
Comparing agenda settings across parliaments via the ParlaMint dataset (ParlaCAP)
Primerjava prednostnega tematiziranja v parlamentih z uporabo podatkovne množice ParlaMint

No. of contract:

Type of project:
from 01.01.2024 to 01.01.2027


The ParlaCAP project leverages advanced natural language processing to analyse political agendas and sentiments in debates from 27 European national parliaments. The automatic coding of agendas throughout a wide dataset of more than 7 million speeches, given in more than 20 languages, has become possible recently with significant developments in natural language processing and artificial intelligence, allowing for multilingual transformer models to provide both highly consistent and accurate codings. By integrating the ParlaMint dataset and the Comparative Agendas Project’s coding scheme, the project will create a comprehensive, FAIR dataset for comparative political research, enhancing transparency and accountability in legislative discourse across Europe.