Nehovah: A Neologism Creator Nomen Ipsum Michael R. Smith, Ryan S. Hintze and Dan Ventura Department of Computer Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602, Abstract In this paper, we describe a system called Nehovah that generates neologisms from a set of base words provided by a user. Nehovah focuses on creating “good” neologisms by evaluating various attributes of a neologism such as how well it communicates the source concepts and how “catchy” it is. Because Nehovah depends on the user to weight the importance of various attributes of the neologism and to choose the source concepts, it is at this point most appropriately considered a collaborative system rather than an autonomous one. To demonstrate the utility of the system, we show several examples of system output and discuss the creativity of Nehovah with respect to several characteristics critical for any computational creative system: appreciation, imagination, skill and accountability. Introduction Boden (1994) made one of the first attempts to formalize the notion of creativity. Based on her formalization, computational creativity is often thought of as an exploration of a conceptual space and has been examined in a number of different areas including visual art (Colton, Valstar, and Pantic 2008; Norton, Heath, and Ventura 2011), music (Cope 2005), cooking (Morris et al. 2012), poetry (Rahman and Manurung 2011), metaphor generation (Veale and Hao 2007), and sentence generation (Mendes, Pereira, and Cardoso 2004). In this paper, we describe Nehovah, a computational system that generates neologisms. The generation of neologisms is an important task in many businesses to create a unique brand or company name to distinguish it from its competitors. This often comes in the form of a trademark. Trademarks include words, phrases, symbols and/or designs that identify and distinguish the goods of one party from those of others1. According to the United States Patent and Trademark Of.ce, 433,651 trademark applications were filed in 2013; a 4.5% increase from 2012 (The United States Patent and Trademark Office 2014). Thus, developing trademarkable phrases and words is a important step in many businesses. Additionally, neologisms are often used as a literary device in novels and books to convey meaning more concisely. For example, “cyberspace” was introduced in 1982 by William Gibson to combine the words “cybernetics” and “space” (Gibson 1982). In some cases, neologisms are used to add humor and interest. This technique was used heavily in the many works of Dr. Seuss to help children with limited vocabularies to enjoy reading (Baker 1999). Neologisms have previously been examined computationally, both from an interpretive standpoint and from a generative one. For example, Cook and Stevenson (2010) propose finding the meaning of neologisms using a statistical model that draws on observed linguistic properties of blends, while Duch and Pilichowski (2007) create neologisms using a neurocognitive model (though, unfortunately, many of the generated neologisms exhibit little to no linguistic/conceptual/cognitive value). Veale’s Zeitgeist system rather impressively exhibits both interpretive and generative abilities and is available as a web application. It can be used as a tool for enriching lexical resources such as WordNet (Fellbaum 1998) with modern words that are found in every day speech (Veale 2006) by utilizing Wikipedia2 to identify neologisms and by reverse engineering their source words using ideas from concept blending (Veale, O’Donoghue, and Keane 2000). In addition, the Zeitgeist system can be used to generate neologisms by combining prefix and suffix morphemes that overlap by at least one letter (Veale and Butnariu 2006). Morphemes are hand-annotated with their semantic interpretations giving each morpheme a word gloss (such as “astro”=“star” and “ology”=“study”) and a WordNet that indicates where in the WordNet noun taxonomy a neologism with a morphemic suffix should be placed. Given two source words from predefined lists for prefixes and suffixes, the Zeitgeist system creates a set of neologisms that convey the chosen concepts by combining the prefix and suffix morphemes for the source words. The generated neologisms generally have valid word forms and convey the concepts well. On the other hand, Zeitgeist is limited to the morphemes that are annotated. As many of the morphemes are of Greek origin, some of the neologisms are somewhat predictable. For example, if “food” is chosen as a source prefix word, then “gastro” is almost always used. The use of morphemes also requires a knowledge of Greek or Latin word derivatives to understand the neologism. The neolo 1 definitions.jsp Figure 1: A high-level pipeline view of the process Nehovah uses to generate neologisms through finding synonyms, blending words, and scoring. gism “ornithoencephalon” is a neologism for “bird-brain” but the meaning is obvious only to the user who knows that the morpheme “ornitho” relates to birds and “encephalon” relates to the brain. Our system for generating neologisms, Nehovah, is sim ilar to Zeitgeist in that it attempts to preserve the source concepts through blending (as opposed to generating neolo gisms that represent entirely new ideas by themselves, e.g. “Google”). It