Experiments in Objet Trouve Browsing Simon Colton, Jeremy Gow, Pedro Torres, and Paul Cairnsy  Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK. y Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK. Abstract. We report on two experiments to study the use of a graphic design tool for generating and selecting image lters, in which the aesthetic preferences that the user expresses whilst browsing ltered images drives the lter generation process. In the rst experiment, we found evidence for the idea that intelligent employment of the user's preferences when generating lters can improve the overall quality of the designs produced, as assessed by the users themselves. The results also suggest some user behaviours related to the delity of the image lters, i.e., how much they alter the image they are applied to. A second experiment tested whether evolutionary techniques which manage delity would be preferred by users. Our results did not support this hypothesis, which opens up interesting questions about how user preferences can be intelligently employed in browsing-based design tools. 1 Introduction The Objet Trouve (Found Object) movement in modern art gained notoriety by incorporating everyday objects { often literally found discarded in the streets { into visual art and sculpture pieces. This is a two stage process, whereby the original object is rst found, and then manipulated into a piece of art. This process is analogous with certain practices in computer-supported graphic de- sign. In particular, both amateur and expert designers will often nd themselves browsing through libraries of image lters; or brush shapes; or fonts; or colour palettes; or design templates; etc. Once they have found some possibilities, these are pursued further and manipulated into a nal form. This analogy with Objet Trouve methods is most pronounced in the eld of evolutionary art, where artis- tic images (or more precisely the image generating processes) are evolved, e.g., [5]. Here, the software initially leads the user, through its choices of processes to employ and the way in which it combines and/or mutates those processes as the session progresses. However, as the user begins to exert their aesthetic prefer- ences through their choices, the software should enable them to quickly turn their found processes into a nal form. We investigate here the behaviour of \amateur creators" [2] when using such design software. Our motivation is to ultimately build software which acts as a creative collaborator in design processes. We present here the results from two experiments where participants were asked to undertake graphic design tasks using a simple design tool which allows users to browse and select image- ltered versions of a source image in an Objet Trouve fashion. Various techniques may be used to supply new lters on demand. As described in section 2, our tree based image ltering method enables evolu- tionary, database lookup and image retrieval techniques to be used in providing 238 Fig. 1. Filter tree with transforms in blue circles: (A)dd colour, (C)onvolution, (I)nverse, (M)edian and (T)hreshold; and compositors in red squares: (A)nd, (F)ade, (M)in and (O)r. Image inputs are in green diamonds. An original image and ltered version are shown. a user with new lters. We incorporated six such techniques into a very pared- down user interface which enables the user to undertake simple graphic design tasks. As described in section 3, the rst experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that employing the user's current choices to intelligently determine what to show them next is more e ective than a random selection method. The data revealed that users ascribe on average a higher score to designs produced by the intelligent methods than produced randomly. In addition, by studying user preferences towards the six generation methods, we hypothesised certain user behaviours, largely involving their preferences towards more conservative image lters, i.e., ones with high delity which don't radically change the origi- nal image. Studying these behaviours enabled us to design a second experiment involving evolutionary techniques where evolved lters are supplemented with other lters. As described in section 4, this experiment tested the hypothesis that choosing the supplementary lters to manage the overall average delity of the lters would be more e ective than choosing them randomly. The data did not support this hypothesis, which opens up interesting questions about how to analyse the behaviour of a user to improve the quality of the content they are shown as their browsing session progresses. In section 5, we suggest more intelligent methods for future Objet Trouve design approaches. 