Imagining Imagination: A Computational Framework Using Associative Memory Models and Vector Space Models Derrall Heath, Aaron Dennis and Dan Ventura Computer Science Department Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 USA,, Abstract Imagination is considered an important component of the creative process, and many psychologists agree that imagination is based on our perceptions, experiences, and conceptual knowledge, recombining them into novel ideas and impressions never before experienced. As an attempt to model this account of imagination, we introduce the Associative Conceptual Imagination (ACI) framework that uses associative memory models in conjunction with vector space models. ACI is a framework for learning conceptual knowledge and then learning associations between those concepts and artifacts, which facilitates imagining and then creating new and interesting artifacts. We discuss the implications of this framework, its creative potential, and possible ways to implement it in practice. We then demonstrate an initial prototype that can imagine and then generate simple images. Introduction The concept of imagination is not often talked about in cognitive psychology without reference to creativity (Gaut 2003; Vygotsky 2004). In fact, the term ‘imaginative’ is many times used as a synonym for ‘creative’. Defining imagination, like creativity, is difficult because the word is used broadly and depends on the audience, the level of granularity, and the context (Stevenson 2003). In cognitive psychology, imagination is commonly generalized as thinking of something (real or not) that is not present to the senses (Beaney 2005). In terms of creativity, it is being able to conceive of and conceptualize novel ideas. Imagination, thus it seems, should be an important consideration when developing creative systems. In the field of computational creativity, imagination is discussed explicitly only on rare occasions, such as Colton’s creative tripod (2008). Most creative systems incorporate imagination implicitly and do not model it directly. In this paper, we propose a computational framework that attempts to explicitly model imagination in order to perform creative tasks. Our framework, called the Associative Conceptual Imagination (ACI) framework, uses associative memory models (AMMs) combined with vector space models (VSMs) to enable the system to imagine and then create novel and interesting artifacts. We begin by looking more closely at the psychology literature in order to establish a cognitive basis for imagination, which will motivate the design of our framework. We then consider how current computational models of creativity both succeed and fail at addressing imagination. We then outline in detail the ACI framework for imagination and demonstrate an initial implementation (proof-of-concept) in the domain of visual art. Finally, we discuss the possibilities this framework can afford us in building creative systems and talk about questions regarding its application. Psychology of Imagination Imagination is ubiquitous in everyday life. We can visually imagine a world described through narrative, or imagine how to get to the grocery store, or imagine what it would be like to be a celebrity. We can imagine what a lion crossed with an eagle could look like, or imagine new ways to express meaning through art. Although most often thought of as visualizing in the mind, we can imagine in conjunction with any of our senses. Indeed, we can talk about imagination across the whole range of human experience. Imagination is a broad term with many different taxonomies and ways to interpret it. We restrict our view to two major types of imagination that are commonly used by psychologists (Currie and Ravenscroft 2002). The first type of imagination is sensory (or reproductive) imagination. This is mentally recalling past experience, which is directly related to our memories. For example, one can imagine what their favorite food tastes like without actually tasting the food, or imagine their mother’s face when she is not present, or imagine an annoying song that is stuck in one’s head. This type of imagination can be thought of as creative in the sense of recreating in one’s mind a previous experience. The second type of imagination is creative (or productive) imagination. It is the ability to combine ideas in different ways never before observed, or the ability to think about the world from a different perspective than previously experienced. For example, one can imagine what a hairy banana monster could look like, or what life would be like if born in another country, or imagine how to compose music that is happy and uplifting. This type of imagination is more clearly tied to creativity and some have argued that it forms a necessary basis for creativity (Vygotsky 2004), while others have argued that imagination is merely a tool used in the creative process (Gaut 2003). