Marko Bohanec

 Marko Bohanec

 History until 2019


Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Office: S-12 (main building, 2nd floor)
Phone: (+386) (1) 477 3309, Fax: (+386) (1) 477 3315, skype: markobohanec, E-mail:


Previous Teaching Positions

1991-1996 Assistant for Models and Decision Systems, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1997-2004 Assistant Professor of Information Systems, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj
2004-2009 Associate Professor of Information Systems, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj
2004-2009 Assistant Professor of Informatics in Administration, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Ljubljana

Previous Part-Time Employment

1998-2001 Nova Gorica Polytechnic
2001-2005 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Ljubljana
2007-2009 University of Nova Gorica

Research (until 2019)

Long-Term Research Projects

1979-1982Computer information systems
1983-1985Information systems and data bases
1986-1991Information systems and artificial intelligence
1991-1994Knowledge engineering
1992-1994Automated knowledge synthesis
1995-1997Knowledge synthesis from data
1995-1997Analysis of clynical databases and synthesis of medical knowledge
1997-1999Methods for developing hierarchical models
2000-2002SolEuNet FP5-IST-1999-11495: Data mining and decision support for business competetiveness
2003-2006ECOGEN FP5-QLK5-2002-01666: Soil ecological and economic evaluation of genetically modified crops
2004-2007SIGMEA FP6-SSP1-2002-502981: Sustainable introduction of genetically modified crops into European agriculture
2004-2008 ARRS P2-0103: Knowledge technologies (Tehnologije znanja)
2006-2009Co-Extra FP6-FOOD-2005-7158: GM and non-GM supply chains: their CO-EXistence and TRAceability
2007-2009ARRS J7-9792: Methodological aspects of cognitive process research - learning and decision-making (Metodološki vidiki raziskovanja kognitivnih procesov - učenje in odločanje)
2007-2010HEALTHREATS FP6 STREP 150107: Integrated decision support system for health threats and crises management
2010-2013FIRST FP7-ICT-257928: Large scale information extraction and integration infrastructure for supporting financial decision making
2010-2013e-LICO FP7-STREP: e-Laboratory for interdisciplinary collaborative research in data mining and data-intensive sciences
2013-2016ConCreTe FP7-ICT-FET-611733: Concept creation technology
2013-2016DECATHLON FP7-KBBE-613908: Development of cost efficient advanced DNA-based methods for specific traceability issues and high level on-site applications
2015-2017PD_manager H2020-PHC-643706: mHealth platform for Parkinson’s disease management
2016-2018HeartMan H2020-PHC-689660: Personal decision support system for heart failure management

Targeted Research Projects

2007-2008ARRS V4-0314: Harmonisation of technologies for following genetically modified organisms in food and feed production chain and its co-existence with conventional and ecological production chains (Harmonizacija tehnologij za celovito sledljivost gensko spremenjenih organizmov v produkciji kmetijskih pridelkov in živil ter njihov soobstoj s konvencionalno in ekološko pridelavo)
2007-2008ARRS V4-0351: Guidelines for national strategy of preservation of forest trees genefond due to introduction of genetically modified organisms in agriculture (Priprava podlag za izdelavo nacionalne strategije za zagotavljanje ohranjevanja genofonda gozdnih drevesnih vrst ob uporabi gensko spremenjenih dreves v kmetijstvu)
2007-2008ARRS V5-0226: Development of quality management system in tertiar education (Razvoj sistema kakovosti v terciarnem izobraževanju)

Research & Development Projects

Educational Activities

Organizational Activities


Selected Publications (until 2019)