2 Image Filtering An image lter such as blurring, sharpening, etc. manipulates the bitmap infor- mation of an original digital image into bitmap information for a ltered version of the image. We represent image lters as a tree of fundamental (unary) image transforms such as inverse, lookup, threshold, colour addition, median, etc., and (binary) image compositors such as add, and, divide, max, min, multiply, or, subtract, xor, etc. In the example tree of gure 1, the overall lter uses 7 trans- form steps and 6 compositor steps, and the original image is input to the tree 7 times. Using this representation, image lters can be generated randomly, as described in [3]. We used such random generation to produce a library of 1000 hand-chosen lters, compiled into 30 categories according to how the ltered images look, e.g., there are categories for lters which produce images that are blurred, grainy, monotone, etc. The time taken to apply a lter is roughly pro- portional to the size of the input image multiplied by the size of the tree. Over the entire library of lters, the average number of nodes in a tree is 13.62, and the average time { on a Mac OS X machine running at 2.6Ghz { to apply a lter to an image of 256 by 384 pixels is 410 milliseconds. 239 2.1 Filter Generation Methods As described in the experiments below, we investigate how best to supply a user with a set of novel lters (N) given a set of lters (C) for which they have already expressed an interest. We have implemented the following methods.  Database methods. These two methods use the 30 hand-constructed cate- gories from our image lter library. The Random From Category (RFC) method supplies lters for N which are chosen randomly from the library. To do this, rstly a category is chosen at random, and then a lter is chosen at random from the category. Given that some of the categories have up to 100 lters in them, we found that choosing evenly between the categories gave the user more variety in the lters shown than simply choosing from the 1000 lters at random (which tends to bias towards lters in the most popular few categories { which can look fairly similar). Whenever a lter has been shown to the user, it is removed from a category, so it will not be shown again, and if a category has been exhausted, then a new one is chosen randomly. The More From Categories (MFC) method takes each lter in C with an equal probability, nds the library category from which it came and then chooses a lter from this category at random to add to N. As before, lters which have been shown to the user are removed from the category. Exhausted categories are re-populated, but when a lter is used from the category, the lter is mutated (see below), to avoid repetitions.  Image retrieval methods. An alternative way to retrieve lters from the library is to search for lters which are closest to the user choices in terms of colour or texture. We call these the Colour Search (CS) and Texture Search (TS) retrieval methods. We modi ed standard image retrieval techniques to perform this search, using information derived oine about how the lters alter the colour histogram and texture of some standard images, as described in further detail in [11]. While the search techniques work with approximate information about lters (to perform eciently), they are fairly accurate, i.e., in [11], we report a 93% probability of retrieving a given lter in a set of 10. Again, a record of the library lters shown to the user is kept to avoid repetitions.  Evolutionary methods. Representing image lters as trees enables both the crossing over of branches into o spring from each of two parents, and the mu- tation of trees. To perform crossover, we start with two parent trees (called the top and bottom parent), and we choose a pair of nodes: Nt on the top parent and Nb on the bottom parent. These are chosen randomly so that the size of the tree above and including Nt added to the size of the tree gained from removing the tree above and including Nb from the bottom parent is between a prede ned minimum and maximum (3 and 15 for the experiments here). After 50 failed attempts to choose such a pair of nodes, the two trees are deemed incompatible, and a new couple is chosen. If they are compatible, however, the tree above and including Nt is substituted for the tree above and including Nb to produce the o spring. An example crossover operation is shown in gure 2a. We have imple- mented various mutation techniques, which alter the lter by di erent amounts, with details given in [3]. For the experiments here, we employ a mutation method which randomly mutates a single transform/compositor node in the lter tree 240 Fig. 2. a) Example crossover operation. b) Filter Trouve design interface screenshot. into a di erent transform/compositor node. This almost guarantees that a visi- ble change will occur, and through experience we have found that it can produce a range of changes to the lter, from mild to fairly strong, depending on where the mutated node is in the tree. With the Cross-Over (CO) method, we choose pairs of lters randomly from the set of chosen lters C and perform one-point crossover to produce new lters for N. With the Mutate (MT) method, lters from C are chosen randomly and mutated as above to produce lters for N. Note that lters generated by the CO or MT methods are checked to determine if they produce single colour images or the same image as another child of the same parents. If so, the lter is rejected and another one is generated. 