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity June 2015 244 Most psychologists agree that our senses, our conceptual knowledge, and our memories form the bases of imagination (Beaney 2005; Barsalou 1999). As we perceive the world and have experiences, we create memories by establishing and strengthening connections in our mind. These connections form concepts, which are in turn interconnected. Memories are often argued to be distributed and content addressable across groups of neurons (Gabora and Ranjan 2013). This means that multiple neurons respond in varying strengths to certain experiences, different experiences may activate overlapping neurons, and similar experiences will have more overlapping neurons than dissimilar experiences. This distributed memory allows the brain to implicitly associate concepts and experiences together. Thus we have associations between concepts (e.g., rain is related to water) and between what we perceive and these concepts (e.g., apples look round and are typically reddish in color). Creative imagination cannot make something out of nothing, nor is it random; everything we imagine is anchored to things we have actually experienced in the past and on their connections (Vygotsky 2004). The novelty is in combining these experiences in different ways. When a chef imagines new recipes, she uses her knowledge of existing recipes, ingredients, methods, and kitchen tools. The new recipe is essentially a recombination of this previous information in a novel and (hopefully) delicious way. A computational model of imagination should address the abilities to perceive, to create memories, and to learn associations between concepts. Such a model should then be able to reconstruct this information (sensory imagination), as well as recombine this information in novel ways to create new and interesting things never before experienced (creative imagination). Related Work In accounting for creativity in computational systems, Colton was one of the first to explicitly mention imagination as part of the creative process (2008). In order for a system to have imagination, it should be able to produce artifacts that are novel. Others have mentioned imagination in relation to a creative system that produces narratives (Zhu and Harrell 2008). A computational system that explicitly tries to model imagination is SOILIE (Science Of Imagination Laboratory Imagination Engine) (Breault et al. 2013). SOILIE maintains a large database of labeled images, and words are associated together when they appear as co-occurring labels. For example, a picture of a face could be labeled with ‘face’, ‘ear’, ‘mouth’, etc. and the system learns to associate those labels together. A word is given to the system which then finds 5-10 associated words and creates a collage out of images that have been labeled with those associated words. This system demonstrates a rudimentary form of sensory imagination in which it tries to recreate an image of the inputed word. SOILIE is similar to one of the abilities of the Painting Fool, which can extract key words from a text document and create a collage by finding images of those key words in a database (Krzeczkowska et al. 2010). Creative imagination was partially demonstrated in a system that used recurrent neural networks to produce melodies according to a set of other melodies arranged on a 2D plane (Todd 1992). Each of the melodies in the training set were tied to a specific 2D location, and the model was trained to reproduce each melody at their respective locations. After training, the system would be given a new location on the 2D plane and could essentially interpolate a new melody according to its proximity to the original set of melodies. This is the beginnings of creative imagination in that the system is blending melodies together according to spacial proximity. Imagination has been mentioned in conjunction with systems that perform conceptual blending to produce metaphors and narratives (De Smedt 2013; Zhu and Harrell 2008; Veale 2012). Conceptual blending is the process of taking two input mental spaces (representing concepts) and mixing them together to make a blended mental space that is novel, meaningful, and has emergent structure (e.g., lightsaber is a blend of sword and laser) (Fauconnier and Turner 1998). Computational models of conceptual blending have been used to produce narrative (Permar and Magerko 2013), poetry (Harrell 2005), and even mathematical axioms (Martinez et al. 2011). Conceptual blending certainly has potential for imagination as it explicitly attempts to blend conceptual knowledge into novel ideas. Although there are still many technical challenges in autonomously blending input spaces, conceptual blending does seem to address creative imagination. Unfortunately, most implementations do not consider sensory information and the input spaces are typically hand engineered, so the system does not learn from experience and cannot imagine sensory type artifacts. However, one computational system does try to implement conceptual blending with images (Steinbruck 2013). The system takes two ¨ pictures that each represent a concept and blends them by extracting commonly shaped objects in one image and