  1. Bohanec, M., Bratko, I., Rajkovič, V.: An expert system for decision making, in Processes and tools for decision support (ed. Sol, H.G.), 235-248, North-Holland, 1983.
  2. Efstathiou, J., Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: Expert systems and rule based decision support systems, in Computer assisted decision making (ed. Mitra, G.), 165-174, North-Holland, 1986.
  3. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M., Efstathiou, J.: Ranking multiple options with DECMAK, in Effective decision support systems (eds. Hawgood, J., Humphreys, P.), 49-60, Gower Technical Press, 1987.
  4. Rajkovič, V., Efstathiou, J., Bohanec, M.: A concept of rule-based decision support systems, in Optimization models using fuzzy sets and possibility theory (eds. Kacprzyk, J., Orlovski, S.A.), 292-299, D. Riedel Publishing Co., 1987.
  5. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M., Batagelj, V.: Knowledge engineering techniques for utility identification, Acta Psychologica 68(1-3), 271-286, 1988, and in Advances in decision research (eds. Rohrmann, B., Beach, R.L., Vlek, C., Watson, R.S.), North-Holland, 1988.
  6. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: Knowledge acquisition and explanation for multi-attribute decision making, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop "Expert Systems and Their Applications AVIGNON 88", Vol. 1, 59-78, Avignon, 1988.
  7. Olave, M., Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: An application for admission in public school systems, in Expert systems in public administration (eds. Snellen, I.Th.M., van de Donk, W.B.H.J., Baquiast, J.-P.), 145-160, Elsevier, 1989.
  8. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: DEX: An expert system shell for decision support, Sistemica 1(1), 145-157, 1990.
  9. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: Decision support by knowledge explanation, in Environments for Supporting Decision Processes (eds. Sol, H.G., Vecsenyi, J.), 47-57, North-Holland, 1991.
  10. Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M., Leskošek, B., Šturm, J.: A knowledge-based advising system for choosing sports, in Decision support systems: Experiences and expectations (eds. Jelassi, T., Klein, M.R., Mayon-White, W.M.), Elsevier (North-Holland), 215-224, 1992.
  11. Bohanec, M., Urh, B., Rajkovič, V.: Evaluating options by combined qualitative and quantitative methods, Acta Psychologica 80, 67-89, North-Holland, 1992.
  12. Gams, M., Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B.: Is multiple knowledge beneficial?, in Cybernetics and Systems Research '92 (ed. R. Trappl), World Scientific, 49-56, 1992.
  13. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: Knowledge-based explanation in multiattribute decision making, in Computer aided decision analysis: Theory and applications (ed. Nagel, S.), 189-204, Westport: Quorum Books, 1993.
  14. Gams, M., Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B.: A schema for using multiple knowledge, in Computational learning theory and natural learning systems (eds. Hanson, S.J., Petsche, T., Kearns, M., Rivest, R.L.), 157-170, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994.
  15. Bohanec, M., Bratko, I.: Trading accuracy for simplicity in decision trees, Machine Learning 15, 223-250, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
  16. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V., Semolič, B., Pogačnik, A.: Knowledge-based portfolio analysis for project evaluation, Information & Management 28, 293-302, Elsevier, 1995.
  17. Bohanec, M., Bratko, I.: Representing examples by examples, in Mathematical and statistical methods in artificial intelligence (eds. Della Riccia, G., Kruse, R., Viertl, R.), 221-235, Vienna: Springer-Verlag, 1995.
  18. Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Rajkovič, V.: A management decision support system for allocating housing loans, in Implementing systems for supporting management decisions (eds. Humphreys, P., Bannon, L., McCosh, A., Migliarese, P., Pomerol, J.-C.), 34-43, London: Chapman & Hall, 1996.
  19. Špendl, R., Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: Primerjava kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih odločitvenih metod: DEX in AHP pri ocenjevanju projektov, Zbornik 15. posvetovanja organizatorjev dela, Portorož, 10.-12. april 1996 "Organizacija in management", Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 190-199, 1996.
  20. Demšar, J., Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Bratko, I.: Constructing intermediate concepts by decomposition of real functions, in Machine Learning: ECML-97 (eds. van Someren, M., Widmer, G), 93-107, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
  21. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Bratko, I., Demšar, J.: Machine learning by function decomposition, in Proceedings ICML-97 (ed. Fisher, D.H.), 421-429, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1997.
  22. Bohanec, M., Zupan, B., Bratko, I., Cestnik, B.: A function-decomposition method for development of hierarchical multi-attribute decision models, in Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems ISDSS-97, 503-514, Lausanne, 1997.
  23. Bohanec, M., Rems, M., Slavec, S., Urh, B.: Ptah: A system for supporting nosocomial infection therapy, in Intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology (eds. Lavrač, N., Keravnou, E., Zupan, B.), 99-111, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
  24. Bohanec, M., Kapus, V., Leskošek, B., Rajkovič, V. (eds.): Talent: ekspertni sistem za usmerjanje otrok in mladine v športne panoge, uporabniški priročnik, Ljubljana; Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 97 str., 1997.
  25. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Demšar, J., Bratko I.: Feature transformation by function decomposition, IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(2), 38-43, 1998.
  26. Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Rajkovič, V.: Evaluation models for housing loan allocation in the context of floats, in Context sensitive decision support systems (eds. Berkeley, D., Widmeyer, G.R., Brezillon, P., Rajkovič, V.), 174-189, London: Chapman & Hall, 1998.
  27. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M.: Experimental evaluation of three partition selection measures for decision table decomposition, Informatica 22, 207-217, 1998.
  28. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Demšar, J., Bratko I.: Feature transformation by function decomposition, in Feature extraction, construction and selection: A data mining perspective (eds. Liu, H., Motoda, H.), 325-340, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