2.2 The Filter Trouve User Interface The user interface employed for the experiments described below is portrayed in gure 2b. In each session, the user works on a single design which involves ltering a single image which is incorporated (possibly multiple times) into a design, such as a magazine cover, etc. The user is shown the expression of 24 lters on the image in successive screens. They can click on a ltered image to see it in the design (in gure 2b, a ltered version of a tree image is shown in a magazine cover design). The user can also click a tick sign on each image to express their preference for it. When a user has chosen the images they like from a sheet, they click on the `next' button which supplies them with another sheet of 24 images. At the end of a session, after clicking a ` nalise' button, users are shown all the designs that they ticked one by one in a random order. For each design, they are asked to judge it by choosing one of: (1) would de nitely not use it (2) would probably not use it (3) not sure (4) would probably use it, and (5) would de nitely use it. These choices essentially provide a score between 1 and 5 for each design. When each design has been given a score, the session ends. There has been considerable interest recently in creativity support tools like Filter Trouve, which allow users to quickly generate, explore and compare multiple alternatives [9]. Our design embraces Shneiderman's principle of \low thresholds" for novices, but intentionally avoids the \high ceilings and wide walls" of advanced and comprehensive functionality. Filter Trouve is designed for the amateur creator [2], who is not motivated to gain domain expertise, as opposed to the novice, who intends to become an expert. However, we see no reason why Objet Trouve methods could not support other user groups. 241 3 Experiment 1 To recap, we are interested in comparing methods for presenting users with successive sets of image lters, so that they can drive a browsing session via their aesthetic choices. In this experiment, we investigate whether using tech- niques which choose new lters based on the user's choices perform better than techniques which choose them randomly. To do this, we compared the Random From Category (RFC) generation technique with a hybrid technique which we call Taster. This supplies the user with: 4 lters from MFC; 4 from CO; 4 from MT; 3 from CS; 3 from TS and 6 from RFC. Note that we included lters re- turned by RFC in the Taster method, as we found in initial tests that users appreciate the variety provided by RFC. Note also that providing only 3 images from the CS and TS methods was a mistake { while we had intended to provide 4 images for each of these methods, the mistake does not a ect the conclusions we draw. The two hypotheses we proposed were:  The Taster method will produce better images than the RFC method, as measured by the scores ascribed by participants to their designs.  Taster will be quicker to use than RFC, as measured by the time to complete tasks and number of images viewed before deciding they have nished the task. We asked 29 participants with varying levels of graphic design experience (no professionals) to undertake 4 design tasks using the Filter Trouve interface. The design tasks were: a gallery installation, where a ltered image of a cityscape was included four times with wooden frames; a magazine cover, which involved a ltered image of a woman's face behind text; a Facebook pro le, which involved a ltered version of man's face; and a book cover, where a ltered version of a (haunted) house appears on the front and back. We instructed participants to tick any lters they liked on a sheet and to stop when either around 10 minutes had passed, or they felt they had enough designs they were pleased with, or they felt the search was futile and wanted to stop. We balanced the two experimental conditions (i.e., the Taster method and the RFC method) in such a way that each participant had both conditions twice. This meant that there were either 14 or 15 participants in each pairing of design task and condition. The measures for each task were the time taken to complete the task, the number of sheets viewed by the participant, the number of ticks and expansions (viewing the ltered image in the overall design) a participant makes, and the score for each design. 