T. Stare, K. Gruden. GoMapMan: Helping plant scientist fight the omics data, Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology, p. 85, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep. 6-9, 2010. [Cobiss]
D. Miljkovic, T. Stare, K. Gruden, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar, N. Lavrač. Text processing assisted development of a Petri Net model for plant defence response, Workshop on Advances in Bio Text Mining, Ghent, Belgium, May 10-11, 2010.
M. Juršič, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar, B. Cestnik, N. Lavrač, Identification of concepts bridging diverse biomedical domains, Workshop on Advances in Bio Text Mining, Ghent, Belgium, May 10-11, 2010. BMC Bioinformatics 11(Suppl 5): P4, DOI, 2010. [Cobiss]
M. Juršič, I. Mozetič, M. Grčar, N. Lavrač. Bisociative knowledge discovery via b-term identification, Report IJS DP-10463, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010.
I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač, V. Podpečan, P. Kralj Novak, H. Motaln, M. Petek, K. Gruden, H. Toivonen, K. Kulovesi. Bisociative knowledge discovery for microarray data analysis, Proc. First Intl. Conf. on Computational Creativity, pp. 190-199, Lisbon, Portugal, Jan. 7-9, 2010. [Cobiss]
M. Juršič, N. Lavrač, I. Mozetič, V. Podpečan, H. Toivonen. Constructing information networks from text documents, Proc. Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks at ECML PKDD 2009, pp. 23-38, Bled, Slovenia, Sep. 11, 2009. [Cobiss]
N. Lavrač, I. Mozetič, V. Podpečan, P. Kralj Novak, H. Motaln, M. Petek, K. Gruden. Gene analytics: Discovery and contextualization of enriched gene sets, Proc. Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks at ECML PKDD 2009, pp. 39-49, Bled, Slovenia, Sep. 11, 2009. [Cobiss]
N. Lavrač, P. Kralj Novak, I. Mozetič, V. Podpečan, H. Motaln, M. Petek, K. Gruden. Semantic Subgroup Discovery: Using ontologies in microarray data analysis, Proc. 31st Annual Intl. Conf. of the IEEE EMBS, pp. 5613-5616, IEEE, DOI, Minneapolis, USA, Sep. 2-6, 2009. [Cobiss]
M. Grobelnik, J. Brank, B. Fortuna, I. Mozetič. Contextualizing ontologies with OntoLight: A pragmatic approach. Informatica 32(1): 79-84, 2008. [Cobiss]
J. Plisson, P. Ljubič, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Ontologies for collaborative networked organizations: An overview of business ontologies and a sample Protege implementation. In Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, (G.D. Putnik, M.M. Cunha, Eds.), Vol. II, pp. 1128-1135, Information Science Reference, 2008. [Cobiss]
J. Plisson, P. Ljubič, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. An ontology for virtual organization breeding environments. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 37(6): 1327-1341, DOI, 2007. [Cobiss]
M. Grobelnik, J. Brank, B. Fortuna, I. Mozetič. Contextualizing ontologies with OntoLight: A pragmatic approach. Proc. 10th Intl. Multiconference Information Society, IS 2007, Vol. A, pp. 200-205, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oct. 8-12, 2007. [Cobiss]
M. Juršič, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Learning Ripple Down Rules for efficient lemmatization. Proc. 10th Intl. Multiconference Information Society, IS 2007, Vol. A, pp. 206-209, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oct. 8-12, 2007. [Cobiss]
D. Demšar, I. Mozetič, N. Lavrač. Collaboration opportunity finder. In Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks, Proc. 8th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, (L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, P. Novais, C. Analide, Eds.), Springer, IFIP Series, Vol. 243, pp. 179-186, Guimaraes, Portugal, Sep. 10-12, 2007. [Cobiss]
P. Ljubič, N. Lavrač, D. Mladenić, J. Plisson, I. Mozetič. Automated structuring of company profiles. Metodološki zvezki 3(2): 369-380, 2006. [Cobiss]
I. Mozetič, D. Bojadžiev. Reasoning with temporal context in news analysis. Proc. Contexts and Ontologies, ECAI-06 workshop, pp. 79-80, Riva del Garda, Italy, Aug. 28, 2006. [Cobiss]
I. Mozetič. Temporal interval reasoning with CLP(Q). Proc. 8th Intl. Multiconference Information Society, IS 2005, pp. 178-181, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oct. 11-17, 2005. [Cobiss]
Mozetič, I. Secondary structure prediction by Inductive Logic Programming. Abstract. Proc. 3rd Meeting on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction, CASP3, pp. A-26, Asilomar, CA, USA, Dec. 13-17, 1998.
