IDDM-2002 Proceedings

Papers (ordered by first author)

  1. A. Abu-Hanna: Prognosis-based Decision Support in Medicine A Divide and Conquer Approach
  2. M.C. Ainslie, J.S. Sanchez: Space Partitioning for Instance Reduction in Lazy Learning Algorithms
  3. M. Bohanec, B. Cestnik, M. Grobelnik, D. Mladenic, M. Alves, A. Jorge, S. Moyle: Describing Decision Support, Data Mining, Text/Web Mining Studies in SolEuNet
  4. B. Cestnik, N. Lavrac, F. Železny: Data Mining for Decision Support in Marketing: A Case Study in Targeting a Marketing Campaign
  5. D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac, D. Wettschereck: Subgroup Visualization: A Method and Application to Population Screening
  6. S. Gasar, M. Bohanec, V. Rajkovic: Combined Data Mining and Decision Support Approach to the Prediction of Academic Achievement
  7. A. Jorge, J. Pocas, P. Azevedo: A Post-processing Environment for Browsing Large Sets of Association Rules
  8. C. Köpf, I. Iglezakis: Combination of Task Description Strategies and Case Base Properties for Meta-Learning
  9. N. Lavrac, P.A. Flach, B. Kavšek, L. Todorovski: Rule Induction for Subgroup Discovery with CN2-SD
  10. S. Moyle, M. Bohanec, E. Ostrowski: Large and Tall Buildings: A Case Study in the Application of Decision Support and Data Mining
  11. M. Nepil, L. Popelinsky: Committee-Based Selective Sampling with Parameters Set by Meta-Learning
  12. Y. Peng, P.A. Flach, P. Brazdil, C. Soares: Decision Tree-Based Characterization for Meta-Learning
  13. A.K. Seewald: Meta-Learning for Stacked Classification
  14. C. Soares, P. Brazdil: Knowledge-based Selection of Data Characteristics for Algorithm Recommendation Using Ranking Methods
  15. O. Štepankova, J. Klema, P. Mikšovsky: Collaborative Data Mining and Data Exchange: A Case Study
  16. L. Todorovski, B. Cestnik, M. Kline: Qualitative Clustering of Short Time-Series: A Case Study of Firms Reputation data
  17. D. Wettschereck: A KDDSE-independent PMML Visualizer
  18. S. Wu, P.A. Flach: Feature Selection with Labelled and Unlabelled Data
  19. S. Wu, P.A. Flach: Model Selection for Dynamic Processes


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