pasting them over similarly shaped objects in the other image (e.g., a globe in one image is pasted over a bicycle tire in another image). Evolutionary computation is a common method incorporated into creative systems because of its innate ability to yield unpredictable yet acceptable results (Gero 1996). Indeed, evolutionary computation seems to at least partially model creative imagination in that it recombines and modifies existing artifacts through crossover/mutation and can, thus, diverge and discover novel artifacts. The fitness function also guides the evolutionary process to converge on quality results. Many systems incorporate the use of evolutionary techniques to produce artifacts in domains such as visual art (Machado, Romero, and Manaris 2007; DiPaola and Gabora 2009; Norton, Heath, and Ventura 2013), music (Miranda and Biles 2007), and semantic networks (Baydin, de Mantaras, and Onta ´ n˜on 2014). ´ Evolutionary computation appears to have potential in addressing both sensory and creative imagination. However, the creative intent seems to reside solely in the fitness function, which is separated from the actual generation of artifacts. The creation of artifacts is an independently ranProceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity June 2015 245 Figure 1: An overview of the Associative Conceptual Imagination framework. The vector space model learns, from a large corpus, how to encode semantic information into concept vectors that populate conceptual space. Multiple associative memory models can then learn associations between these concept vectors and example artifacts from various domains, such as art, music, or recipes. These associative memory models are bi-directional and can not only discriminate, but also generate artifacts according to a given concept vector. The semantic structure encoded in the concept vectors allows the framework to facilitate the imagining of artifacts according to concepts for which it has never seen examples. dom event that is not connected to any associations learned through experience (except for maybe the population of artifacts themselves). The act of imagination in this case is mostly a selection/filtering process, which, although viable, doesn’t seem to capture the complete picture. In its basic form at least, there is no notion of associations between concepts and artifacts. Associative Conceptual Imagination We attempt to explicitly model imagination through a computational framework called the Associative Conceptual Imagination (ACI) framework. ACI uses ideas from other domains in a novel way that is capable of both sensory and creative imagination. ACI is composed of two major types of components, a vector space model and associative memory models as shown in Figure 1. We will discuss the major components of the ACI framework, how they interact to perform various imaginative tasks, and the creative potential of systems built using this framework. Vector Space Model Creativity is valued not just because of the novelty of things created, but also because of their utility. For example, in domains such as visual art, the value is in how the art conveys meaning to the viewers (Cs´ıkzentmihalyi and Robinson ´ 1990). There is an element of intentionality as an artist purposefully expresses meaning through art. How can an artist intentionally express meaning without having knowledge of the world and of what things mean? Conceptual knowledge helps to provide a foundation for the ability to imagine and Figure 2: A 2D visualization (projected from high dimensional space) of several word vectors color coded by topics. These concept vectors were learned using the skip-gram VSM, which was incorporated into the DeViSE model (visualization courtesy of Frome et al. 2013). Note that concepts from similar topics generally cluster together because the concept vectors encode semantic relationships. create. Incorporating conceptual knowledge into a creative system can potentially be achieved through Vector Space Models (VSMs) (Turney and Pantel 2010). It is commonly agreed that a word (or concept), at least in part, is given meaning by how the concept is used in conjunction with other words (i.e., its context) (Landauer and Dumais 1997). Vector space models take advantage of this by analyzing large corpora and learning multi-dimensional vector representations for each concept that encode such semantic information. These models are based on the idea that similar words will occur in similar contexts and words that are often associated together will often co-occur close together. These models reduce words to a vector representation that can be compared to other word vectors. VSMs have been successfully used on a variety of tasks such as information retrieval (Salton 1971), multiple choice vocabulary tests (Denhiere and Lemaire 2004), TOEFL multiple choice ` synonym questions (Rapp 2003), and multiple choice analogy questions from the SAT test (Turney 2006). Concepts similar in meaning will have vectors that are close to each other in “vector space”, which we will refer to as