3.1 Quality and Eciency Results Some summary statistics about Taster and RFC are presented in table 1. The data were analysed using SPSS v17.0. With all measures, it was noted that there was substantial positive skew in many of the task conditions. For this reason, non-parametric tests were used to compare the conditions. Additionally, as each participant completes four separate tasks but not in a full-factorial design, the measures for each task are considered separately as a between-subjects design for the two conditions. However, to account for possible correlations between the performance on the di erent tasks, we make a Bonferroni correction. Thus, for all 242 Condition Mean Score Mean Ticks Mean Expands Mean Time (s) Mean Sheets RFC 3.23 17.59 43.07 497.21 9.48 Taster 3.47 15.97 39.53 463.55 6.97 Table 1. Mean score per chosen design; average number of ticks per design task; mean number of expansions per design task; mean time per design task; mean number of sheets of 24 images per design task, for both RFC and Taster conditions. Design Task RFC Taster Gallery 536 (251) 504 (123) Magazine 409 (92.0) 473 (242) Facebook 373 (179) 372 (128) BookCover 673 (298) 508 (230) Design Task RFC Taster Gallery 6.87 (2.48) 4.71 (2.37) Magazine 7.73 (2.69) 6.07 (2.76) Facebook 12.1 (5.72) 10.5 (6.29) BookCover 11.50 (5.20) 6.33 (2.82) Table 2. a) mean (standard deviation) of task times in seconds for each task in each condition. b) mean (sd) of number of sheets viewed for each task in each condition. tests, we use the Mann-Whitney test with signi cance level = 0:05=4 = 0:0125, and SPSS was used to produce exact p values. The mean and standard deviations of the task times are given in table 2a. There are modest di erences between the means, but overall there are no signi cant di erences: for the gallery task, U = 102, p = 0:914; for the magazine task, U = 95:5, p = 0:691; for the Facebook task, U = 104, p = 0:974; and for the book cover task, U = 57:5, p = 0:038. Note that the book cover task is tending towards being completed signi cantly quicker for the Taster condition. For the number of lters viewed, in all tasks, participants viewed fewer sheets in the Taster condition than in the RFC condition. The means and standard deviations are shown in table 2b. Signi cant di erences are seen for Gallery (U = 49, p = 0:011) and for BookCover (U = 40, p = 0:003) but not for Magazine (U = 63:5, p = 0:067) or Facebook (U = 86:5, p = 0:429). Analysing scores is more complicated, as each participant was able to tick and therefore score as many designs as they wished. The number of ticks depends on personal strategies for using the system, hence it would be useful to see if participants di ered in the number of ticked designs in one condition over the other. As tasks were fully counterbalanced across the two conditions, for each participant, the number of scores produced was summed across tasks in each condition. In the RFC condition, participants ticked a mean of 17.59 designs, whereas in the Taster condition, the mean is lower, at 15.97. A Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test indicates that these di erences are not signi cant (Z = 􀀀1:14, p = 0:261). Taking instead the average (mean) of all scores for each participant over two tasks in a single condition, the mean score in the RFC condition is 3.23 and in the Taster condition, it is higher, at 3.47. The di erence in mean scores over the two conditions is signi cant (Wilcoxon Z = 􀀀2:649, p = 0:007). It is worth noting though that looking only at the number of score 5s, i.e., the images people would de nitely use, a similar analysis showed no signi cant di erence. In summary, users will on average be more satis ed (in terms of scores) with designs produced by Taster. However, they will not necessarily tick more designs nor give more designs the maximum score in a session. While users will not necessarily nish quicker, they might be presented with fewer images in carrying out a design task with Taster than RFC, but this is task dependent. 243 Fig. 3. a) Mean sheet scores for the RFC and the Non-RFC submethods in the Taster method. b) tick and expand probabilities per sheet for RFC and Non-RFC submethods. 3.2 User Behaviour Analysis As Taster is a combination of six lter selection submethods, we can look at the individual contribution each submethod makes. Splitting the submethods into those using the participant's choices (Non-RFC) and the RFC method, looking at gure 3a, we see that for Non-RFC methods, the mean score for designs ticked in sheets 1 to 5 is 3.23, whereas in sheets 6 to 10, the mean score is 3.4. The same e ect is not present in the sheets produced by the RFC method. This suggests that users may appreciate the ability to drive the search with their tick choices. Let us de ne the probability of ticking, pt(n), for sheet number n as the number of images ticked on the n-th sheet across all sessions divided by 24 (the number of images shown on any sheet). Plotting this in gure 3b, we see that for both RFC and Non-RFC methods, pt(n) consistently falls as n increases from 1 to 10. De ning the probability of expanding a design similarly as pe(n), we see that this also decreases over sheets 