Panče Panov, PhD.
Panče Panov graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje in 2005 and obtained the professional title of a university graduate in electrical engineering. In 2012, he received his doctorate at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School in Ljubljana.
From 2005, he works a researcher at the Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, and since 2017 he works as an assistant professor for the field of computer and information sciences at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School in Ljubljana. Since 2013, he is an external collaborator at the Faculty of Information Sciences in Novo mesto teaching courses from the field of computer science.
His research interests are in the field of machine learning, data mining, repeatable science, knowledge representation, and applied ontology. He has published his research work in various journals, conference proceedings, and chapters in monograph publications. His work is well cited in the international scientific literature. As a researcher, he actively participates in the execution of many national and international projects (FP6 IQ, FP6 SUMO, FP7 MAESTRA, FP7 HBP, H2020 HBP, INTERREG SLO-IT TRAIN, H2020 AI4EU, H2020 FNS Cloud, H2020 TAILOR). In 2018, in the Slovenian Research Agency call for national projects, he obtained funding for a three-year basic project entitled `Improving the repeatability of experiments and multiple use of research results in the analysis of complex data”.
He works as a reviewer for various scientific journals and also serves as a member of program committees of various events in the field of artificial intelligence, data mining, and machine learning. In 2014, he was the program co-chair of the Discovery Science conference, which took place in Bled, Slovenia. In 2017, he was the workshop and tutorial co-chair as well as sponsorship co-chair of the ECML PKDD conference. In 2010, he was co-editor of the book on Inductive databases and constrained-based data mining, published by Springer, and in 2016, he was a co-editor of a special issue of the Machine learning journal.