Zidanšek, A., Zanini, F., Maček, P., Anderluh, G., Mozetič, I. Experimental and theoretical study of the pore-forming protein, Equinatoxin II. Abstract. Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. on Biophysics & Synchrotron Radiation, BSR-98, pp. 90, Argonne, IL, USA, Aug. 4-8, 1998.
Zupanič, D., Hodošček, M., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. Global energy minimization of small molecules combining Constraint Logic Programming and molecular mechanics. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37 (6), pp. 966-971, 1997.
Mozetič, I., Hodošček, M. Symbolic protein data base. Report IJS DP-7505, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1997.
Mozetič, I., Holzbaur, C. Controlling the complexity in model-based diagnosis. Report OEFAI TR-91-03. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 11 (1-4), pp. 297-314, 1994.
Mozetič, I. Computing minimal diagnoses with critical set algorithms. Report OEFAI TR-94-05. Proc. 11th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI-94 (A. Cohn, Ed.), pp. 657-661, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug. 8-12, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
Mozetič, I. Model-based diagnosis. In Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology (A. Kent, J.G. Williams, Eds.), Vol. 30, pp. 227-240, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994.
Mozetič, I., Novak, F., Santo-Zarnik, M., Biasizzo, A.
Diagnosing analog circuits designed-for-testability by using CLP().
Report OEFAI TR-93-21.
Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, DX-93,
pp. 105-120, Univ. of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, Sep. 6-8, 1993.
Novak, F., Mozetič, I., Santo-Zarnik, M., Biasizzo, A.
Enhancing design-for-test for active analog filters by using CLP().
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 4 (3),
pp. 215-229, 1993.
Mozetič, I., Holzbaur, C.
Interval arithmetic with CLP().
Report OEFAI TR-93-19.
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial
Intelligence, Vienna, 1993.
Novak, F., Biasizzo, A., Santo-Zarnik, M., Mozetič, I. On automatic fault isolation using DFT methodology for active analog filters. Proc. 3rd European Test Conf., ETC-93, pp. 534-535, IEEE, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Apr. 19-22, 1993.
Novak, F., Mozetič, I., Santo-Zarnik, M., Biasizzo, A.
Enhancing design-for-test for active analog filters by using CLP().
Journal of Electronic Testing 4, pp. 315-329, 1993.
Mozetič, I. A polynomial-time algorithm for model-based diagnosis. Report OEFAI TR-92-26. Proc. 10th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI-92 (B. Neumann, Ed.), pp. 729-733, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 3-7, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
Mozetič, I. Model-based diagnosis: an overview. Report OEFAI TR-92-18. In Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence (V. Marik, O. Stepankova, R. Trappl, Eds.), pp. 419-430, Springer (LNAI 617), Tutorial, Intl. Summer School, Prague, July, 1992.
Mozetič, I., Pfahringer, B. Improving diagnostic efficiency in KARDIO: abstractions, constraint propagation, and model compilation. Report OEFAI TR-92-19. In Deep Models for Medical Knowledge Engineering (E. Keravnou, Ed.), pp. 1-25, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992.
Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. Second generation knowledge acquisition methods and their application to medicine. Report OEFAI TR-92-02. In Deep Models for Medical Knowledge Engineering (E. Keravnou, Ed.), pp. 177-198, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992.
