by Anja Glusic | Feb 12, 2025 | Department in the media
On 11th February 2025, three members of our department were on the show Odmevi. There, they presented the work of our department, mainly in the field of artificial intelligence. Marko Debeljak presented a system that deals with solving the challenges of modern...
by Lenka Trdina | Jan 19, 2024 | Department in the media
Polona Demšar Mitrovič from the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy told that for at least ten years, they have been systematically preparing the foundations for more sustainable mobility. But when they look at the statistical results, it turns out that the...
by Lenka Trdina | Sep 21, 2023 | Department in the media
The Head of the Department, Sašo Džeroski was interviewed for the largest Slovenian newspaper DELO. The interview is entitled: Artificial intelligence requires an educated and critical user. You are invited to read more.
by Lenka Trdina | Jul 26, 2023 | Department in the media
STA released an article about European Summer School on AI. The Summer School was organized by JSI, by University of Ljubljana, and by University of Primorska. The event was established by merging the summer school which was organized in the last two years as part of...
by Lenka Trdina | May 12, 2023 | Department in the media
Nina Omejc and Sebastian Mežnar talked about ChatGPT on the National TV in the show called Infodrom. The show is intended to the young audience. You are welcome to watch the recording (08:08).
by Lenka Trdina | Apr 4, 2023 | Department in the media
Nada Lavrač was interviewed by Nina Slaček from Radio Slovenia for show “Podobe znanja”. You are invited to listen an interview.