differs from Zeitgeist by focusing on blend ing free-form, user-provided words and their synonyms and by incorporating dynamic web sources of popular cultural information. In addition, the web interface allows a user to weight the importance of several attributes of a neologism, facilitating a creative collaboration between the user and the system. A Framework for Blending Concepts The goal of generating neologisms by blending concepts from source words is to convey multiple concepts in a single plausible word, sometimes known as a portmanteau (Carroll 1871). We present a framework, containing three major steps, for generating such portmanteau neologisms from two source words: 1. Finding Synonyms. Synonyms increase the potential novelty of the neologisms by enriching the set of possible blends that convey the source concept. A greater diversity of synonyms expresses more imagination in the neologism. For example, the word “God” is arguably a more diverse/interesting synonym for “creator” than is the word “maker”. We call the set of synonyms for a source word wi the concept set for wi and denote it as C(wi). Note that it is always the case that wi fi C(wi). 2. Blending Words. Once the concept sets for the source words have been generated, the words from each concept set are blended together to create a set of neologisms. Blending the words from the two concept sets consists of three steps. First, each word from the concept sets is split into sets of prefixes and suffixes. Then, each prefix from one concept set is joined with each suffix from the other concept set. Finally, Nehovah checks that the word structure of the neologism is plausible. By plausible, we mean that the letter sequence produced from blending the words is natural compared to other “real” words. Any implausible neologism is discarded. The set of neologisms generated from two concept sets C(w1) and C(w2) is denoted N(C(w1),C(w2)). 3. Scoring/ranking the Neologisms. Once a set of neologisms N(C(w1),C(w2)) is created, they are scored or ranked such that a subset of “best” neologisms can be identified, allowing a potentially large set of neologisms to be quickly filtered. Scoring criteria can be adapted for a particular application and can also potentially incorporate feedback, facilitating online learning and thus dynamic qualification of neologisms. Nehovah A functional overview of Nehovah and its implementation of the three steps are shown in Figure 1 and are described in more detail in the following sections. The blue boxes represent each step in the framework for blending concepts and the gray boxes represent sets of words. An on-line version of Nehovah is available at from which a screen shot is shown in Figure 2. Finding Synonyms In order to populate the set C(wi), Nehovah searches for synonyms from two different sources: WordNet (Fellbaum 1998) (a lexical database) and TheTopTens3 (a website of pop culture-inspired “top ten” lists). Nehovah queries WordNet with each source word wi (and with its stem) as a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. If a source word or its stem is defined in WordNet, Nehovah adds to C(wi) the words contained in the synset for all senses of the word for all parts-of-speech for which it is defined. Figure 2: A screenshot of the web interface for Nehovah. Two source words are input in the upper left. The lower left contains sliders that allow relative weighting of the four scoring attributes. On the right is a list of generated neologisms with their scores, in descending order, and these can be expanded to see the base words that Nehovah used to create the neologism and how the neologism is scored for each of the attributes. For example, the word “school” as a noun has the following senses: • “school›educational institution” • “school, schoolhouse›building, edi.ce” • “school, schooling›education” • “school›body” • “school, schooltime, school day›time period, period of time, period” • “school, shoal›animal group” and, additionally as a verb has the following senses: • “school›educate” • “educate, school, train, cultivate, civilize, civilise›polish, refine, fine-tune, down” • “school›swim” (it has no senses as either an adjective or adverb). Therefore, the set of WordNet-derived synonyms for the word “school”, C(“school”)= {school, educational institution, schoolhouse, building, edifice, schooling, education, body, school time, school day, time period, period of time, period, shoal, animal group, educate, train, cultivate, civilize, polish, refine, fine-tune, down, swim}. Because a source word is specified without context, neither its part-of-speech nor its intended sense can be inferred, and, as a result the space of possible synonyms is increased, providing greater creative potential in the generated neologisms at the risk of potentially conveying an awkward or unintended conceptual blend. Nehovah queries TheTopTens with each source word wi using a custom API that returns lists of words from a set of “top ten” lists that match the query. For example, a query to TheTopTens using the source word “car” would return lists with titles such as “Top Ten Best Car Companies,” “Best Car Brands,” “Greatest Songs by the Cars” and “Best Car Insurance Companies.” Of course, some lists will be much more relevant than others. To minimize