  29. Zupan, B., Bohanec, M., Demšar, J., Bratko, I.: Learning by discovering concept hierarchies, Artificial Intelligence 109, 211-242, 1999.
  30. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: Multi-attribute decision modeling: Industrial applications of DEX, Informatica 23, 487-491, 1999.
  31. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V., Leskošek, B., Kapus, V.: Expert knowledge management for sports talent identification and advising process, in Decision Support through Knowledge Management (eds. Carlsson, S.A., Brezillon, P., Humphreys, P., Lundberg, B.G., McCosh, A.M., Rajkovič, V.), IFIP, 46-59, 2000.
  32. Zupan, B., Bratko, I., Bohanec, M., Demšar, J.: Induction of concept hierarchies from noisy data, in Proceedings ICML-2000 (ed. Langley, P.), 1199-1206, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2000.
  33. Bohanec, M., Zupan, B., Rajkovič, V.: Applications of qualitative multi-attribute decision models in health care, International Journal of Medical Informatics 58-59, 191-205, 2000.
  34. Bohanec, M., Moyle, S., Wettschereck, D., Mikšovský, P.: A software architecture for data pre-processing using data mining and decision support models, IDDM-2001: ECML/PKDD-2001 Workshop Integrating Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning (eds. Giraud-Carrier, C., Lavrač, N., Moyle, S., Kavšek, B.), Freiburg, 13-24, 2001.
  35. Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Rajkovič, V.: Qualitative multi-attribute modeling and its application in housing, Journal of Decision Systems 10, 175-193, 2001.
  36. Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Grobelnik, M., Mladenić, D., Alves, M., Jorge, A., Moyle, S.: Describing decision support, data mining, and text/web mining studies in SolEuNet, IDDM-2002: Second International Workshop Integration and Collaboration Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning (eds. M. Bohanec, B. Kavšek, N. Lavrač, D. Mladenić), University of Helsinki, Report B-2002-3, 19-24, 2002.
  37. Leskošek, B., Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: The use of expert methods in the orientation of children into different sports, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Kinanthropologica 38(2), 33-44, 2002.
  38. Leben, A., Bohanec, M.: Evaluation of life-event portals: Multi-attribute model and case study, Knowledge management in electronic government (ed. Wimmer, M.A.), 4th IFIP International Working Conference KMGov 2003, Rhodes, Greece, 25-36, 2003.
  39. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Bratko, I.: Categorization of numerical values for DEX hierarchical models, Informatica 27, 405-409, 2003.
  40. Špendl, R., Rajkovič, V., Bohanec, M.: Comparative analysis of AHP and DEX decision making methods, International Conference on Methodology and Statistics (eds. A. Mrvar, A. Ferligoj), Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 14-17, 2003, Ljubljana: Center of Methodology and Informatics, 65-66, 2003.
  41. Leben, A., Bohanec, M.: Architecture of an active life-event portal: A knowledge-based approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3035, Springer-Verlag, 131-140, 2004.
  42. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: Orodje za verjetnostno modeliranje odločitev po metodologiji DEX, IS2004: Zbornik 7. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba 2004, zvezek C (eds. Trček, D., Likar, B., Grobelnik, M., Mladenić, D., Gams, M., Bohanec, M.). Ljubljana, 9.-15.10.2004, Institut Jožef Stefan, 139-142, 2004.
  43. Moyle, S., Ostrowski, E., Bohanec, M.: Knowledge development using data mining: A specific application in the construction industry. Leveraging corporate knowledge (ed. Truch, E.), Gower, 181-197, 2004.
  44. Bohanec, M., Zupan, B.: Integrating decision support and data mining by hierarchical multi-attribute decision models, IDDM-2001: ECML/PKDD-2001 Workshop Integrating Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning (eds. Giraud-Carrier, C., Lavrač, N., Moyle, S., Kavšek, B.), Freiburg, 25-36, 2001.
  45. Zupan, B., Demšar, J., Kattan, M.W., Ohori, M., Graefen, M., Bohanec, M., Beck, J.R.: Orange and Decisions-At-Hand: Bridging predictive data mining and decision support, IDDM-2001: ECML/PKDD-2001 Workshop Integrating Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning (eds. Giraud-Carrier, C., Lavrač, N., Moyle, S., Kavšek, B.), Freiburg, 151-162, 2001.
  46. Cestnik, B., Bohanec, M.: Decision support in housing loan allocation: A case study, IDDM-2001: ECML/PKDD-2001 Workshop Integrating Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning: Positions, Developments and Future Directions (eds. Giraud-Carrier, C., Lavrač, N., Moyle, S., Kavšek, B.), Freiburg, 21-30, 2001.
  47. Urbančič, T., Bohanec, M., Kontić, B.: Learning through collaborative problem-solving: A case in environmental decision making, IDDM-2001: ECML/PKDD-2001 Workshop Integrating Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning: Positions, Developments and Future Directions (eds. Giraud-Carrier, C., Lavrač, N., Moyle, S., Kavšek, B.), Freiburg, 31-41, 2001.
  48. Bohanec, M.: What is decision support?, Proc. Information Society IS-2001: Data Mining and Decision Support in Action!, (eds. Škrjanc, M., Mladenić, D.), Ljubljana, 86-89, 2001.
  49. Gasar, S., Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: Combined data mining and decision support approach to the prediction of academic achievement, IDDM-2002: Second International Workshop Integration and Collaboration Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning (eds. M. Bohanec, B. Kavšek, N. Lavrač, D. Mladenić), University of Helsinki, Report B-2002-3, 41-52, 2002.
  50. Moyle, S., Bohanec, M., Ostrowski, E.: Large and tall buildings: A case study in the application of decision support and data mining, IDDM-2002: Second International Workshop Integration and Collaboration Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning (eds. M. Bohanec, B. Kavšek, N. Lavrač, D. Mladenić), University of Helsinki, Report B-2002-3, 88-99, 2002.
  51. Mladenić, D., Lavrač, N., Bohanec, M., Moyle, S. (eds.): Data mining and decision support: Integration and collaboration. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
  52. Jereb, E., Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: DEXi: Računalniški program za večparametrsko odločanje, Moderna organizacija, Kranj, 2003.