conceptual space. Associations between concepts are implicitly encoded by their proximity in conceptual space. Figure 2 shows relationships between example word vectors that correspond to various topics projected onto a 2D plane. These concept vectors capture other interesting semantic relationships that are consistent with arithmetic operations. For example, vector(“king”)!vector(“man”)+ vector(“woman”) results in a vector that is closest to vector(“queen”). The potential of VSMs in creative systems has been discussed before, and we aim to make use of them in this framework (McGregor, Wiggins, and Purver 2014). The semantic information encoded in the vectors provides a form of conceptual knowledge to the ACI framework, which will help provide a basis for imagination. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity June 2015 246 Associative Memory Models In addition to knowing how concepts relate to each other, the ACI framework needs to allow understanding of how concepts relate to actual artifacts. In other words, ACI systems should be able to perceive and observe the world (i.e., to be grounded in sensory information). ACI incorporates Associative Memory Models (AMMs) to learn how to associate artifacts with concept vectors. For example, models built using ACI can learn what a ‘cat’ looks like by observing pictures of ‘cats’, or learn what a ‘car’ sounds like by listening to sound files of ‘cars’. Here we use “associative memory model” as a generic term that refers to any computational model or algorithm that is capable of learning bi-directional relationships between artifacts and concept vectors. Not only should the AMM be capable of predicting the appropriate concept vector given an artifact, but it should also be capable of going the other direction and producing an artifact given a concept vector. Of course, the quality of learning will be dependent on the quality and quantity of labeled training data, as well as on the characteristics of the particular associative memory model that is chosen. Bidirectional associative memory models (BAMs) seem like an obvious possible choice to implement the AMM (Kosko 1988). A BAM is a type of recurrent neural network that learns to bidirectionally map one set of patterns to another set of patterns. Given an artifact (encoded into a pattern), a BAM could return the appropriate concept vector. Conversely, given a concept vector, a BAM could return an appropriate artifact, which can essentially be thought of as performing sensory imagination. Variations of BAMs have been used in computational creativity to associate input patterns to features in order to model the phenomenon of surprise (Bhatia and Chalup 2013). Another family of algorithms that have potential use in the ACI framework are probabilistic generative models. These models learn a joint distribution for observed data and their respective labels/classes. Once trained, not only can these models classify new data, but they can also be used generatively to create new instances of data that correspond to a particular label. For example, a Deep Belief Network (DBN) is a generative model that can also be thought of as a deep neural network in which several layers of nodes (or latent variables) are connected by weights from neighboring layers, while nodes of the same layer are not connected (Hinton, Osindero, and Teh 2006). Hinton et al. used DBNs to classify images of handwritten digits (0-9) by training on several examples and then used them generatively to “imagine” what a 2 looks like by creating several images that each uniquely looked like a handwritten two, thus demonstrating a form of sensory imagination. Another generative model uses a hierarchical approach to recognize and then generate unique images of handwritten symbols, again demonstrating sensory imagination (Lake, Salakhutdinov, and Tenenbaum 2013). Sum Product Networks (SPNs) have also been used to learn bidirectional associations between patterns (Poon and Domingos 2011). Given a picture of half a face, SPNs were able to infer (or imagine) the other half. These generative models can often be applied directly to the raw inputs (i.e., directly to pixels in an image) and thus seem to exhibit advanced perceptual abilities and in turn can generate artifacts directly. The associative memory model implementation is not limited to a single model, but could be split into separate discriminative and generative parts. A machine learning algorithm could be the discriminative part and be trained to predict a given artifact’s concept vector (e.g., given a ‘sad’ melody, the learning algorithm predicts the ‘sad’ vector). The generative part could be implemented by a genetic algorithm that uses the discriminative model as the fitness function. For example, a genetic algorithm could be given the ‘sad’ vector to imagine a ‘sad’ melody, and the discriminative model knows what characteristics a ‘sad’ melody should have and could then guide the evolutionary process. Other specific associative memory models could be incorporated depending on the domain, its representation, and