the number of included irrelevant words, Nehovah determines which of the returned lists are relevant based on their titles, by the identifying descriptive and plural words in the title. Descriptive words are identified as words that end with “-est” – as is common practice on TheTopTens. If a descriptive word in a list title directly precedes the source word, then the list is deemed relevant. For example, the list “Top Ten Best Car Companies” would be accepted since the descriptive word “best” is describing the source word “car”. Also, if there are multiple plural words in a list title, Nehovah assumes the first plural word in the title the subject of the list. For example, in the list “Greatest Songs by the Cars,” there are two plural words: “Songs” and “Cars.” The list is determined to be about songs rather than cars since “Songs” appears before “Cars” and because the descriptive word “greatest” proceeds “Songs” rather than “Cars.” Nehovah also includes lists that have the source word directly before the first plural word such as “Top Ten Car Movies”, inferring that the source word is being used as a descriptor for the plural word. Once a list is determined to be relevant, the list items also need to be processed. Because TheTopTens is composed of user-defined free-form lists, some list items are more descriptive than others. For example, the “Best Muscle Cars” list may contain items such as “1961 Ford GT Mustang From Gone in 60 Seconds.” While this information is beneficial for determining why an item made the list, it is difficult to use to generate neologisms. To compensate, Nehovah parses the list items so that any words or symbols that indicate descriptive information (“from”, “in”, “–”, “,”, etc) and any words that follow are not included. Another issue with user-defined lists is the lack of quality control. To filter out obscure (and/or misspelled) words and references, Nehovah only keeps list items that are also found in Wikipedia. Any list entries that survive this level of parsing and filtering are also included in C(wi). Note that using the words from TheTopTens adds hyponyms (e.g. “Ford Mustang” for “car”) rather than synonyms in some cases. We allow the use of hyponyms as the pop culture reference adds to the creativity and uniqueness of Nehovah and because it is difficult to distinguish between hyponyms and synonyms. Blending Words Given two concepts sets C(w1) and C(w2), Nehovah blends the words from the two concept sets to create a set of neologisms N(C(w1),C(w2)). Each word u fi C(wi) is into into a set of prefixes P (u) and a set of suffixes S(u). The words are split between syllables to maintain conceptual coherence and to reduce the likelihood of introducing invalid letter combinations during blending. Unfortunately, for English it is a non-trivial task to algorithmically identify syllable boundaries because pronunciation information is not (consistently) encoded in the spelling computational method Prefixes: Suffixes: Prefixes: Suffixes: -computational -method co mputational me thod com putational meth od compu tational method computa tional computati onal computatio nal computation al computational Table 1: Examples of how Nehovah splits words into prefix/suffix pairs by attempting to split on syllable boundaries. of the word. For example, “io” could create two separate vowel sounds as in “lion” or be a diphthong as in “motion”. To account for this, Nehovah conservatively splits each word u after every vowel (except the last) and between any two consecutive consonants (with exception of “sh,” “th,” and “ch”) after the first vowel and before the last vowel. Each such split yields one prefix to be added to the set P (u) and one suffix to be added to the set S(u). In addition, u is also added to both P (u) and S(u). For example, the word “track” would be split up into the prefixes “track” and “tra” and the suffixes “ack” and “track”. See Table 1 for additional examples. Slightly abusing notation, we define the set of neologisms formed by blending two words u and v using the sets P (u), S(u), P (v) and S(v) as N(u, v)={yz|y . P (u) . z . S(v) . K(yz)}. {yz|y . P (v) . z . S(u) . K(yz)} where K() is a predicate that returns FALSE if its argument contains a letter combination not found in WordNet and TRUE otherwise. Then, the full set of neologisms for the synonym sets C(w1) and C(w2) is generated by iterating over all pairs of words from these synonym sets: N(C(w1),C(w2)) = N(u, v) u.C(w1),v.C(w2) Scoring Nehovah scores each neologism n . N(C(w1),C(w2)) using four scoring criteria: word structure, concepts, uniqueness, and pop culture. Each scoring criterion can be assigned a relative weight, allowing the creation of different types of neologism. Word Structure. The word structure score W(n) measures how well a neologism retains aspects of the word structure of one or both source words, as maintaining source word structure tends to produce catchier neologisms that better convey the meaning of the base words. For example, “ginormous” is a combination of “giant” and “enormous” created by replacing the first syllable from enormous with the first syllable from giant. Enough of enormous is left that the meaning is still apparent. Another example is “Linsanity,” which replaces the first syllable in insanity with the single syllable word “Lin” (the last name of a professional basketball player). In this case, the overlap of “Lin” and “insanity” makes it easy to recognize the source words. To attempt to capture this kind of desirable structure, given base words u = y1z1 and v = y2z2, Nehovah calculates a raw structure score for a candidate neologism n = y1z2 as S(n)= .