1 to 10. This suggests that, in general, participants became more discerning about the images they expanded and ticked as they progressed through the rst 10 sheets. After sheet 10, the pattern is less clear, perhaps due to the small number of sessions that lasted that long. Table 3 shows that ranking the methods by mean image score is equivalent to ranking them by pt and (almost) by pe. This suggests a ranking by popularity, i.e., if participants are ticking/expanding more designs during a session, they will give a higher score on average to the designs they choose. We also note that the two evolutionary techniques (CO and MT) perform the best in terms of the mean score that users ascribe to the designs they produce. To further analyse the di erence between the submethods, we investigated the delity of the image lters. For a given lter f, we let D(f) denote the average Euclidean RGB-distance between pairs of pixels in the original and ltered image at the same co-ordinate, normalised by division by the maximum RGB-distance possible. Note that we have experimented with measures based on the HSV colour model, but we saw little di erence in the results. For a given design session, S, we let D(S) denote the average of D(f) over all the lters f shown to the user in the session. We let T(S) be the average of D(f) over all the lters ticked by the user in session S. We also denote P(S) as the average Euclidean RGB-distance between pairs of lters (f1; f2) in a session S, where f1 is a lter 244 Rank Method Mean Score pt pe Mean D(S) Mean T(S) Mean P(S) 1 CO 3.92 0.20 0.34 0.33 0.25 0.32 2 MT 3.73 0.17 0.33 0.35 0.27 0.33 3 CS 3.30 0.09 0.27 0.37 0.30 0.37 4 RFC 3.13 0.07 0.20 0.47 0.35 0.51 5 MFC 3.13 0.06 0.16 0.45 0.35 0.5 6 TS 3.00 0.04 0.19 0.47 0.37 0.51 Table 3. Taster submethods ranked by mean score; probability of being ticked (pt) or expanded (pe); mean distance from original D(S); mean distance of ticked lters from original T(S); mean distance from the ticked lters in the previous sheet P(S). ticked by the user in sheet n and f2 is any of the 24 lters shown to the user in sheet n+1. Table 3 shows D(S), T(S) and P(S) for the submethods used in the Taster sessions. We see that the mean score increases as P(S) decreases, hence participants seem to appreciate lters more if they are more similar to those ticked in the previous sheet. Also, the mean score decreases as D(S) increases, which suggests that participants may have preferred more conservative image lters, i.e., which change the original image less. This is emphasised by the fact that in all but 3 of the 116 design sessions, T(S) was less than D(S), i.e., participants ticked more conservative lters on average than those presented to them in 97% of the design sessions. The extent of this conservative nature di ers by design task: Gallery: D(S) = 0:44, T(S) = 0:34; Magazine: D(S) = 0:44, T(S) = 0:28; Facebook: D(S) = 0:46, T(S) = 0:30; BookCover: D(S) = 0:45, T(S) = 0:35. Participants were particularly conservative with the Magazine and Facebook tasks, as these require the ltering of faces, which was generally disliked (as expressed through some qualitative feedback we recorded). 4 Experiment 2 To explore the observation that scores seem to be correlated with the delity of the lters, we implemented further retrieval techniques which manage the overall delity of lters presented to users. In particular, we implemented another hybrid technique, Evolution (EVO), which returns 8 lters produced by CO, 8 lters produced by MT and 8 lters produced by RFC. This choice was motivated by the fact that CO and MT were appreciatively the best submethods from experiment 1. We produced two variants of EVO to test against it. Firstly, the EVO-S method replaces the 8 lters produced by RFC with lters chosen from the library in such a way that the average D(f) value for the lters on each sheet remains static at 0.25. This choice was motivated by 0.27 and 0.25 being the mean of the D(f) values over the ticked lters produced by the CO and MT submethods respectively. The EVO-D method is the second variant. In order to supply lters for sheet number n, this method calculates the average, A, of D(f) over the ticked lters on sheet n 􀀀 1. Then, EVO-D chooses 8 lters from the library to replace those produced by the RFC submethod in EVO, in such a way that they each have a D(f) value as close to A as possible. The aim of the second experiment was to test the hypothesis that EVO-S, EVO-D or both would be an improvement on the plain EVO method. A similar 245 Method D(f) Score Ticks Exps Time Sheets EVO 0.28 3.45 18.9 30.6 347.1 6.3 EVO-S 0.25 3.32 22.2 32.3 392.0 6.7 EVO-D 0.27 3.15 20.1 27.8 362.2 6.4 Table 4. Statistics for exp. 2: Mean RGB distance per design ( delity); Mean score per chosen design; mean ticks per design task; mean expansions per design task; mean time (s) per design task; mean sheets viewed per design task. experimental setup as before was