DEXi Documentation and Publications

Both DEXi installation packages, Slovene and English, include an English help file.

Documentation in Slovene

An early DEXi User's Manual is available as:

Jereb, E., Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: DEXi: Računalniški program za večparametrsko odločanje, Moderna organizacija, Kranj, 2003.

Further information on decision analysis, multi-attribute modeling, fundamental DEXi concepts and underlying methods is available in:

Bohanec, M.: Odločanje in modeli. DMFA - založništvo, 1. ponatis, 2012. [O knjigi...]

Documentation in English

The English help file, which is distributed with the installation, is up-to-date and describes DEXi version 5.04.

The DEXi 5.04 User's Manual in English is available as:

Bohanec, M.: DEXi: Program for Multi-Attribute Decision Making, User's Manual, Version 5.04. IJS Report DP-13100, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2020.
[Also available: a printer-friendly version without hyperlinks.]

A comprehensive overview of the DEX method:

Bohanec, M.: DEX (Decision EXpert): A qualitative hierarchical multi-criteria method. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (ed. Kulkarni, A.J.), Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 407, Singapore: Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7414-3_3, 39-78, 2022.


M. Bohanec, V. Rajkovič: Večparametrski odločitveni modeli. Organizacija 28(7), 427-438, 1995.

Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V.: Multi-attribute decision modeling: Industrial applications of DEX. Informatica 23, 487-491, 1999.

Bohanec, M., Zupan, B., Rajkovič, V.: Applications of qualitative multi-attribute decision models in health care, International Journal of Medical Informatics 58-59, 191-205, 2000.

Mladenić, D., Lavrač, N., Bohanec, M., Moyle, S. (eds.): Data mining and decision support: Integration and collaboration. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. Chapters:

Vintar, M., Grad, J. (ur.): E-uprava: Izbrane razvojne perspektive, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za upravo, 2004.:

Bohanec, M., Messéan, A., Angevin, F., Žnidaršič, M.: SMAC Advisor: A decision-support tool on coexistence of genetically-modified and conventional maize. Proc. Information Society IS 2006, Ljubljana, 9-12, 2006

Omerčević, D., Zupančič, M., Bohanec, M., Kastelic, T.: Intelligent response to highway traffic situations and road incidents. Proc. TRA 2008, Transport Research Arena Europe 2008, 21-24 April 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia (ed. A. Žnidarič). Ljubljana: DDC svetovanje inženiring: ZAG, Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije: DRC, Družba v cestni in prometni stroki Slovenije, 1-6, 2008.

Bohanec, M., Žnidaršič, M.: Izkušnje z večparametrskimi odločitvenimi modeli pri podpori odločanja o gensko spremenjenih organizmih. DAES 2010: Sodobni izzivi menedžmenta v agroživilstvu (ur. Č. Rozman, S. Kavčič), Pivola, 18.-19.3.2010, 29-37, 2010.

Marinič, S., Bohanec, M.: Večparametrsko vrednotenje variant v odvisnosti od konteksta: Model za vrednotenje strešnih kritin Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Information Society IS 2012, 8.-12.10.2012, Ljubljana, 76-79, 2012.

Bohanec, M., Rajkovič, V., Bratko, I., Zupan, B., Žnidaršič, M.: DEX methodology: Three decades of qualitative multi-attribute modelling. Informatica 37, 49-54, 2013.

Alić, I., Siering, M., Bohanec, M.: Hot stock or not? A qualitative multi-attribute model to detect financial market manipulation. eInnovation: Challenges and impacts for individuals, organizations and society, Proceedings of 26th Bled eConference (ed. D.L.Wigand), June 9-13, 2013, Bled, Slovenia, Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 64-77, 2013.

Bohanec, M., Delibašić, B.: Data-mining and expert models for predicting injury risk in ski resorts. Decision Support Systems V - Big Data Analytics for Decision Making, First International Conference ICDSST 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, May 27-29, 2015, Springer, 46-60, 2015.

Craheix, D., Bergez, J.-E., Angevin, F., Bockstaller, C., Bohanec, M., Colomb, B., Doré, T., Fortino, G., Guichard, L., Pelzer, E., Méssean, A., Reau, R., Sadok, W.: Guidelines to design models assessing agricultural sustainability, based upon feedbacks from the DEXi decision support system. Agronomy for sustainable development 35, 1431-1447, 2015.

Bohanec, M., Trdin, N., Kontić, B.: A qualitative multi-criteria model for the evaluation of electric energy production technologies in Slovenia. SOR-2015: 13th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, Bled, Slovenia, September 23-25, 2015 (eds. Zadnik Stirn, L., et al.), Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, 11-16, 2015.

Kontić, B., Bohanec, M., Kontić, D., Trdin, N., Matko, M.: Improving appraisal of sustainability of energy options - A view from Slovenia, Energy Policy 90, 154-171, 2016.

Ravnikar, T., Bohanec, M., Muri, G.: Monitoring and assessment of anthropogenic activities in mountain lakes: A case of the Fifth Triglav Lake in the Julian Alps Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(4), 1-17, 2016.