available training data. Additionally, multiple AMMs for different domains could be incorporated into the framework simultaneously (i.e., one model learns images while another learns sounds for each concept), with the AMMs then indirectly related through conceptual space. Performing Imagination Once an implementation of the ACI framework has its components in place and properly trained, it is ready to imagine, and even create, artifacts. To perform sensory imagination, an ACI model can generate artifacts for a particular concept that it has previously learned. For instance, after having seen example images of ‘cats’, the system has learned an internal representation for what a ‘cat’ looks like. The associative memory model can then start with the ‘cat’ concept vector and generate a unique image that would likely be associated with the ‘cat’ vector, presumably an image of a ‘cat’ (see Figure 3(a)). In the case of using probabilistic generative models, the probabilistic nature of the model and the distribution of various poses, angles, and colors learned from the many example ‘cat’ images allow the system to generate a unique ‘cat’ image each time. To perform creative imagination, the framework takes inspiration from the DeViSE model, which uses VSMs to aid in correctly recognizing images of objects (Frome et al. 2013). The DeViSE model first learns word vectors from a large corpus using a VSM. The model is then trained with raw image pixels using a deep convolutional neural network that learns to predict the correct labels’ vector (instead of the label directly). Cosine similarity is performed between the predicted vector and the other word vectors to determine what the correct label should be. Since the vectors encode semantic relationships between concepts, the model can successfully label an image with a word for which it has never seen example images (called zero-shot prediction). For example, the system may have been trained on images of ‘rats’ and ‘mice’ but not on images labeled ‘gerbil’. Given a picture of a ‘gerbil’ the model can still successfully label it as such because a ‘gerbil’ is similar (according to the VSM) to a ‘rat’ and a ‘mouse’. Replacing the convolutional neural network with, say, a probabilistic generative model could allow the system to act Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity June 2015 247 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 3: Different ways the Associative Conceptual Imagination framework can be used to imagine artifacts. The green rectangle with black dots represents concept vectors in conceptual space, which are learned from a vector space model. The Associative Memory Model (AMM) associates concept vectors to artifacts. The framework allows the imagining of artifacts for concepts it has previously observed (a). It can facilitate the imagining of artifacts for concepts it has not previously observed but that are similar to other concepts that is has observed (b). The framework allows the imagining of artifacts that are combinations of two (or more) previously observed concepts (c). Models based on ACI can imagine changes to a previously observed concept (d). Finally, the framework can facilitate imagination across different domains by observing an artifact in one domain and then imagining a related artifact in another domain (e). in reverse. We could input the vector for ‘gerbil’ and the system could imagine what a ‘gerbil’ looks like without having ever seen a picture of a ‘gerbil’, because of the semantic knowledge encoded in the vectors (see Figure 3(b). Similarly, the system could take advantage of the semantic structure of the VSM and imagine what a concept sounds like without having heard any example sounds for that concept. For example, the system could have been trained on sounds for ‘horses’, ‘tractors’, ‘dogs’, and ‘trumpets’, but not have been exposed to any sounds for ‘donkeys’. Yet, the system could still generate a unique sound for a ‘donkey’. The result may not sound exactly like a ‘donkey’, but it will sound closer to a ‘horse’ than to the other concepts because the system knows that ‘donkeys’ are more similar to ‘horses’ than to the other concepts. An ACI model can imagine its own ‘donkey’ sound in a way that is novel, yet still reasonable by leveraging semantic information gained through the VSM and transferring it to the task of generating sound. In another situation, a system based on ACI can imagine what a combination of concepts could look like by starting with a vector that is in between concepts in conceptual space. As shown in Figure 3(c), the system could imagine what a ‘cold’ and ‘fiery’ image looks like by starting with a vector part-way between the ‘cold’ and ‘fiery’ vectors. The system should generate a novel image that is some blending of the two concepts (and perhaps other surrounding concepts). The system is essentially imagining what new combinations of concepts look like, while being anchored in past experience. ACI could facilitate the imagining of distortions to existing concepts by gradually venturing away