  53. Bohanec, M., Zupan, B.: A function-decomposition method for development of hierarchical multi-attribute decision models, Decision Support Systems 36, 215-233, 2004.
  54. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M.: Revision of qualitative multi-attribute decision models, DSS2004: The 2004 IFIP International Conference on Decision Support Systems: Decision Support in an Uncertain and Complex World (eds. R. Meredith, G. Shanks, D. Arnott, S. Carlson), 881-888, 2004.
  55. Vintar, M., Grad, J. (ur.): E-uprava: Izbrane razvojne perspektive, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za upravo, 2004.:
  56. Bohanec, M., Džeroski, S., Žnidaršič, M., Messéan, A., Scatasta, S., Wesseler, J.: Multi-attribute modeling of economic and ecological impacts of cropping systems, Informatica 28, 387-392, 2004.
  57. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M.: Data-based revision of probability distributions in qualitative multi-attribute decision models, Intelligent Data Analysis 9, 159-174, 2005.
  58. Jarimo, T., Ljubič, P., Salkari, I., Bohanec, M., Lavrač, N., Žnidaršič, M., Bollhalter, S., Hodik, J.: Hierarchical multi-attribute decision support approach to virtual organization creation, Collaborative networks and their breeding environments (eds. L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, A. Ortiz), Springer-Verlag, 135-142, 2005.
  59. Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 3.00. IJS Report DP-9989, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2008.
    [Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]
  60. Kontić, B., Bohanec, M., Urbančič, T.: An experiment in participative environmental decision making. The Environmentalist 26, 5-15, 2006.
  61. Pur, A., Pribaković Brinovec, R., Lavrač, N., Debeljak, M., Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Urbančič, T., Albreht, T., Kopač, T., Kobler, A., Klemenc, J., Lukšič, P.: Sodobne metode analiziranja in vrednotenja primarne in sekundarne ravni zdravstvenega varstva, Bilten 22(1), 4-17, 2006.
  62. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Zupan, B.: Higher-order uncertainty approach to revision of probabilistic quantitative multi-attribute decision models. Creativity and innovation in decision making and decision support (eds. F. Adam, P. Brézillon, S. Carlsson, P. Humphreys), Decision Support Press, 817-833, 2006.
  63. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Zupan, B.: proDEX - A DSS tool for environmental decision-making. Environmental Modelling & Software 21, 1514-1516, 2006.
  64. Bohanec, M., Messéan, A., Angevin, F., Žnidaršič, M.: SMAC Advisor: A decision-support tool on coexistence of genetically-modified and conventional maize. Proc. Information Society IS 2006, Ljubljana, 9-12, 2006
  65. Verdev. M., Bohanec, M., Džeroski, S.: Decision support for a waste electrical and electronic equipment treatment system. Proc. Information Society IS 2006, Ljubljana, 89-92, 2006.
  66. Scatasta, S., Wesseler, J., Demont, M., Bohanec, M., Džeroski, S., Žnidaršič, M.: Multi-attribute modelling of economic and ecological impacts of agricultural innovations on cropping systems. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 4(2), 2006.
  67. Leben, A., Kunstelj, M., Bohanec, M., Vintar, M.: Evaluating public administration e-portals. Information Polity 21(3/4), 207-225, 2006.
  68. Bohanec, M.: Odločanje in modeli. DMFA - založništvo, 2006. [O knjigi...]
  69. Pur, A., Bohanec, M., Lavrač, N., Cestnik, B., Debeljak, M., Gradišek, A.: Monitoring human resources of a public health-care system through intelligent data analysis and visualization. Artificial intelligence in medicine (eds. R. Belazzi, A. Abu-Hanna, J. Hunter), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4594, Springer-Verlag, 174-179, 2007.
  70. Pur, A., Bohanec, M., Lavrač, N., Cestnik, B.: Data presentation methods for monitoring a public health-care system. MEDICON 2007: 11th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Enginering and Computing 26-30.6.2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (eds. P. Kramar, T. Jarm, A. Županič, D. Miklavčič), New York: Springer: International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, 708-711, 2007.
  71. Lavrač, N., Bohanec, M., Pur, A., Cestnik, B., Debeljak, M., Kobler, A.: Data mining and visualization for decision support and modeling of public health-care resources. Journal of biomedical informatics 40(4), 438-447, 2007.
  72. Bohanec, M., Messéan, A., Scatasta, S., Žnidaršič, M., Angevin, F., Griffiths, B., Krogh, P.H., Džeroski, S.: The "Grignon Model": Qualitative assessment of maize cropping systems. Poster at the SIGMEA Workshop, NIAB, Cambridge, 16.-19.4.2007.
  73. Cortet, J., Griffiths, B., Bohanec, M., Demšar, D., Andersen, M.N., Caul, S. Birch, A.N.E., Pernin, C., Tabone, E., de Vaufleury, A., Ke, X., Krogh, P.H.: Evaluation of effects of transgenic Bt maize on microarthropods in a European multi-site experiment. Pedobiologia 51(3), 207-218, 2007.
  74. Krogh, P.H., Griffiths, B., Demšar, D., Bohanec, M., Debeljak, M., Andersen, M.N., Sausse, C., Birch, A.N.E., Caul, S., Holmstrup, M., Heckmann, L.-H., Cortet, J.: Responses by earthworms to reduced tillage in herbicide tolerant maize and Bt maize cropping systems. Pedobiologia 51(3), 219-227, 2007.
  75. Bohanec, M., Cortet, J., Griffiths, B., Žnidaršič, M., Debeljak, M., Caul, S., Thompson, J., Krogh, P.H.: A qualitative multi-attribute model for assessing the impact of cropping systems on soil quality. Pedobiologia 51(3), 239-250, 2007.
  76. Bohanec, M.: DEXiTree: A program for pretty drawing of trees. Proc. Information Society IS 2007, Ljubljana, 8-11, 2007.
  77. Taškova, K., Stojanova, D., Bohanec, M., Džeroski, S.: A qualitative decision-support model for evaluating researchers. Informatica 31(4), 479-486, 2007.
  78. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M.: Automatic revision of qualitative multi-attribute decision models. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 32(4), 315-326, 2007.
  79. Jarimo, T., Ljubič, P., Hodík, J., Salkari, I., Bohanec, M., Lavrač, N.: Multi-criteria partner selection in virtual organizations. Encyclopedia of networked and virtual organizations (eds. G.D. Putnik, M.M. Cunha), Vol. 2, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 964-970, 2008.
  80. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Zupan, B.: Modelling impacts of cropping systems: Demands and solutions for DEX methodology. European Journal of Operational Research 189, 594-608, 2008.