Bohanec, M., Mileva-Boshkoska, B., Prins, T.W., Kok, E.: SIGMO: A decision support system for identification of genetically modified food or feed products. Food Control, 71, 168-177, 2016.

Mihelčić, M., Bohanec, M.: Approximating incompletely defined utility functions of qualitative multi-criteria modeling method DEX. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-23, 2016.

Bohanec, M., Trdin, N., Kontić, B.: A qualitative multi-criteria modelling approach to the assessment of electric energy production technologies in Slovenia. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-15, 2016.

Bohanec, M.: Multi-criteria DEX models: An overview and analysis. SOR-2017: 14th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, Bled, Slovenia, September 27-29, 2017 (eds. Zadnik Stirn, L., et al.), Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, 155-160, 2017.

Trdin, N., Bohanec, M.: Extending the multi-criteria decision making method DEX with numeric attributes, value distributions and relational models. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-24, 2018.

Dobnik, D., Gruden, K., Žel, J., Bertheau, Y., Holst-Jensen, A., Bohanec, M.: Decision support for the comparative evaluation and selection of analytical methods: Detection of genetically modified organisms as an example. Food Analytical Methods, 2018.

Bohanec, M., Miljković, D., Valmarska, A., Mileva Boshkoska, B., Gasparoli, E., Gentile, G., Koutsikos, K., Marcante, A., Antonini, A., Gatsios, D., Rigas, F., Fotiadis, D.I., Tsiouris, K.M., Konitsiotis, S.: A decision support system for Parkinson disease management: Expert models for suggesting medication change. Journal of Decision Systems 27, 164-172, 2018.

Delibašić, B., Radovanović, S., Jovanović, M., Bohanec, M., Suknović, M.: Integrating knowledge from DEX hierarchies into a logistic regression stacking model for predicting ski injuries. Journal of Decision Systems 27, 201-208, 2018.

Kikaj, A., Bohanec, M.: Complex Decision Rules in DEX Methodology: jRule Algorithm and Performance Analysis. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference Information Society IS 2018, Volume A, Ljubljana, 17-20, 2018.

Berčič, T., Bohanec, M., Ažman Momirski, L.: Role of decision models in the evaluation of spatial design solutions, Annales: Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije 26(1), 621-636, 2018.

Žnidaršič, M., Ženko, B., Osojnik, A., Bohanec, M., Panov, P., Burger, H., Matjačić, Z., Debeljak, M.: Multi-criteria modelling approach for ambient assisted coaching of senior adults. IC3K 2019: Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, September 17-19, 2019, Vienna, Austria, Volume 2, KEOD (ed. Dietz, J.L.G), 87-93, 2019.

Mileva Boshkoska, B., Miljković, D., Valmarska, A., Gatsios, D., Rigas, G., Konitsiotis, S., Tsiouris, K.M., Fotiadis, D.I., Bohanec, M.: Decision support for medication change of Parkinson's disease patients. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 35 p., 2020.

Bohanec, M., Vrbanić, I., Bašić, I., Debelak, K., Štrubelj, L.: A decision-support approach to severe accident management in nuclear power plants. Journal of Decision Systems, 13 p., 2020.

Deguine, J.-P., Robin, M.-H., Camilo Corrales, D., Vedy-Zecchini, M.-A., Doizy, A., Chiroleu, F., Quesnel, G., Paitard, I., Bohanec, M., Aubertot, J.-N.: Qualitative modeling of fruit fly injuries on chayote in Réunion: Development and transfer to users. Crop protection 139, 105367-1-105367-11, 2021.

Lacroix, O., Aubertot, J.N., Bohanec, M., Cordeau, S., Camilo Corrales, D., Robin, M.-H.: IPSIM-Cirsium, a qualitative expert-based model to predict infestations of Cirsium arvense. Frontiers in agronomy 3, 655383-1-655383-16, 2021.

Kikaj, A., Bohanec, M.: DEX2Web - A web-based software implementing the multiple-criteria decision-making method DEX. Decision support systems XI: Decision support systems, analytics and technologies in response to global crisis management (eds. Jayawickrama, U., Delias, P., Escobar, M.T., Papathanasiou, J.), 30-43, 2021.

Bohanec, M.: From data and models to decision support systems: Lessons and advice for the future. EURO Working Group on DSS: A tour of the DSS developments over the last 30 years (eds. Zaraté, P., Papathanasiou, J., Freire de Sousa, J.), Integrated series in information systems, Cham: Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-70377-6_11, 191-211, 2021.

Bohanec, M., Tartarisco, G., Marino, F., Pioggia, G., Puddu, P.E., Schiariti, M.S., Baert, A., Pardaens, S., Clays, E., Vodopija, A., Luštrek, M.: HeartMan DSS: A decision support system for self-management of congestive heart failure. Expert Systems with Applications 186, 115688}, 2021.

Radovanović, S., Bohanec, M., Delibašić, B.: Extracting decision models for ski injury prediction from data. International Transactions in Operational Research 0, 1-26, 2023.

Repository of Publications

An extended collection of publications related to DEXi is available at this Dropbox link.