Cost-effective and replicable RES-integrated electrified heating and cooling systems for improved energy efficiency and demand response
Elektrificirani sistemi ogrevanja in hlajenja z integriranimi obnovljivimi viri za prožno ter energetsko in stroškovno učinkovito rabo energije.

No. of contract:

Type of project:
from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2027


SEEDS unites a multidisciplinary and complementary team of partners that constitute the whole value chain of energy efficiency in buildings and thermal demand electrification, from planning, design, and construction to operation and commissioning. SEEDS is built upon the consortium’s vast experience in developing, testing, and valorizing decarbonization solutions, supervising real-life demonstrations of building renovation and smartification, and deploying energy flexibility. SEEDS demonstrates replicable heat pump solutions integrated with renewable energy to decarbonize buildings’ thermal demand. Addressing the fact that every building is unique and requires tailored solutions to be cost-efficient and energy efficient, we develop scalable and generic design and operational optimization methodologies, deploy multiple proven heat pump technologies, and optimally integrate them into buildings and broader energy system. SEEDS demonstrates these solutions in 6 pilot sites, providing real-world settings spread across the different climate zones and European construction markets. Thanks to the 26 partners’ wide-reached field of impact and networks, SEEDS is set out to boost the electrification of thermal demand in buildings.

At JSI, our focus within SEEDS is on creating a methodology for offering energy flexibility services to various market players. These services play a crucial role in enhancing grid stability but come with challenges such as dynamic resource allocation, aggregation, adherence to controllers, and collaboration among numerous stakeholders including electricity markets, aggregators, distribution and transmission system operators, and consumers. To address these complexities, we will employ advanced techniques like machine learning for predicting the state of flexibility resources and multi-criteria decision modeling to identify and aggregate their essential properties based on stakeholders’ expertise. These aggregated criteria will be utilized in effective optimization algorithms that prepare flexible resources for market offering, ensuring a transparent and efficient energy trading process. The solution will undergo testing at the Slovenian pilot site alongside Petrol d.d. and Elektro Celje d.d., paving the way for large-scale implementation of these services.


The Consortium:

The SEEDS partners are: Technical University of Denmark (DTU, DK), Builtwins BV (BWS, BE), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL, BE), Mintus (Mintus, BE), Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis (DUTh, EL), G. Ligeros & Sia OE – Psyctotherm (Ptherm, EL), Renel I.K.E. (Renel, EL), R2M Solution (R2M, FR), ÉMI Építésügyi Minőségellenőrző Innovációs Nonprofit Kft. (EMI, HU), HOR-BER Beruházási Tanácsadó és Tervező Mérnökiroda Kft (HOR, HU), SIEMENS Termelo Szolgaltato Es Kereskedelmi Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag (SMENS, HU), Daikin Europe N.V. (Daikin, BE), Center Danmark Drift APS (CDK, DK), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Certh, EL), Budapest Fovaros XVI. Keruleti Onkormanyzat (BP16, HU), Daedalus Digital Kft. (FairC, HU), RINA Consulting SPA (RINA, IT), Fredericia Kommune (FredM, DK), Institut Jožef Stefan (JSI, SI), Sweco Belgium (Sweco, BE), Saint-Gobain Hungary Kft. (SaintGB, HU) Petrol Slovenska Energetska Družba d.d. Ljubljana (PETROL, SI), AI-nergy ApS (AInergy, DK), Innovatio Private Company (INNO, EL), State Higher Educational Institution Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (PSACEA, UA), Elektro Celje d.d. (ELCE, SI), Enfor AS (Enfor, DK).