LAND Management: Assessment, Research, Knowledge base
Upravljanje tal: vrednotenje, raziskave in baza znanja

No. of contract:

Type of project:
from 01.03.2017 to 31.10.2019

LANDMARK is a European Research Project on the sustainable management of land and soil in Europe. The questions that LANDMARK aims to address are: “How can we make the most of our land? How can we ensure that our soils deliver on the many expectations we have of our land?”. These expectations (or ‘demands’) include:

  1. Primary productivity (agriculture and forestry)
  2. Water purification and regulation
  3. Carbon sequestration, cycling and regulation
  4. Provision of functional and intrinsic biodiversity
  5. Provision and cycling of nutrients.

LANDMARK is a pan-European multi-actor consortium of 22 partner institutes from 14 EU countries plus Switzerland, China and Brazil. These include universities, applied research institutes, Chambers of Agriculture, an SME and the European Commission that will develop a coherent framework for soil management aimed at sustainable food production across Europe. Landmark is led by Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and is supported by a series of organizations being part of our Stakeholder Steering Committee ( FAO, COPA-COGECA, EFI, EUFRAS, DG-AGRI, DG-ENV, EMBRAPA, EFSA, EEA, EIONET, etc.)

Download the one page Fast facts 2015 and Fast facts 2016 to be quickly update on our progress.