Mozetič, I. Hierarchical model-based diagnosis. In Readings in Model-based Diagnosis (W.C. Hamscher, L. Console, J. de Kleer, Eds.), pp. 354-372, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1992.
Mozetič, I., Holzbaur, C. Integrating numerical and qualitative models within constraint logic programming. Report OEFAI TR-91-02. Proc. 1991 Intl. Logic Programming Symposium, ILPS-91 (V. Saraswat, K. Ueda, Eds.), pp. 678-693, San Diego, USA, Oct. 28-31, The MIT Press, 1991.
Mozetič, I., Holzbaur, C., Novak, F., Santo-Zarnik, M.
Model-based analogue circuit diagnosis with CLP().
Report OEFAI TR-91-17.
Invited talk, Proc. 4th Intl. GI Congress (W. Brauer,
D. Hernandez, Eds.), pp. 343-353, Munich, Germany, Oct. 23-24,
Springer (IFB 291), 1991.
Mozetič, I., Holzbaur, C. Model-based diagnosis with constraint logic programs. Report OEFAI TR-91-13. Invited talk, Proc. 6th Czechoslovak Annual Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 271-285, Prague, CSFR, June 25-27, 1991. Also Proc. 7th Austrian Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, ÖGAI-91 (H. Kaindl, Ed.), pp. 168-180 (Workshop on Model-Based Reasoning), Vienna, Austria, Sep. 25-27, Springer (IFB 287), 1991.
Mozetič, I. Hierarchical model-based diagnosis. Report OEFAI TR-90-03. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35 (3), pp. 329-362, 1991.
Mozetič, I., Holzbaur, C. Extending explanation-based generalization by abstraction operators. Report OEFAI TR-90-16. In Machine Learning—EWSL-91 (Y. Kodratoff, Ed.), Proc. European Working Session on Learning, pp. 282-297, Porto, Portugal, Mar. 6-8, Springer (LNAI 482), 1991.
Mozetič, I., Bratko, I., Urbančič, T. Varying levels of abstraction in qualitative modelling. In Machine Intelligence 12 (J.E. Hayes, D. Michie, E. Tyugu, Eds.), pp. 259-280, Oxford University Press, 1991.
Mozetič, I. Abstractions in model-based diagnosis. Report OEFAI TR-90-04. Proc. Automatic Generation of Approximations and Abstractions, AAAI-90 Workshop, pp. 64-75, Boston, USA, July 30, 1990.
Mozetič, I. Reduction of diagnostic complexity through model abstractions. Report OEFAI TR-90-10. Proc. First Intl. Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, pp. 102-111, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, July 23-25, 1990.
Mozetič, I. Diagnostic efficiency of deep and surface knowledge in KARDIO. Report OEFAI TR-90-06. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2 (2), pp. 67-83, 1990.
Bratko, I., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. KARDIO: An expert system for ECG interpretation. In Practical Experience in Building Expert Systems (M.A. Bramer, Ed.), pp. 183-207, John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
Bratko, I., Mozetič, I., Lavrač, N. KARDIO: A Study in Deep and Qualitative Knowledge for Expert Systems. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989.
Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. Methods for knowledge acquisition and refinement in second generation expert systems. ACM SIGART Newsletter, Knowledge Acquisition Special Issue, No. 108, pp. 63-69, Apr. 1989. Also in Proc. 3rd European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems, EKAW-89, pp. 554-564, Paris, France, July 3-7, 1989.
Bratko, I., Kononenko, I., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Roškar, E. Automatic synthesis of knowledge: Ljubljana research. In Machine and Human Learning (Y. Kodratoff, A. Hutchinson, Eds.), pp. 25-33, Kogan Page, London, 1989.
Bratko, I., Mozetič, I., Lavrač, N. Automatic synthesis and compression of cardiological knowledge. In Machine Intelligence 11 (J.E. Hayes, D. Michie, J. Richards, Eds.), pp. 435-454, Oxford University Press, 1988. Also in Expert Systems—Automating Knowledge Acquisition (D. Michie, I. Bratko, Eds.), pp. 45-61, Addison-Wesley, 1986.