(y1,y2)+ .(z1,z2)+ B(n, u, v) where .(y1,y2) is the length of the suffix common to y1 and y2, .(z1,z2) is the length of prefix common to z1 and z2 and B(n, u, v) = max{.(#(n), #(u)),.(#(n), #(v))} where #(x) returns the number of syllables in x and . is the Kronecker delta function [B(n, u, v) equals 1 if neologism n maintains the same syllable count as either base word and 0 otherwise]. S(n) therefore “catchiness” by measuring base word overlap and syllable count conservation. Given this, the word structure score W(n) of neologism n is the normalized raw score, with normalization taken over the set of all candidate neologisms. S(n) W(n)= maxn~.N(C(w1),C(w2)) S(~n) Concepts. One of the primary goals of Nehovah is to convey the concepts of the source words in the neologism. While word structure can aid in conveying a concept, Nehovah also explicitly measures concept clarity for a neologism by scoring how well the base concepts are communicated in its prefix and suffix. How clearly a concept is conveyed by the prefix or suffix of a base word obtained from WordNet is measured using MoreWords4, a tool for crossword puzzles and other word games. MoreWords uses the words from the Enable2k North American word list that is used in well-known word games. It contains 173,528 words and does not include any hyphenated words, abbreviations, acronyms, or proper nouns. Querying MoreWords with a prefix/suffix x returns the set of words Wx that have x as a prefix/suffix in MoreWords and the approximate number of times each word u~. Wx occurs per million words (FPM(~u)). FPM(~u) is estimated from studies on the British National Corpus5. Nehovah determines how apparent the concept is in a prefix/suffix by comparing the frequency of the word that the prefix/suffix is derived from with the frequencies of other words that begin/end with the same prefix/suffix. A distinctiveness score for a prefix/suffix x of base word u is calculated by first calculating a distinctiveness ratio: FPM(u).(x, u)= . FPM(~u) u~.Wx 5 The distinctiveness score is then calculated using (an empirically determined) piecewise linear interpolation on the value of the distinctiveness ratio: 1, if .(x, u) . 0.1 .(x, u)= 0.8+2.(x, u), if 0.01 <.(x, u) < 0.1 Neologism Base Words Source Words Nehovah divinage machinative Spritependency Pepsidiction pisome pimazing iniquitivate immoralize coalesception portmanception neologism Jehovah divine coinage machine creative Sprite dependency Pepsi addiction pizza awesome pie amazing iniquity cultivate immorality civilize coalesce conception portmanteau conception neologism creator neologism creator machine creative soda addiction soda addiction awesome pizza awesome pizza evil school evil school concept blend concept blend .. . 80.(x, u), if 0 . .(x, u) . 0.01 This score differentiates between prefixes/suffixes that do not convey the concept, that partially convey the concept, and that completely convey the concept. Because many pop culture words are not contained in MoreWords, Nehovah measures how clearly a concept is conveyed by a pop culture base word obtained from TheTopTens as the normalized count of the number of times that a pop culture word u appears in the set of lists L(w) Table 2: A set of example neologisms generated by Neho vah with their base words and the source words that were provided to Nehovah. returned from TheTopTens for a given source word w: .(u, L(w)) .(u, w)= maxu~.T (w) .(~u, L(w)) Pop Culture. The pop culture score indicates if one or both of the base words are pop culture words, allowing the where .(u, L(w)) represents the number of times a base emphasis of pop culture references. The pop culture score word u appears in L(w), and T (w) represents the set of P(n) for a neologism n created from base words u and v is unique pop culture words in L(w). given by Note that this distinctiveness score indicates the “popularity” of the concept for a pop culture reference in the ne .. . 1 if u and v are pop culture words ologism by comparing the prevalence of other pop culture P(n)= 0.5 if u or v is a pop culture word words to the prevalence of the entire base word (rather than by considering just some prefix or suffix of the base word). Under the assumption that these distinctiveness scores correlate with conceptual content, given a source word w, 0 otherwise Combining Scores a base word u . C(w) and a prefix/suffix x of u, a concept The final score for a neologism is computed as a linear score for the base word is computed as combination of the four attribute scores, weighted by user- selected coefficients (cf. the sliders in Figure 2): .(x, u), if u appears in WordNet c(x, u, w)= .