  81. Omerčević, D., Zupančič, M., Bohanec, M., Kastelic, T.: Intelligent response to highway traffic situations and road incidents. Proc. TRA 2008, Transport Research Arena Europe 2008, 21-24 April 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ed. A. Žnidarič). Ljubljana: DDC svetovanje inženiring: ZAG, Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije: DRC, Družba v cestni in prometni stroki Slovenije, 1-6, 2008.
  82. Bohanec, M., Messéan, A., Scatasta, S., Angevin, F., Griffiths, B., Krogh, P.H., Žnidaršič, M., Džeroski, S.: A qualitative multi-attribute model for economic and ecological assessment of genetically modified crops. Ecological Modelling 215, 247-261, 2008.
  83. Bohanec, M., Žnidaršič, M.: Supporting decisions about the introduction of genetically modified crops. Colaborative decision making: Perspectives and challenges (eds. P. Zaraté, J.P. Belaud, G. Camillieri, F. Ravat), Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications 176, IOS Press, 404-415, 2008.
  84. Griffiths, B., Hallett, P., Bohanec, M., Osler, G., Ball, B.C.: A qualitative multi-attribute model for assessing the impact of management options on soil sustainability. Agriculture and the environment VII: Land management in a changing environment (eds. K. Crighton, R. Audsley), Proceedigs of the SAC and SEPA biennial conference, Edinburgh, 26-27.3.2008, 63-67, 2008.
  85. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Zupan, B.: Data-driven revision of decision models. Encyclopedia of networked and virtual organizations (ed. J. Wang), Vol. 2, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 617-623, 2008.
  86. Bohanec, M.: Učenje in odločanje: Analiza definicij osnovnih konceptov v Wikipedii z metodami analize besedil in omrežij Proc. Information Society IS 2008, Ljubljana, 305-308, 2008.
  87. Bohanec, M., Cortet, J., Griffiths, B., Žnidaršič, M., Debeljak, M., Caul, S., Thompson, J., Krogh, P.H.: ECOGEN Soil Quality Index. Poster at the ICSZ XV International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba, Brazil, 25.-29.8.2008.
  88. Pur, A., Bohanec, M., Cestnik, B., Lavrač, N.: Monitoring human resources of a public health-care system through intelligent data analysis and visualization. Data mining in medical and biological research (ed. E.G. Giannopoulou), In-Teh, 149-158, 2008.
  89. Rozman, Č., Potočnik, M., Pažek, K., Borec, A., Majkovič, D., Bohanec, M.: A multi-criteria assessment of tourist farm service quality. Tourism Management 30, 629-637, 2009.
  90. Bohanec, M., Bertheau, Y., Brera, C., Gruden, K., Holst-Jensen, A., Kok, E.J., Lécroart, B., Messéan, A., Miraglia, M., Onori, R., Prins, T.W., Soler, L.-G., Žnidaršič, M.: The Co-Extra decision support system: A model-based integration of project results. Co-Extra International Conference, 2.-5.6.2009, Paris, France, 63-64, 2009.
  91. Gruden, K., Holst-Jensen, A., Bertheau, Y., Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M.: Analytical DSS module - how to support decisions in the analytical lab. ibid. 65-66, 2009.
  92. Kok, E.J., Prins, T.W., Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M.: DSS modules on transportation (TM module) and on unapproved GMOs (UGM module). ibid. 67-68, 2009.
  93. Bohanec, M., Kok, E.J., Žnidaršič, M., Smelt, A.: Decision support for detection of unauthorized genetically modified organisms in food and feed products. EURO 2009, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 5.-8.7.2009, Bonn, Germany, 188-189, 2009.
  94. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Kok, E.J., Prins, T.W.: Qualitative risk assessment for adventitious presence of unauthorized genetically modified organisms. Proceedings of ISIT 2009, 1st International Conference on Information Society and Information Technologies, Novo mesto: Faculty of information studies. 12.-13.10.2009, Dolenjske Toplice, 7 p., 2009.
  95. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Lavrač, N., Cestnik, B.: Project self-evaluation methodology: The Healthreats project case study. Proc. Information Society IS 2009, Ljubljana, 85-88, 2009.
  96. Bohanec, M.: Računalnik in odločanje: Odločitveni modeli in sistemi za podporo pri odločanju. Proc. Information Society IS 2009, Ljubljana, 350-353, 2009.
  97. Bohanec, M.: Odločanje v računalništvu in informatiki. Konteksti odločanja (eds. A. Ule, O. Markič, U. Kordeš). Zbirka Dialogi, Aristej, Maribor, 73-93, 2009. [O knjigi...]
  98. Bohanec, M., Kordeš, U.: Dimenzije odločanja. ibid. 161-169, 2009.
  99. Bohanec, M.: Decision making: A computer-science and information-technology viewpoint. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 7(2), 22-37. 2009. [Accessible from, file indecs_7_2.pdf]
  100. Bohanec, M., Žnidaršič, M.: Izkušnje z večparametrskimi odločitvenimi modeli pri podpori odločanja o gensko spremenjenih organizmih. DAES 2010: Sodobni izzivi menedžmenta v agroživilstvu (ur. Č. Rozman, S. Kavčič), Pivola, 18.-19.3.2010, 29-37, 2010.
  101. Pavlovič, V., Čerenak, A., Pavlovič, M., Košir, I.J., Rozman, Č., Bohanec, M.: Modelno napovedovanje vsebnosti alfa-kislin pri hmelju za podjetniško odločanje v hmeljarstvu. DAES 2010: Sodobni izzivi menedžmenta v agroživilstvu (ur. Č. Rozman, S. Kavčič), Pivola, 18.-19.3.2010, 81-90, 2010.
  102. Lipušček, I., Bohanec, M., Oblak, L., Zadnik Stirn, L.: A multi-criteria decision-making model for classifying wood products with respect to their impact on environment. International Journal on Life Cycle Assessment 15(4), 359-367, 2010.
  103. Pur, A., Bohanec, M., Lavrač, N., Cestnik, B.: Primary health-care network monitoring: A hierarchical resource allocation modeling approach. International Journal of Health Planning and Management 25(2), 119-135, 2010.
  104. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M.: Handling uncertainty in DEX methodology. URPDM 2010: Uncertainty and robustness in planning and decision making (eds. C.H. Antunes, D.R. Insua, L.C. Dias), Proceedings of the 25th Mini-EURO Conference, University of Coimbra - Portugal, 15-17 April 2010.
  105. Baroni, P., Fogli, D., Giacomin, M., Guida, G., Parasiliti Provenza, L., Rossi, M., Bohanec, M., Žnidaršič, M.: Supporting DSS acceptability through a user-centered design methodology: Experiences in emergency management. DSS 2010: Bridging the socio-technical gap in decision support systems: Challenges for the next decade (eds. A. Respício, F. Adam, G. Phillips-Wren, C. Teixeira, J. Telhada). DSS 2010: 15th IFIP WG 8.3 International Conference, July 7-10, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 87-98, 2010.
