MaestroGenesis: Computer-Assisted Musical Accompaniment Generation Paul A. Szerlip, Amy K. Hoover, and Kenneth O. Stanley Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida Orlando, FL 32816-2362 USA {,,} Abstract This demonstration presents an implementation of a computer-assisted approach to music generation called functional sca↵olding for musical composition (FSMC) whose representation facilitates creative combination, exploration, and transformation of musical ideas and spaces. The approach is demonstrated through a program called MaestroGenesis with a convenient GUI that makes it accessible to even non- musicians. Music in FSMC is represented as a functional relationship between an existing human composition, or sca↵old, and a generated accompaniment. This relationship is represented by a type of artificial neural network called a compositional pattern producing network (CPPN). A human user without any musical expertise can then explore how accompaniment can relate to the sca↵old through an interactive evolutionary process akin to animal breeding. Composing with MaestroGenesis MaestroGenesis is a program that helps users create complete polyphonic pieces with only the musical expertise necessary to compose a simple, monophonic melody. Users begin creating accompaniments by establishing a sca↵old, or melody that will provide the initial rhythmic and harmonic seed for the accompaniment. The accompaniment is then represented as a functional transformation of this original sca↵old through a method called functional sca↵olding for musical composition (FSMC) (Hoover et al. 2012). FSMC explots the structure already present in the humancomposed sca↵old by computing a function that transforms its structure into the accompaniment. These FSMC-accompaniments are then bred like animals might be bred. Once the sca↵old is chosen, a population of ten accompaniments is displayed. Each is rated as good or bad by pressing the “thumbs-up” button (figure 1). By ratings accompaniments with favorable qualities higher than those without, the next generation of accompaniments tends to possess similar qualities to the well-liked parents. Through interactively evolving these accompaniments, they grow to reflect the personal inclinations of the user. Figure 1: MaestroGenesis Candidate Accompaniments. Accompaniments in MaestroGenesis are evolved through a process similar to animal breeding. Candidate accompaniments are evolved ten at a time in an interative process in which each subsequent generation inherits traits from the previous population. Conclusion MaestroGenesis is a program that facilitates creativity in music composition through functional sca↵olding for musical composition (FSMC) (Hoover et al. 2012). Accompaniments are evolved through a process similar to animal breeding. The program is availble for download at Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant no. IIS-1002507 and also by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. References Hoover, A. K.; Szerlip, P. A.; Norton, M. E.; Brindle, T. A.; Merritt, Z.; and Stanley, K. O. 2012. Generating a complete multipart musical composition from a single monophonic melody with functional sca↵olding. In Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Computational Creativity (ICCC-2012). International Conference on Computational Creativity 2012 225