from a concept’s vector along different dimensions (see Figure 3(d)). The system could generate images of ‘roses’ starting with the ‘rose’ vector, but then gradually move away from the ‘rose’ vector. The resulting images should become distorted depending on the direction and distance from the original vector. Finally, an ACI model could generate artifacts across different domains. The system could learn, using separate associative memory models, what concepts look and sound like. Given a picture of a ‘dog’, the system could then imagine what the ‘dog’ sounds like. The ACI model simply uses the AMM for images to predict the vector associated with the ‘dog’ picture and then feeds that predicted vector into the AMM for audio and has it generate a unique sound. The system could also be given a melody and then imagine an image to go with it, the two domains being tied together through the conceptual space as shown in Figure 3(e). The ACI framework provides potential for these types of imaginative (and creative) abilities. It has been designed to model imagination by learning conceptual knowledge, perceiving concepts (artifacts), and generating novel artifacts never before experienced in several ways. Of course, this is only a framework, and the actual power of it depends on the abilities of the specific VSM and AMM implementations chosen for each domain (and their training data). Current state-of-the-art models are probably not yet capable of generating (or even classifying) large, detailed images of arbitrary concepts at the pixel level. Nor are they likely yet able to perceive sophisticated music in the general case. However, these capabilities do seem to be on the horizon with the advent of generative deep learning systems (such as DBNs). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity June 2015 248 Figure 4: Example training images for each of the four known 2D vectors shown in conceptual space. Imagining Images In order to show how the ACI framework could work in practice, we created a simple toy implementation that can imagine basic binary images. Instead of using a vector space model, we manually specified the conceptual space as a 2D plane in order to more easily visualize how images at various vector locations relate to one another. We then chose four vectors in the 2D conceptual space that are spatially located at four corners. The four vectors are ~tl = (0.0, 0.1), tr~ = (1.0, 1.0), ~bl = (0.0, 0.0), and ~br = (1.0, 0.0), to which we will refer as the known vectors. We then generated four sets of training images for each of the four known vectors that are 32 ⇥ 32 pixels in dimension and are binary (i.e., black and white). The training images were pictures of actual corners, and example images for each of the four known vectors can be seen in Figure 4. We implemented the associative memory model using a sum product network (SPN) and trained the SPN using corner images paired with their associated known-vectors (perturbed slightly using Gaussian noise). To learn the structure and parameters of the SPN, we used a modified version of the LEARNSPN algorithm that is able to accommodate both categorical and continuous random variables (Gens and Domingos 2013). The result was a model that represents a joint probability distribution over image-vector pairs. We used the efficient, exact-inference capabilities of the SPN to generate novel images by sampling from the conditional probability distribution of images, conditioned on the concept vector. This was done by clamping the concept vector to a specific value and sampling the image pixel variables. The model can perform sensory imagination by generating images for each of the four known vectors that it has learned. The bottom set of images in Figure 5 are example images imagined for the ~br = (1.0, 0.0) vector. Notice how each imagined image is unique yet still looks like the training images in Figure 4. The system can also perform creative imagination by generating images for vectors for which it has never seen example images. These imagined images should look more similar to nearby known vectors than to known vectors farther away. The top set of images in Figure 5 were produced for the vector (0.8, 0.2). These images are indeed similar to the images at vector ~br = (1.0, 0.0) (bottom set), which is the Figure 5: The bottom set of images were imagined for the vector ~br = (1.0, 0.0), which is one of the four vectors on which the system had been trained. The top set of images were imagined for the vector (0.8, 0.2), which is a vector on which the system was not trained. The top images are similar to the bottom images because the vector (0.8, 0.2) is close, in conceptual space, to the known vector ~br = (1.0, 0.0). closest known vector. Although the system was never shown images for vector (0.8, 0.2), it could still imagine what the images could look like by leveraging the information represented by the vectors in conceptual space (in this simple case just spatial information). To further illustrate the imagining capabilities in this simple example, we had the