  106. Mouron, P., Aubert, U., Heijne, B., Naef, A., Strassemeyer, J., Hayer, F., Gaillard, G., Mack, G., Hernandez, J., Avilla, J., Solé, J., Saupanor, B., Alaphilippe, A., Patocchi, A., Samietz, J., Höhn, H., Bravin, E., Lavigne, C., Bohanec, M., Bigler, F.: A multicriteria decision method assessing the overall sustainability of new crop protection strategies: The case of apple growing in Europe. Building sustainable rural futures: The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty (eds. I. Darnhofer, M. Grötzer). 9th European IFSA Symposium, 4-7 July 2010, Vienna, Austria. 931-941, 2010.
  107. Griffiths, B.S., Ball, B.C., Daniell, T.J., Hallett, P.D., Neilson, R., Wheatley, R.E., Osler, G., Bohanec, M.: Integrating soil quality changes to arable agricultural systems following organic matter addition, or adoption of a ley-arable rotation. Applied Soil Ecology 46(1), 43-53, 2010.
  108. Stubelj Ars, M., Bohanec, M.: Towards the ecotourism: A decision support model for the assessment of sustainability of mountain huts in the Alps. Journal of Environmental Management 91(12), 2554-2564, 2010.
  109. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Lavrač, N., Cestnik, B.: The Healthreats project internal evaluation, Health threats in the European Union, Brescia, 24th September 2010, 83-91, 2010.
  110. Mileva-Boshkoska, B., Bohanec, M.: Non-linear methods for ranking qualitative non-monotone decision preferences. Proc. Information Society IS 2010, Ljubljana, 31-34, 2010.
  111. Li, X., Bohanec, M.: Integrating DEXi evaluation models into decision deck d2 software. Proc. Information Society IS 2010, Ljubljana, 27-30, 2010.
  112. Li, X., Bohanec, M.: Transferring DEXi qualitative decision models into Decision Deck platform through the XMCDA standard. Proc. Information Society and Information Technologies ISIT 2010, Dolenjske Toplice, Novo mesto: Faculty of Information Studies, 6 p., 2010.
  113. Pavlovič, M., Čerenak, A., Pavlovič, V., Rozman, Č., Pažek, K., Bohanec, M.: Development of DEX-HOP multi-attribute decision model for preliminary hop hybrids assessment. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 75, 181-189, 2011.
  114. Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 3.03. IJS Report DP-10707, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2011.
    [Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]
  115. Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 3.04. IJS Report DP-11153, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2012.
    [Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]
  116. Bohanec, M.: Odločanje in modeli. 1. ponatis, DMFA - založništvo, 2012. [O knjigi...]
  117. Trdin, N., Bohanec, M.: Extending the multi-criteria decision making method DEX. Proceedings of the 4th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students Conference (eds. D. Petelin, A. Tavčar, B. Kaluža), 25 May 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 182-187, 2012.
  118. Mileva-Boshkoska, B., Bohanec, M.: Ranking of qualitative decision option using copulas. Operations research proceedings 2011 (eds. D. Klatte, H.-J. Lüthi, K. Schmedders). International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), 30.8.-2.9.2011, Zürich, Switzerland. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 103-108, 2012.
  119. Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Trdin, N.: Qualitative assessment of data-mining workflows. Fusing decision support systems into the fabric of the context (eds. A. Respício, F. Burstein). 16th IFIP WG8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems, 28-30.6.2012, Anávissos, Greece. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 75-88, 2012.
  120. Mileva-Boshkoska, B., Bohanec, M.: A method for ranking non-linear qualitative decision preferences using copulas. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology 4(2), 42-58, 2012.
  121. Mouron, P., Heijne, B., Naef, A., Strassemeyer, J., Hayer, F., Avilla, J., Alaphilippe, A., Höhn, H., Hernandez, J., Mack, G., Gaillard, G., Solé, J., Sauphanor, B., Patocchi, A., Samietz, J., Bravin, E., Lavigne, C., Bohanec, M., Golla, B., Scheer, C., Aubert, U., Bigler, F.: Sustainability assessment of crop protection systems: SustainOS methodology and its application for apple orchards. Agricultural Systems 113, 1-15, 2012.
  122. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V., Bratko, I., Zupan, B., Žnidaršič, M.: DEX methodology: Thirty three years of qualitative multi-attribute modelling. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Information Society IS 2012, 8.-12.10.2012, Ljubljana, 31-34, 2012.
  123. Marinič, S., Bohanec, M.: Večparametrsko vrednotenje variant v odvisnosti od konteksta: Model za vrednotenje strešnih kritin. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Information Society IS 2012, 8.-12.10.2012, Ljubljana, 76-79, 2012.
  124. Mouron, P., Aubert, U., Heijne, B., Naef, A., Strassemeyer, J., Hayer, F., Gaillard, G., Mack, G., Hernandez, J., Avilla, J., Solé, J., Sauphanor, B., Alaphilippe, A., Patocchi, A., Samietz, J., Höhn, H., Bravin, E., Lavigne, C., Bohanec, M., Bigler, F.: A multi-attribute decision method for assessing the overall sustainability of crop protection strategies: A case study based on apple production in Europe. Methods and procedures for building sustainable farming systems (eds. Costa, A-A.M., Soares de Silva, E.L.), 20 p., Oxford: Elsevier, 2013.
  125. Holst-Jensen, A., Berdal, K.G., Bertheau, Y., Bohanec, M., Bohlin, J., Chaouachi, M., Gruden, K., Hamels, S., Kok, E.J., Krech, A., Kristoffersen, A.B., Laval, V., Leimanis, S., Lovoll, M., Morisset, D., Nemeth, A., Papazova, N., Prins, T.W., Remacle, J., Richl, P., Ruttink, T., Taverniers, I., Tengs, T., van Dijk, J.P., Wulff, D., Žel, J., Zhang, H., Žnidaršič, M.: Towards detection of unknown GMOs. Genetically modified and non-genetically modified food supply chains: Co-existence and traceability (ed. Bertheau, Y.), 361-382, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  126. Bohanec, M., Bertheau, Y., Brera, C., Gruden, K., Holst-Jensen, A., Kok, E.J., Lécroart, B., Messéan, A., Miraglia, M., Onori, R., Prins, T.W., Soler, L.-G., Žnidaršič, M.: The Co-Extra decision support system: A model-based integration of project results. Genetically modified and non-genetically modified food supply chains: Co-existence and traceability (ed. Bertheau, Y.), 461-489, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  127. Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V., Bratko, I., Zupan, B., Žnidaršič, M.: DEX methodology: Three decades of qualitative multi-attribute modelling. Informatica 37, 49-54, 2013.