(u, w), otherwise Finally, given a concept score for both a prefix y of base word u and a suffix z of base word v, the concept score C(n) of the created neologism n = yz is simply the average of the concept scores of the base words and their prefix/suffix: c(y, u, w1)+ c(z, v, w2) C(n)= 2 Uniqueness. A score for uniqueness should place greater value on words that are not commonly used (but still convey the source concept). For example, for the source word “pants,” the base word “trousers” is more common than the base word “bloomers,” although both convey the same concept. Uniqueness for a base word u . C(w) is calculated using the frequency per million words score from MoreWords (FPM(u)) relative to all of the other synonymous words in the concept set: FPM(u) .(u, w)=1 - maxu~.C(w) FPM(~u) The uniqueness score U(n) for a neologism n formed from the base words u and v is simply the average of their uniqueness scores: .(u, w1)+ .(v, w2) U(n)= 2 S(n)= .W W(n)+ .CC(n)+ .U U(n)+ .P P(n) Evaluation of Nehovah We now examine Nehovah in the context of the creative tripod, which consists of skill, imagination, and appreciation (Colton 2008). Skill is the ability of a system to produce something useful. Imagination is the ability of the system to search the space of possibilities and produce something novel. Appreciation is the ability of the machine to self-assess and produce something of worth. We also evaluate Nehovah with respect to its accountability–the ability of the system to explain why it generated the artifact it generated. Skill Nehovah demonstrates skill by generating neologisms that convey the concepts in the base words and have proper word structure. First, proposed neologisms with invalid word structure are discarded. Next, Nehovah determines if a pop culture word is valid based on its presence in Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a dynamic source that does contain neologisms (Veale 2006) and consulting Wikipedia provides a safe-guard against low quality user-supplied content in TheTopTens. Finally, only splitting the words on their syllable boundaries aids in creating word fragments that convey meaning and are able to be blended in a way that forms a plausible word. The skill of any system is most easily demonstrated in the artifacts that it produces. Exhibit A for the Nehovah system is its own name, which is the direct result of providing the (originally anonymous) system with the source words “neologism” and “creator.” The name Nehovah is a mix of the words “neologism” and “Jehovah”, and it is readily apparent that Nehovah incorporates the word “Jehovah”; another candidate neologism was “Neohovah,” which conveys a bit more of the meaning of “neologism” but is not as structurally pleasing since an additional syllable is added. Other examples of neologisms created by Nehovah are shown in Table 2. As a further demonstration, consider the following arguably coherent sentence constructed from some of the neologisms from Table 2: Spritependency is a machinative neologism created through portmanception to describe someone who is addicted to Sprite. We also point out that the neologism “immoralize” is an actual word found in some dictionaries (it is not found in WordNet). According to the Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary, it means “to make immoral”6 which is what is conveyed by the neologism. In other words, the system (re)invented a real word, a nice demonstration of Boden’s P-creativity. Accountability In addition to producing a set of neologisms, Nehovah also includes the base words that were blended together to produce the neologism (see the expansion of the third neologism in the righthand pane of Figure 2). Therefore, at some level Nehovah can explain how it created a neologism. The perceived creativity of the neologisms in Table 2 is likely increased with the available explanation of which base words were blended together as well as what the source words are. For example, “portmanception” is created from the source words “concept” and “blend” using “portmanteau” and “conception” as base words. Using “portmanteau” in the place of “blend” and “conception” in the place of “concept” conveys similar meaning; revealing the connection between the base words and source words helps justify the quality and creativity of the neologism. Imagination A Google search for most of the generated neologisms will show that Nehovah provides novel artifacts. The hits for “Nehovah” contain references to this project and an individual’s name. Most of the neologisms have no hits when searched for in Google or the hits returned are names or screen names (“divinage” is a World of War Craft user name). Nehovah explores all possible combinations of prefixes and suffixes derived from the base words. Further, Nehovah also considers the synonyms for all possible senses of 6 dictionary/immoralize Best Dog Breeds Best Hot Dog Toppings Pitbull Coney Sauce Rottweiler Mustard Chihuahua Stadium Mustard Great Dane Relish Miniature Pinscher Ketchup Table 3: The top five words returned from two lists from TheTopTens for the source word “dog”, demonstrating the range of synonyms that Nehovah uses as base words. each base word for each possible part of speech. Using all of the possible senses for all of the parts of speech for a source word along with an ever-expanding set of free-form, user-defined (pop culture) lists can create a potentially very large search space and produce unpredictable results. For example, if “evil” and “school” are used as the source words with the intended sense of school