Mozetič, I., Lavrač, N. Incremental learning from examples in a logic-based formalism. Proc. Intl. Workshop on Machine Learning, Meta-Reasoning and Logics, pp. 109-127, Sesimbra, Portugal, Feb. 14-17, 1988.
Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. Experiments with inductive learning programs NEWGEM and ASSISTANT in the DHDB environement. Report IJS DP-5029, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1988.
Mozetič, I. Machine learning of qualitative models (in Slovenian). Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1988.
Mozetič, I. The role of abstractions in learning qualitative models. Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Machine Learning, pp. 242-255, Irvine, CA, USA, July 22-25, 1987, Morgan Kaufmann.
Mozetič, I., Urbančič, T. Hierarchical qualitative modelling: a deep knowledge representation for efficient diagnostics. Proc. IASTED Intl. Conference Expert Systems, pp. 162-166, Geneva, Switzerland, June 16-18, ACTA Press, 1987.
Urbančič, T., Mozetič, I. Diagnostics based on qualitative models (in Slovenian). Proc. 31st Yugoslavian ETAN Conference, pp. XII.215-XII.222, Bled, Slovenia, June 1-5, 1987.
Mozetič, I. Learning of qualitative models. In Progress in Machine Learning (I. Bratko, N. Lavrač, Eds.), Proc. European Working Session on Learning, EWSL-87, pp. 201-217, Bled, Slovenia, May 13-15, Sigma Press, Wilmslow, UK, 1987.
Mozetič, I., Lavrač, N., Kononenko, I. Automatic construction of diagnostic rules. Proc. 4th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, MECOMBE-86, pp. 672-675, Sevilla, Spain, Sep. 9-12, 1986.
Mozetič, I. Knowledge extraction through learning from examples. In Machine Learning: A Guide to Current Research (T.M. Mitchell, J.G. Carbonell, R.S. Michalski, Eds.), pp. 227-231, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1986.
Michalski, R.S., Mozetič, I., Hong, J., Lavrač, N. The multi-purpose incremental learning system AQ15 and its testing application to three medical domains, Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-86, pp. 1041-1045, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 11-15, Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.
Michalski, R.S., Mozetič, I., Hong, J., Lavrač, N. The AQ15 inductive learning system: an overview and experiments. Proc. 1st Intl. Meeting on Advances in Learning, Les Arcs, France, July 28 - Aug. 1, 1986.
Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Kononenko, I. An experimental comparison of two learning programs in three medical domains. Report IJS DP-4323, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1986.
Hong, J., Mozetič, I., Michalski, R.S. AQ15: incremental learning of attribute-based descriptions from examples, the method and user's guide. Report UIUCDCS-F-86-949, ISG 86-5, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 1986.
Filipič, B., Mozetič, I. A library of Prolog utilities. Report IJS DP-4466, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1986.
Bratko, I., Kononenko, I., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Roškar, E. Ljubljana research into computer synthesis of new knowledge. Advance papers of Information Technologies for Development Conference, Bled, Slovenia, Oct. 6-8, 1986.
Mozetič, I. NEWGEM: program for learning from examples, Technical documentation and user's guide. Report UIUCDCS-F-85-949, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 1985.
Mozetič, I. Compression of the ECG knowledge base using the AQ inductive learning algorithm. Report UIUCDCS-F-85-943, ISG 85-13, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 1985.
Lavrač, N., Bratko, I., Mozetič, I., Čerček, B., Grad, A., Horvat, M. KARDIO-E - an expert system for electrocardiographic diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. Expert Systems 2 (1), pp. 46-49, 1985.
Bratko, I., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. KARDIO-E - an expert system for electrocardiographic diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. Proc. 1st Intl. Expert Systems Conference, pp. 289-296, London, UK, Oct. 1-3, 1985.
Bratko, I., Kononenko, I., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Roškar, E. The synthesis and transformation of knowledge. Proc. Computer at the University, Cavtat, Croatia, May, 1985.