  128. Alić, I., Siering, M., Bohanec, M.: Hot stock or not? A qualitative multi-attribute model to detect financial market manipulation. eInnovation: Challenges and impacts for individuals, organizations and society, Proceedings of 26th Bled eConference (ed. D.L.Wigand), June 9-13, 2013, Bled, Slovenia, Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 64-77, 2013.
  129. Bohanec, M.: Odločanje in računalništvo. Panika 16(2), 45-47, 2013.
  130. Bohanec, M., Aprile, G., Costante, M., Foti, M., Trdin, N.: Decision support model for the assessment of bank reputational risk. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Information Society IS 2013, 7.-11.10.2013, Ljubljana, 11-14, 2013.
  131. Trdin, N., Bohanec, M., Janža, M.: Decision support system for management of water sources. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Information Society IS 2013, 7.-11.10.2013, Ljubljana, 118-121, 2013.
  132. Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 4.00. IJS Report DP-11340, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2013.
    [Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]
  133. Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 4.01. IJS Report DP-11739, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2014.
    [Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]
  134. Bohanec, M., Aprile, G., Costante, M., Foti, M., Trdin, N.: A hierarchical multi-attribute model for bank reputational risk assessment. DSS 2.0 -- Supporting Decision Making with New Technologies (eds. Phillips-Wren, G., Carlsson, S., Respício, A., Brézillon, P.), Amsterdam: IOS Press, ISBN 978-1-61499-398-8, 92-103, 2014.
  135. Trdin, N., Bohanec, M.: New Generation Platform for Multi-Criteria Decision Making with Method DEX. DSS 2.0 -- Supporting Decision Making with New Technologies, Supplemental Proceedings (eds. Phillips-Wren, G., Carlsson, S., Burstein, F., Respício, A., Brézillon, P.), IFIP Working Group 8.3 digital publications, ISSN 1647-7103, 12 p., 2014.
  136. Stream on "Qualitative Multiple Criteria Decision Making". IFORS 2014, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Barcelona, Spain, 13.-16.7.2014.
  137. Vidulin, V., Bohanec, M., Gams, M.: Combining human analysis and machine data mining to obtain credible data relations. Information Sciences 288, 254-278, 2014.
  138. Mihelčić, M., Bohanec, M.: Approximating DEX utility functions with methods UTA and ACUTA. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference Information Society IS 2014, Volume A, 7.-8.10.2014, Ljubljana, 62-65, 2014.
  139. Baroni, P., Fogli, D., Giacomin, M., Guida, G., Parasiliti Provenza, L., Rossi, M., Bohanec, M., Žnidaršič, M.: A participatory approach to designing decision support systems in emergency management. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology 6(1), 60-80, 2014.
  140. Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 5.00. IJS Report DP-11897, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2015.
    [Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]
  141. Mileva Boshkoska, B., Bohanec, M., Boškoski, P., Juričić, Đ.: Copula-based decision support system for quality ranking in the manufacturing of electronically commutated motors. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 26, 281-293, doi: 10.1007/s10845-013-0781-7, 2015.
  142. Bohanec, M., Delibašić, B.: Data-mining and expert models for predicting injury risk in ski resorts. Decision Support Systems V - Big Data Analytics for Decision Making, First International Conference ICDSST 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, May 27-29, 2015, Springer, 46-60, 2015.
  143. Craheix, D., Bergez, J.-E., Angevin, F., Bockstaller, C., Bohanec, M., Colomb, B., Doré, T., Fortino, G., Guichard, L., Pelzer, E., Méssean, A., Reau, R., Sadok, W.: Guidelines to design models assessing agricultural sustainability, based upon feedbacks from the DEXi decision support system, Agronomy for sustainable development (in press), 17 p., doi: 10.1007/s13593-015-0315-0, 2015.
  144. Bohanec, M., Trdin, N., Kontić, B.: A qualitative multi-criteria model for the evaluation of electric energy production technologies in Slovenia. SOR-2015: 13th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, Bled, Slovenia, September 23-25, 2015 (eds. Zadnik Stirn, L., et al.), Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, 11-16, 2015.
  145. Mihelčić, M., Bohanec, M.: Empirical comparison of three methods for approximating DEX utility functions. SOR-2015: 13th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, Bled, Slovenia, September 23-25, 2015 (eds. Zadnik Stirn, L., et al.), Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, 29-34, 2015.
  146. Rozman, Č., Pažek, K., Pavlovič, V., Bohanec, M., Pavlovič, M.: Application of multi criteria DEX model in hop breeding. SOR-2015: 13th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, Bled, Slovenia, September 23-25, 2015 (eds. Zadnik Stirn, L., et al.), Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, 40-44, 2015.
  147. Bohanec, M.: Decision support systems for Parkinson's disease: State of the art and the "PD_manager" approach. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Information Society IS 2015, Volume A, 7.10.2015, Ljubljana, 9-12, 2015.
  148. Kontić, B., Bohanec, M., Kontić, D., Trdin, N., Matko, M.: Improving appraisal of sustainability of energy options - A view from Slovenia, Energy Policy 90, 154-171, 2016.
  149. Damij, N., Boškoski, P., Bohanec, M., Mileva-Boshkoska, B.: Ranking of business process simulation software tools with DEX/QQ hierarchical decision model, PloS one 11(2), 0148391-1-0148391-16, 2016.
  150. Ravnikar, T., Bohanec, M., Muri, G.: Monitoring and assessment of anthropogenic activities in mountain lakes: A case of the Fifth Triglav Lake in the Julian Alps Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(4), 1-17, 2016.
  151. Gatsios, D., Rigas, G., Miljković, D., Koroušić-Seljak, B., Bohanec, M., Arredondo, M.S., Antonini, A., Konitsiotis, S., Fotiadis, D.I.: Mhealth platform for Parkinson's disease management. CBHI 2016, 18th International Conference on Biomedicine and Health Informatics, February 25-26, Dubai, UAE, 2016.
  152. Bohanec, M., Mileva-Boshkoska, B., Prins, T.W., Kok, E.: SIGMO: A decision support system for identification of genetically modified food or feed products. Food Control, 71, 168-177, 2016.
  153. Mihelčić, M., Bohanec, M.: Approximating incompletely defined utility functions of qualitative multi-criteria modeling method DEX. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-23, 2016.
