Smart mobility measures for sustainable mobility in Slovenia
Pametne rešitve za trajnostno mobilnost v Sloveniji

No. of contract:

from 01.05.2022 to 30.04.2024




Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021

Programme priority: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation


Purpose and goal of the project:

The main purpose of the SmartMOVE project is the preparation of strategies and the implementation of mobility plans, which will justify the need for systematic development of infrastructure for the development of multimodality in the region. Within the project, a system of dynamic collective passenger transport will be developed as a sustainable alternative to existing transport modalities. Concrete policy recommendations for decision-makers in the field of sustainable mobility will be prepared. By developing mobility plans to manage sustainable mobility in high-traffic locations, the project will contribute to improved mobility management. The main goal of the project is to limit the negative environmental impacts resulting from unsustainable forms of mobility and the long-term development of sustainable mobility, to which it will contribute in various ways.

Expected project results:

  • Raising awareness of the importance of sustainable mobility between employers and employees and preparing the process for obtaining a special certificate for sustainable mobility.
  • Designing a methodology and development of sustainability plans for organizations that employ a larger number of people and are located on main mobility hubs.
  • Pilot establishing of a sustainable mobility solution for transport to LUR with dynamic collective passenger transport.
  • Preparing recommendations for strategic orientations of the competent bodies of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of sustainable mobility and proposals for the improvement and upgrading of the existing Integrated Transport Strategy of the Ljubljana Urban Region.

Project partners:

  • Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (Lead partner)
  • Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Ljubljana Urban Institute d.d.
  • ZDS (Association of Employers of Slovenia)
  • GoOpti d.o.o.
  • IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policy
  • Center of Energy Efficiency Solutions (CER)
  • Nordland Research Institute


Total value of the project:  1.609.166,79 EUR

Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021 co-financing (100 %): EUR 1.609.166,79

Project value for JSI: 151.786,29 EUR

Download PDF with project details.


Project reports:

DS T3: Development, Introduction and Management of the Sustainable Mobility Certificate

Task T3.1: State-of-the-Art Analysis

The document presents the results of the project activity T3.1: State-Of-The-Art Analysis as the first stage of development, introduction and management of the sustainable mobility certificate. We have collected and summarized information about professional and scientific approaches to the management of sustainable mobility and on the state of projects, recommendations and comparable certificates in Slovenia and abroad. We have identified the decisions that will be addressed in the next stages of the project: evaluating modes of transport and effects of changes considering a particular route, assessing mobile plans and their effects on employers, and defining the criteria for the “Green Certificate”. We have summarized over 100 economic, environmental and social indicators and criteria used or proposed n similar projects.

You can download full report (in Slovenian) or summary of report (in English).

DS T2.1: Evaluation of the effects of on-demand dynamic transportation of employees to their workplaces

This report provides the results of processing data collected during the three-month pilot implementation of dynamic transportation within the SmartMOVE project. The main goal of the pilot project was to test dynamic transportation as a sustainable alternative to existing modes of transportation, especially using private cars. Trial transportation of employees from home to their workplace and back was carried out by the company GoOpti, d.o.o., in the trial period from February 1, 2023 to April 28, 2023. The transports were free and took place on the routes from the cities Kamnik and Kranj to the wider area of BTC and UKC in Ljubljana. The results confirm that the project was very successful in terms of sustainable mobility. The service mostly attracted users that normally drive passenger cars. Dynamic transport is therefore not a competition, but a welcome addition to public transport. More passengers in one van means fewer cars on the roads, as a result of which the harmful emissions of CO2, NOx and solid particles into the environment are significantly reduced (from 30 to 70%). Travel times are comparable to conventional modes of transportation. Users were very satisfied with the service. The achieved occupancy of the vans (an average of 34% over the entire period) was not yet ideal and should be increased when the service is regularly implemented. The main problem remains the price of the service, where it appears that users are not willing to pay its full economic price.

You can download full report (in Slovenian).


Marko Bohanec, Marko Guček, Davor Kontić, Karina Sirk, Bernard Ženko, Martin Žnidaršič: Evaluation of the effects of on-demand dynamic transportation of employees to their workplaces in Ljubljana

ABSTRACT: On-demand dynamic transportation is an innovative information-technology supported service that enables passengers to book and configure their rides. It is foreseen as a promising service to improve the sustainable mobility of citizens and alleviate traffic problems. In this paper, we present the results of a three-month pilot implementation of dynamic transportation of employees from their homes to their workplaces. The transports were managed by the company GoOpti, d.o.o., they were free and took place using vans on the routes connecting the cities Kamnik and Kranj with two areas (BTC and UKC) in Ljubljana. The project was very successful in terms of sustainable mobility: it attracted users that normally drive passenger cars, travel times were comparable to conventional modes of transportation and users were very satisfied with the service, while substantially reducing (from 30% to 70%) the harmful emissions of CO2, NOx and solid particles. However, two challenges for the future still remain: improving the occupancy rate of vehicles and bridging the gap between the economic price and users’ willingness to pay for the service.

Ženko, B., Žnidaršič, M., Kontić, D., Bohanec, M: Multi-criteria assessment of sustainable mobility of employees

ABSTRACT: We present an approach for the assessment and self-assessment of organisations, for supporting decisions regarding sustainable mobility activities and eventually as the basis for awarding organisations with a sustainable mobility certificate. Its main contributions are tailored criteria and parameters for exposing sustainable mobility characteristics of an organisation in terms of current situation and future potential. The paper provides a detailed description and explanation of the methodology and an example of an application in practice. The results indicate that the approach is viable and operational and that the assessment results well represent the situation and provide clear indications of the challenges and the paths to improvement.

Bohanec, M., Kontić, D., Ženko, B., Žnidaršič, M., Sirk, K., Vodopivec, R.: Towards certification of sustainable mobility: A qualitative multi-criteria modelling approach

ABSTRACT: The concept of sustainable mobility is aimed at minimising environmental impacts of transportation systems while meeting the needs of individuals and communities. This includes encouraging citizens to choosing sustainable modes of transportation: walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling, and telecommuting. We present an ongoing attempt at rewarding organisations that actively support the sustainable mobility of their employees. We propose a sustainable mobility certificate, which can be received by organisations that fulfil sustainable mobility goals and objectives. The assessment is carried out using a qualitative rule-based multi-criteria model, which considers 50 sustainable mobility indicators. Other elements of the certification process include methods for assessing the mobility structure of employees in the organisation and its potential for improvement. In this paper, we present the multi-criteria evaluation model and illustrate its application for assessing the status of sustainable mobility of employees at a Slovenian research institute.


SmartMOVE Certificate promotion video: (in Slovenian)