system generate images at vector locations all over the 2D plane in 0.1 increments. In order to help visualize how the various generated images transition along conceptual space, we generated 100 images at each vector location and averaged them into a single image. We then arranged each averaged image on the plane according to their respective 2D vector (see Figure 6). Moving from corner to corner on the 2D plane essentially shows the known images morphing into each other. The center image becomes a blend of all four corner shapes, while the images in the middle of the edges are a blend of the two corners on that edge. The model has only seen images for the corner vectors, which provide a basis for the other vectors in the 2D plane. The model cannot imagine images that do not relate to the four known corner images, which the results seem to confirm. Admittedly, this toy example with a small 2D conceptual space and simplistic binary images is not visually impressive. It may be hard to ascribe imagination to a model that just seems to be doing a form of interpolation. Keep in mind that this example is only intended to be a proof-ofconcept that demonstrates how the framework could work to generate actual artifacts. This example also allows us to understand why the model is generating the images that it does—because of the training images (perceived artifacts) and the spacial arrangements of the vectors (conceptual relationships). A full implementation of this framework would be dealing with thousands of concepts in a conceptual space hundreds of dimensions in size, which is a much richer representation of conceptual knowledge. Also working with real artifacts, such as actual visual art or music, has the poProceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity June 2015 249 Figure 6: The average of 100 rendered images for each 2D vector in conceptual space at 0.1 increments. The system was trained on example images only for the vectors located at the four corners and then the system had to imagine what images at vectors in the middle would look like based on the images observed for each of the four corner vectors. Note how the images start to blend together as their corresponding vector approaches the middle of the space. tential to yield much more impressive results. Conclusions and Future Work We have outlined the Associative Conceptual Imagination framework, which models how imagination could occur in a computational system that generates novel artifacts. The ACI framework accounts for the cognitive processes of learning conceptual knowledge and concept perception (via artifacts). The framework proposes using vector space models to learn associations between different concepts, and using associative memory models to learn associations between concepts and artifacts. This network of associations can be leveraged by the system to produce novel artifacts. We have demonstrated a basic implementation of ACI and applied it to simple binary images. We showed that the system could perform both sensory and creative imagination through the images it was able to produce. The ACI framework poses some interesting questions. How will this framework perform when applied to real artifacts? What implementation and corpus should be used for the VSM? What models are appropriate to use for the AMMs? Does the choice of the model depend on the domain? Does the choice of the model depend on the artifact’s representation (e.g., an image could be represented by raw pixels, extracted image features, or parameters to a procedural algorithm)? Research needs to be done to implement and refine this framework for various domains in order to explore these questions, and we are confident that the ACI framework will be useful for computationally creative systems. In future work, we plan to apply the ACI framework to DARCI, a system designed to generate original images that convey meaning (Heath, Norton, and Ventura 2014). We plan to use the skip-gram VSM (Mikolov et al. 2013) trained on Wikipedia, which will learn vectors for 40,000 concepts in 300 dimensional space. Initially, we intend to implement the AMM using a discriminative model and a genetic algorithm. We will use 145 descriptive concepts (e.g., ‘violent’, ‘strange’, ‘colorful’, etc) to train the discriminative model to recognize those concepts in images. For example, the model will learn to predict the ‘scary’ vector when given a ‘scary’ image. Once trained, the discriminative model will act as the fitness function to the genetic algorithm, which can then render images in ways that convey descriptive concepts (i.e., it can render a ‘sad’ image). The system will also be able to render images that convey concepts on which it has not been trained (beyond the 145) because of the semantic relationships encoded in the vectors. In other words, it will be able to imagine what other concepts would look like based on past experience and conceptual knowledge. This framework could also be extended to include ideas involving conceptual blending. 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