  154. Mileva Boshkoska, B., Bohanec, M., Prins, T.W., Kok, E.J.: Usage of SIGMO, a decision support system for the assessment of genetically modified organisms in food and feed. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Information Society IS 2016, Volume A, 12.10.2016, Ljubljana, 5-8, 2016.
  155. Luštrek, M., Dovgan, E., Vodopija, A., Bohanec, M., Baert, A., Pardaens, S., Clays, E.: Aplikacija za pomoč pri telesni vadbi bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Information Society IS 2016, Volume G, 10-11.10.2016, Ljubljana, 61-62, 2016.
  156. Bohanec, M., Trdin, N., Kontić, B.: A qualitative multi-criteria modelling approach to the assessment of electric energy production technologies in Slovenia. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-15, 2016.
  157. Miljković, D., Lavrač, N., Bohanec, M., Mileva Boshkoska, B.: Detection of dependencies between literature domains through relation extraction and copulas. CoDIt 2016: International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, April 6-8, 2016, St. Paul's Bay, Malta Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, April 6-8, 2016, St. Paul's Bay, Malta, 302-307, 2016.
  158. Bohanec, M.: Multi-criteria DEX models: An overview and analysis. SOR-2017: 14th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, Bled, Slovenia, September 27-29, 2017 (eds. Zadnik Stirn, L., et al.), Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, 155-160, 2017.
  159. Mileva Boshkoska, B., Miljković, D., Valmarska, A., Gatsios, D., Rigas, G., Konitsiotis, S., Tsiouris, K.M., Fotiadis, D.I., Bohanec, M.: A state-transition decision support model for medication change of Parkinson's disease patients. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Information Society IS 2017, Volume A, Ljubljana, 63-66, 2017.
  160. Bohanec, M., Dovgan, E., Maslov, P., Vodopija, A., Luštrek, M., Puddu, P.E., Schiariti, M., Ciancarelli, M.C., Baert, A., Pardaens, S., Clays, E.: Designing a personal decision support system for congestive heart failure management. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Information Society IS 2017, Volume A, Ljubljana, 67-70, 2017.
  161. Tsiouris, K.M., Gatsios, D., Rigas, G., Miljković, D., Koroušić-Seljak, B., Bohanec, M., Arredondo, M.T., Antonini, A., Konitsiotis, S., Koutsouris, D.D., Fotiadis, D.I.: PD_Manager: An mHealth platform for Parkinson's disease patient management, Healthcare Technology Letters 4(3), 102-108, 2017.
  162. Trdin, N., Bohanec, M.: Extending the multi-criteria decision making method DEX with numeric attributes, value distributions and relational models. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-24, 2018.
  163. Dobnik, D., Gruden, K., Žel, J., Bertheau, Y., Holst-Jensen, A., Bohanec, M.: Decision support for the comparative evaluation and selection of analytical methods: Detection of genetically modified organisms as an example. Food Analytical Methods, 2018.
  164. Nusev, G., Boškoski, P., Bohanec, M., Mileva Boshkoska, B.: A DSS model for selection of computer on module based on PROMETHEE and DEX methods. Decision Support Systems VIII: Sustainable data driven and evidence-based decision support: 4th International Conference, ICDSST 2018 Heraklion, Greece, May 22-25, 2018 (ed. Dargam, F.), ISSN 1865-1348, LNBIP 313, 157-168, 2018.
  165. Bohanec, M., Miljković, D., Valmarska, A., Mileva Boshkoska, B., Gasparoli, E., Gentile, G., Koutsikos, K., Marcante, A., Antonini, A., Gatsios, D., Rigas, F., Fotiadis, D.I., Tsiouris, K.M., Konitsiotis, S.: A decision support system for Parkinson disease management: Expert models for suggesting medication change. Journal of Decision Systems 27, 164-172, 2018.
  166. Delibašić, B., Radovanović, S., Jovanović, M., Bohanec, M., Suknović, M.: Integrating knowledge from DEX hierarchies into a logistic regression stacking model for predicting ski injuries. Journal of Decision Systems 27, 201-208, 2018.
  167. Mileva Boshkoska, B., Bohanec, M., Žnidaršič, M. (eds.): DSS research delivering high impacts to business and society: Proceedings of the IFIP DSS 2018, 19th Open Conference of the IFIP WG 8.3. on Decision Support Systems, 13-15 June 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenija. Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-264-128-3. 2018.
  168. Baert, A., Clays, E., Bolliger, L., De Smedt, D., Lustrek, M., Vodopija, A., Bohanec, M., Puddu, P.E., Ciancarelli, M.C., Schiariti, M., Derboven, J., Tartarisco, G., Pardaens, S.: A Personal Decision Support System for Heart Failure Management (HeartMan): Study protocol of the HeartMan randomized controlled trial. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 18:186, 2018.
  169. Kikaj, A., Bohanec, M.: Complex Decision Rules in DEX Methodology: jRule Algorithm and Performance Analysis. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference Information Society IS 2018, Volume A, Ljubljana, 17-20, 2018.
  170. Berčič, T., Bohanec, M., Ažman Momirski, L.: Role of decision models in the evaluation of spatial design solutions, Annales: Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije 26(1), 621-636, 2018.
  171. Strojnik, L., Stopar, M., Zlatić, E., Kokalj, D., Naglič Gril, M., Ženko, B., Žnidaršič, M., Bohanec, M., Mileva Boshkoska, B., Luštrek, M., Gradišek, A., Potočnik, D., Ogrinc, N.: Authentication of key aroma compounds in apple using stable isotope approach. Food Chemistry 277, 766-773, 2019.
  172. Žnidaršič, M., Ženko, B., Osojnik, A., Bohanec, M., Panov, P., Burger, H., Matjačić, Z., Debeljak, M.: Multi-criteria modelling approach for ambient assisted coaching of senior adults. IC3K 2019: Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, September 17-19, 2019, Vienna, Austria, Volume 2, KEOD (ed. Dietz, J.L.G), 87-93, 2019.
  173. Kikaj, A., Bohanec, M.: Towards web-based decision modeling software based on DEX methodology. CECIIS 2019: Proc. 30th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, October 2--4, 2019, Varaždin (eds. Strahonja, V., Hertweck, D., Kirinić, V.), Varaždin: Faculty of Organization and Informatics, ISSN 1847-2001, 333-340, 2019.
  174. Bohanec, M., Vrbanić, I., Bašić, I., Debelak, K., Štrubelj, L.: Conceptual design of a decision support tool for severe accident management in nuclear power plants. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Information Society IS 2019, Volume A, Ljubljana, 5-8, 2019.
  175. Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 5.04. IJS Report DP-13100, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2020.
    [Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]

© Marko Bohanec   Last update: 2025-01-17