Bratko, I., Kononenko, I., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Roškar, E. Automatic synthesis of knowledge. Automatika 26 (3-4), pp. 171-176, 1985.
Mozetič, I., Bratko, I., Lavrač, N. The derivation of medical knowledge from a qualitative model of the heart. Presented at Intl. School for the Synthesis of Expert Knowledge Workshop, ISSEK'84, Bled, Slovenia, Aug. 22-24, 1984.
Mozetič, I. Qualitative model of the heart (in Slovenian). M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1984.
Mozetič, I. Principles of qualitative modeling (in Slovenian). Informatica 8 (4), pp. 79-85, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1984.
Klemenc, M., Mozetič, I., Ribarič, S. An expert system for the use of antiarrhythmic drugs (in Slovenian). Proc. 8th BiH Informatics Symposium, Jahorina-84, pp. 207/1-207/8, Jahorina, BiH, Mar. 26-30, 1984.
Klemenc, M., Mozetič, I., Ribarič, S. ESKARDIO - an expert system for the use of antiarrhythmic drugs (in Slovenian). Report IJS DP-3339, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1983.
Zrimec, T., Čerček, B., Rode, P., Lavrač, N., Mozetič I., Bratko, I., Kononenko, I., Grad, A. An expert consultation system for cardiac arrhythmias. Proc. 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp. 6.4, Portorož, Slovenia, Sep. 5-9, 1983.
Mozetič, I., Bratko, I., Lavrač, N., Horvat, M., Zrimec, T. A qualitative model of the heart for education and ECG diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. Proc. 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, pp. 4.2, Portorož, Slovenia, Sep. 5-9, 1983.
Mozetič, I., Bratko, I., Lavrač, N. An experiment in automatic synthesis of expert knowledge through qualitative modeling. Proc. Logic Programming Workshop '83, pp. 553-559, Albufeira, Portugal, June 26 - July 1, 1983.
Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Zrimec, T., Bratko, I., Čerček, B., Grad, A., Horvat, M., Rode, P. An expert system for diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias (in Slovenian). Proc. 7th BiH Informatics Symposium, Jahorina-83, pp. 120/1-120/10, Jahorina, BiH, Apr. 4-8, 1983.
Mozetič, I. An analysis of a plausible reasoning mechanism (in Slovenian). Report IJS DP-2789, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1982.
Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Zrimec, T., Bratko, I., Čerček, B., Grad, A., Horvat, M., Rode, P. An expert system for diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias (in Slovenian). Report IJS DP-2790, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1982.
Bratko, I., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I., Zrimec, T., Horvat, M., Rode, P. The development of an expert system for intensive medical treatment. Proc. Theory and Practice of Knowledge Based Systems, pp. 5-6, Brunel University, London, UK, Sep. 14-16, 1982.
Bratko, I., Kononenko, I., Mozetič, I. An efficient implementation of Advice Language 2. Informatica 6 (2), pp. 21-26, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1982.
Bratko, I., Gams, M., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. Black and white boxes: communicativeness of computer programs (in Slovenian). Proc. 2nd Scientific Meeting on Computer Processing of Linguistic Data, pp. 199-209, Bled, Slovenia, Oct. 7-9, 1982.
Bojadžiev, D., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. Experiences with Prolog as a language for specification of information systems (in Slovenian). Informatica 6 (3), pp. 54-58, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1982.
Bojadžiev, D., Lavrač, N., Mozetič, I. Experiences with Prolog as a language for specification of information systems (in Slovenian). Report IJS DP-2509, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1981.
Mozetič, I., Krnec, H., Martinec, M., Reinhardt, R., Špegel, M. An interactive editor for technical documentation (in Slovenian). Report IJS DP-1972, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1980.
Mozetič, I. User's manual for the AL1.5 system. Report MIP-R-130, Machine Intelligence Research Unit, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1980.
Mozetič, I. User's manual for the AL1.5 programming system (in Slovenian). Report IJS DP-1973, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1980.
Mozetič, I. Advice language and the AL1.5 programming system (in Slovenian). Report IJS DP-1883, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1979.