Marko BohanecHistory until 2019 |
Jožef Stefan Institute,
Department of Knowledge Technologies,
Jamova 39, SI-1000
Office: S-12 (main building, 2nd floor)
Phone: (+386) (1) 477 3309, Fax: (+386) (1) 477 3315,
skype: markobohanec,
E-mail: marko.bohanec@ijs.si
1991-1996 | Assistant for Models and Decision Systems, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering |
1997-2004 | Assistant Professor of Information Systems, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj |
2004-2009 | Associate Professor of Information Systems, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj |
2004-2009 | Assistant Professor of Informatics in Administration, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Ljubljana |
1998-2001 | Nova Gorica Polytechnic |
2001-2005 | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Ljubljana |
2007-2009 | University of Nova Gorica |
1979-1982 | Computer information systems |
1983-1985 | Information systems and data bases |
1986-1991 | Information systems and artificial intelligence |
1991-1994 | Knowledge engineering |
1992-1994 | Automated knowledge synthesis |
1995-1997 | Knowledge synthesis from data |
1995-1997 | Analysis of clynical databases and synthesis of medical knowledge |
1997-1999 | Methods for developing hierarchical models |
2000-2002 | SolEuNet FP5-IST-1999-11495: Data mining and decision support for business competetiveness |
2003-2006 | ECOGEN FP5-QLK5-2002-01666: Soil ecological and economic evaluation of genetically modified crops |
2004-2007 | SIGMEA FP6-SSP1-2002-502981: Sustainable introduction of genetically modified crops into European agriculture |
2004-2008 | ARRS P2-0103: Knowledge technologies (Tehnologije znanja) |
2006-2009 | Co-Extra FP6-FOOD-2005-7158: GM and non-GM supply chains: their CO-EXistence and TRAceability |
2007-2009 | ARRS J7-9792: Methodological aspects of cognitive process research - learning and decision-making (Metodološki vidiki raziskovanja kognitivnih procesov - učenje in odločanje) |
2007-2010 | HEALTHREATS FP6 STREP 150107: Integrated decision support system for health threats and crises management |
2010-2013 | FIRST FP7-ICT-257928: Large scale information extraction and integration infrastructure for supporting financial decision making |
2010-2013 | e-LICO FP7-STREP: e-Laboratory for interdisciplinary collaborative research in data mining and data-intensive sciences |
2013-2016 | ConCreTe FP7-ICT-FET-611733: Concept creation technology |
2013-2016 | DECATHLON FP7-KBBE-613908: Development of cost efficient advanced DNA-based methods for specific traceability issues and high level on-site applications |
2015-2017 | PD_manager H2020-PHC-643706: mHealth platform for Parkinson’s disease management |
2016-2018 | HeartMan H2020-PHC-689660: Personal decision support system for heart failure management |
2007-2008 | ARRS V4-0314: Harmonisation of technologies for following genetically modified organisms in food and feed production chain and its co-existence with conventional and ecological production chains (Harmonizacija tehnologij za celovito sledljivost gensko spremenjenih organizmov v produkciji kmetijskih pridelkov in živil ter njihov soobstoj s konvencionalno in ekološko pridelavo) |
2007-2008 | ARRS V4-0351: Guidelines for national strategy of preservation of forest trees genefond due to introduction of genetically modified organisms in agriculture (Priprava podlag za izdelavo nacionalne strategije za zagotavljanje ohranjevanja genofonda gozdnih drevesnih vrst ob uporabi gensko spremenjenih dreves v kmetijstvu) |
2007-2008 | ARRS V5-0226: Development of quality management system in tertiar education (Razvoj sistema kakovosti v terciarnem izobraževanju) |
© Marko Bohanec Last update: 2025-01-17