User-Controlling Expressed Emotions in Music with EDME Alex Rodrguez Lopez, Antonio Pedro Oliveira, and Amlcar Cardoso Centre for Informatics and Systems, University of Coimbra, Portugal,, Abstract. Emotion-Driven Music Engine software (EDME) expresses user-de ned emotions with music and works in two stages. The rst stage is done oine and consists in emotionally classifying standard MIDI les in two dimensions: valence and arousal. The second stage works in real- time and uses classi ed les to produce musical sequences arranged in song patterns. First stage starts with the segmentation of MIDI les and proceeds to the extraction of features from the obtained segments. Classi ers for each emotional dimension use these features to label the segments, which are then stored in a music base. In the second stage, EDME starts by selecting the segments with emo- tional characteristics closer to the user-de ned emotion. The software then uses a pattern-based approach to arrange selected segments into song-like structures. Segments are adapted, through transformations and sequencing, in order to match the tempo and pitch characteristics of given song patterns. Each pattern de nes song structure and harmonic relations between the parts of each structure. The user interface of the application o ers three ways to de ne emo- tions: selection of discrete emotions from lists of emotions; graphical se- lection in a valence-arousal bi-dimensional space; or direct de nition of valence-arousal values. While playing, EDME responds to input changes by quickly adapting the music to a new user-de ned emotion. The user may also customize the music and pattern base. We intend to explore this possibility by challenging attendees to bring their own MIDI les and experiment the system. With this, we intend to allow a better understanding of the potential of EDME as a composition aid tool and get useful insights about further developments. References 1. EDME,