being an “educational institution”, then seeing a neologism such as “Darth swim” would likely be somewhat unexpected (the base words of the neologism are “Darth Vader” from the TheTopTens list “The 10 Most Evil Villains in Video Games” and “swim”, a hypernym of one of the senses of the verb “school”). This, however, demonstrates the imagination of Nehovah, since it takes into consideration other and unintended senses of a source word to produce more creative neologisms. Of course, the flip side of such imaginative creations is that unintended senses can cause problems, if the main goal is to create a neologism that captures a specific sense of a source word. Thus, there is a tension between creating a rich concept set that includes all of the possible senses for a source word and generating neologisms that convey the concept of the intended sense. Using the pop culture references allows Nehovah to demonstrate imagination in an unusual and contemporary fashion by using social/popular connections between words to convey meaning. Most people who are familiar with the Star Wars series would recognize the word “Darth” as having an evil connotation. As with using all the senses for a base word, some of the words from TheTopTens do not capture the intended concept of the base word. For example, consider the top five entries from two of the TheTopTens lists returned for the word dog shown in Table 3. The “Best Dog Breeds” list conveys the concept of dog to most users better than the “Best Hot Dog Toppings” list. An example set of neologisms is shown in Table 4 that shows the unintended use of the “Best Hot Dog Toppings” versus using “Best Dog Breeds” when blending the source words “robot” and “dog”. Despite being irrelevant for the animal dog, these examples demonstrate the imagination of Nehovah in generating neologisms. And, in fact, the neologism “Terminaise” could be a serendipitous discovery for an exciting new condiment if the intended sense of the word“dog” was “hot dog”. Appreciation Nehovah’s appreciation is demonstrated by determining which neologisms are the “best” given a set of base words and which scoring criteria are weighted the highest. Ta Worst 10 Best 10 Neologism Base Words Score rottweilers: rottweiler Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 0.786 Revenge of the Fallen Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time rottweilerminator 3 rottweiler Terminator 3 0.786 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time automaton terrier automaton boston terrier 0.762 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds automatian automaton dalmatian 0.755 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds chihuahuaton chihuahua automaton 0.754 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds automestic automaton domestic 0.752 golden retrievers: golden retriever Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 0.750 Revenge of the Fallen Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time dobermansformers: doberman Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 0.714 Revenge of the Fallen Top Ten Worst Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time doberminator 3 doberman Terminator 3 0.714 Top Ten Worst Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time Rise chihuahuanic attack chihuahua panic attack 0.714 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time panicpoodle panic attack poodle 0.143 Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time Top Ten Best Dog Breeds bulroadblock bull terrier roadblock 0.143 Top 10 Guard Dog Breeds Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time cheeatomic cheese atomic 0.143 Top Ten Best Hot Dog Toppings Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time labradorroadblock labrador retriever roadblock 0.143 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time borderrobots border collie robots 0.143 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time bulrobots bull terrier robots 0.143 Top 10 Guard Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time borderroadblock border collie roadblock 0.143 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time labradorrobots labrador retriever robots 0.143 Top Ten Best Dog Breeds Top Ten Best Robot Movies of All Time atomustard atomic mustard 0.143 Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time Top Ten Best Hot Dog Toppings shetlandtornado shetland sheepdog tornado 0.143 Top 10 Smartest Dogs Greatest Robot Wars Robots Of All Time Table 5: Highest rated 10 and lowest rated 10 neologisms generated by Nehovah using the source words “dog” and “robot” with all scoring attributes equally weighted. The higher rated neologisms tend to flow better and convey the concepts of the base words better than the lower rated neologisms. ble 5 shows the highest rated 10 and lowest rated 10 ne-structure of both base words and the concepts are more ologisms created using the source words “dog” and “robot” clearly conveyed. as scored with all attributes equally weighted. The source Each of Nehovah’s scoring attributes can be weighted by words “dog” and “robot” were chosen for this example be-a user to increase or decrease its relative importance. Ta-cause both source words have pop culture references and ble 6 shows a sampling of