No. of contract:
The development of functional foods is a key development trend in the global food-processing branch, and it is also a recommendation of the WHO (World Health Organisation). Also, the specific objectives of the project Functional Foods of the Future (F4F) were designed for this.Development work is being done on two main sets of product groups: (1) fortified foods with additional functional features, and (2) foods with reduced content of undesirable substances. The programme includes 7 chains of added value (cereals, milk, meat, fruits / vegetables, honey, food supplements, and intelligent packaging). The programme consists of 11 projects, where the aim is to develop 9 groups of prototypes. The entire programme runs through TRL 3?4 and TRL 5?6.
F4F develops sustainable production of quality food and impacts the creation of innovative short supply chains. Projects are carried out in the area of sustainable production and processing of food products to functional foods and the development of technologies for sustainable crop and livestock production. The entire programme is an important contribution to the aim of raising the value added per employee.