MPS logo Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

professor: Nada Lavrač

assistant: Petra Kralj Novak

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT3): Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery / Podatkovno rudarjenje in odkrivanje zakonitosti (5 ct)

Statistics PhD program: Data mining / Podatkovno rudarjenje (5 ct)

Scheduled Lectures in 2016/17

9.11.2016 15h - 19h prof. Nada Lavrač IPS
15.11.2016 15h - 17h dr. Petra Kralj Novak IPS
16.11.2016  15h - 17h prof. Nada Lavrač IPS
  17h - 19h dr. Petra Kralj Novak IPS
13.12.2016  15h - 17h dr. Petra Kralj Novak IPS
20.12.2016 15h - 18h written exam + seminar proposals discussion IPS
21.12.2016 15h - 18h advanced topics - prof. Nada Lavrač IPS
17.1.2017 15h - 19h seminar defence IPS
7.3.2017 17h - 19h seminar defence IPS

Course materials

Useful links

Course requirements:

  1. Written exam
  2. Data mining seminar

Examples of data mining seminars:

Ideas for seminars

  1. Analyze some data where you are the domain expert, use at least two algorithms
  2. Find some interesting data to analyze, possible sources:


Link to last year's web page - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2014/2015
Last update: 20161214