neologisms derived from blend-clearly demonstrate the effects of the different scoring ating the source words “robot” and “dog”, when weighting tributes. Comparing the two sets of neologisms in Table 5, is skewed completely to one of the four scoring factors. the highest rated 10 neologisms flow better and better cap-Each sub-table gives a set of neologisms weighted excluture the source concepts. The bottom 10 do not flow as sively for the factor titled above it. For example, looking at well and this often contributes to (further) obfuscation of the first sub-table (titled Pop Culture), for all neologisms, the source concepts. For example compare “rottweilerminaboth source words are from the TheTopTens, although the tor” and “cheeatomic”—the former better follows the word word structures may be awkward and the concepts may not Best Dog Breeds Neologism Base Words dobermaton doberman automaton rottweilerminator 3 rottweiler Terminator 3 dobermansformers doberman transformers Best Hot Dog Toppings Neologism Base Words sauerminator 3 sauerkraut Terminator 3 Terminaise Terminator 3 mayonnaise mustardmaton mustard automaton Table 4: A set of sample neologisms for the source words “dog” and “robot” using two different lists from TheTopTens for the source word “dog”. be apparent e.g. “alasdo” from the source words “alaskan malamute” and “tornado”. Neologisms in the list weighting only the Concept score tend to have prefixes and suffixes that are evocative of distinct base words, such as “bot” from the base word “robot”. When Word Structure is the sole factor, the created neologisms look the most like real words, e.g., “Terman shepherd”, strongly overlaps “Terminator” with “German shepherd” and preserves the number of syllables in “German shepherd.” In the case of weighting solely for Uniqueness, the resulting neologisms and their base words are often quite unusual, sometime at the expense of understandability, e.g. “godiron” from “golem” and “andiron”. As expected, weighting according to a single factor filters the neologisms, presenting only those that have a particular attribute, often at the expense of other factors. Overall, we tend to favor the word structure and concepts factors for creating the best neologisms. These help to convey the concepts contained in the base words and also produce more realistic appearing words as they have valid letter sequences and are similar to the base words. While favoring the concept and word structure factors, the pop culture and unique factors can be used as a secondary bias towards certain types of base words to be blended together. Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we have presented Nehovah, a system that generates neologisms from a set of user-provided source words by searching the space of synonyms and then blending two base words. We have argued for Nehovah’s ability to demonstrate some necessary characteristics for creativity, including skill, imagination, appreciation and accountability. Future work includes incorporating a learning mechanism so that users can indicate which neologisms they prefer. Nehovah could then use this information to better score the neologisms. An interesting line of future work includes generating a definition for a neologism using the base words. This would involve solving at least two difficult problems. The first problem is generating the definitions. Candidate definition components could be found by searching Wikipedia, an on-line dictionary, and/or another source for definitions for each source word. A potential definition would then be formed by blending candidate components in a way that both Pop Culture Base Words labrador retriever surrogates alaskan malamute tornado lhasa apso firestorm ketchup pussycat ibizan hound roadblock Concepts Base Words support mechanism scoundrel automaton domestic robot support robot scoundrel robot Word Structure Base Words pomeranian transformers automaton dalmatian Terminator 3 german shepherd .restorm domestic Terminator 3 doberman pinscher Uniqueness Base Words wiener golem golem familiaris blighter golem golem andiron golem .redog Table 6: Sample of neologisms created from the base words “dog” and “robot” using weighting schemes skewed completely toward a single factor, demonstrating Nehovah’s appreciation for each scoring measure. Each set of neologisms possesses the desired attribute, often at the expense of others, e.g., the neologisms weighted for uniqueness are difficult to interpret and those weighted for pop culture have poor structure. conveys the concept from each source word and is readable (i.e. correct grammar). The second problem is validation of the potential definition, which may be accomplished, for example, through a user study/game where Nehovah could learn to match definitions to neologisms based on users’ votes. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dylan Mills from TheTopTens for providing an API for Nehovah. References Baker, K. 1999. Seussisms and violations to universal language constraints. In Hisagi, M., and Bradinova, M., eds., Working Papers in Linguistics, volume 6. George Mason University. Boden, M. 1994. Creativity: A framework for research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17(3):558–568. 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