by Lenka Trdina | Jun 10, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
Adem Kikaj and Mako Bohanec received the best student paper award at the conference ICDSST 2021 (7th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, Loughborough, UK) for their paper titled “DEX2Web – a web-based software implementing the...
by Lenka Trdina | Dec 21, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
Multi-task learning for the simultaneous reconstruction of the human and mouse gene regulatory networks Exploiting partially-labeled data in learning predictive clustering trees for multi-target regression: A case study of water quality assessment in Ireland Biomarker...
by Lenka Trdina | Dec 8, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
Analysis of Chord Progression Networks was awarded the prize for Best Documentation at the HAMR hackathon, that was part of the ISMIR 2020 conference. We create a chord progression network using guitar chord tabs. By representing chords as nodes and transitions...
by Lenka Trdina | Aug 24, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
The project group from the department of Knowledge Technology participates in the COST Action CA18237 – European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection (EUdaphobase). Marko Debeljak leads the Working Group 6 which main objectives are data analysis,...
by Lenka Trdina | May 4, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
The project “TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe” is a balanced practice-research partnership of 24 institutions, which aims to identify the best routes, or “transition paths” to increase sustainable legume cultivation and...
by Lenka Trdina | Feb 2, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
The first online conference SPACE AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is taking place on September 4th, 2020. The conference is organized by CLAIRE and ESA, in association with ECAI2020, with Sašo Džeroski as the main organizer. The program of the event includes 5 keynote...