
Countering Oppositional Political Extremism through Attuned Dialogue: Track, Attune, Limit.
Boj proti opozicijskemu političnemu ekstremizmu z usklajenim dialogom: Slediti, prilagoditi, omejiti

No. of contract:

Type of project:
from 01.12.2022 to 30.11.2025

OppAttune is a Horizon-Europe funded project involving 17 partners across Europe and beyond which aims to develop an innovative Attunement Model which will track, attune, and limit the spread of extreme political narratives.

The focus of the project is not on discourse which incites violence or engages in hate speech. Rather, on the spread of extreme narratives through seemingly ‘common sense’ discussions about polarising issues which create an ‘everyday extremism’.

Everyday extremism is the gradual inclusion of extreme narratives, sentiments, and attitudes into the conversations of political actors and the general public, which then become normalised and acceptable.

How can OppAttune limit the spread of extreme narratives?


OppAttune’s main aim is to develop and disseminate an Attunement Model, which is a multi-level model (macro, meso, and micro) of toolkits that meet the project’s aim to track, attune, and limit political extremism in different national and local contexts.

The macro-level consists of the legal, historical, and economic factors which shape the parameters of citizens’ lives. The meso-level focuses on the influence of media/online spaces, the role of local democracies, and citizens engagement with political binaries. Finally, the micro-level explores how individuals engage with extreme narratives and their capacity as dialogical citizens to sustain political conversations.

Crucially the various implementable toolkits within the Attunement model will be evaluated and made open access in 2026. In 2026 OppAttune will produce short, medium, and long-term strategies and policy recommendations on how to limit extreme political narratives