employed, involving 24 partici- pants, asked to undertake 6 new design tasks, namely: more sta- tionery; another gallery; another magazine cover, shown in gure 3; a poster; a calendar; and a menu (note that we used no faces in the designs, to avoid any biasing as in the rst experiment). The EVO, EVO-S and EVO-D methods were balanced around the six design tasks evenly, so that each participant was given each method twice. The results are shown in table 4. A statistical analysis revealed that the hypotheses that EVO-S or EVO-D is better (in terms of eciency and mean score) are not supported by the data. In fact, EVO has a higher mean score and lower mean time than both the other methods. We speculate that EVO-S and EVO-D's balancing of the average image delity results in many very high delity lters (i.e. very low RGB dis- tance) being introduced to achieve the balance, and that in general these lters are less satisfying to the user than the random selection used by EVO. 5 Conclusions and Further Work To the best of our knowledge, there has been little study of user behaviour with browsing systems for creative tasks such as evolutionary art [7]. A notable exception is [5], where user interaction with the NEvAr evolutionary art tool is described. We introduce the phrase Objet Trouve browsing to acknowledge the push and pull between software leading the user and the user leading the software in such systems. This raises the question of whether software could learn from the user, or more ambitiously: take a creative lead in design projects. Such behaviour might be appreciated by novice or amateur designers perhaps lacking inspiration. We are taking deliberately small steps towards such creative systems with experiments involving amateur designers to understand the nature of both the di erent methods and user behaviour with respect to those methods. In particular, we started with the straightforward hypothesis that using intelligent techniques to deliver new image lters based on those chosen by the user would be an improvement over supplying the lters randomly. (The truth of this is rather taken for granted in evolutionary art and image retrieval systems). Working with image lters enables us to compare and contrast methods from di erent areas of computing: database, image retrieval and evolutionary methods in browsing for resources ( lters) in design tasks. In experiment 1, we found that more intelligent methods will lead to greater satisfaction in the designs produced and may lead to the completion of the design task with less e ort (i.e., having to consider fewer possibilities). We also observed some user behaviours such as becoming more discerning as a session progresses and appreciating the progression a orded by the intelligent techniques. Furthermore, while there is some correlation between lter delity and user satisfaction, we were unable 246 to harness this for improved browsing techniques, as shown in experiment 2. Simply giving users more of what they like, whether statically or dynamically is not sophisticated enough, raising interesting questions about managing novelty. We plan to study other browsing systems, e.g., [10], which employs emotional responses to web pages, and other evolutionary image ltering systems, e.g., that of Neufeld, Ross and Ralph (chapter 16 of [7]), which uses a tness function based on a Bell curve model of aesthetics. Moreover, to improve our experiments, we will study areas of computer supported design such as: the in uences of re ec- tion and emergence [8]; the use of analogy and mutation [4]; and how serendipity can be managed [1]. We will test di erent browsing mechanisms involving dif- ferent image analysis techniques such as edge information and moments, and measures based on novelty, such as those prescribed in [6]. Despite the failure of the EVO-D method in experiment 2, we believe that software which dynamically employs information about a user's behaviour to intelligently suggest new arte- facts can improve upon less sophisticated methods. In particular, we intend to use the data from experiments 1 and 2 to see whether various machine learning techniques can make sensible predictions about user preferences during image ltering sessions. Our ultimate goal is to build and investigate software which acts as a creative collaborator, with its own aesthetic preferences and goals, able to work in partnership with both amateur and expert designers. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable input. This work is supported by EPSRC grants EP/F067127 and TS/G002835. References 1. M Andre, M Schraefel, J Teevan, and S Dumais. Designing for (un)serendipity. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference, 2009. 2. S Boyd Davis and M Moar. The amateur creator. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition., 2005. 3. S Colton and P Torres. Evolving approximate image lters. In Proceedings of the Evolutionary Art and Music Workshop, EvoMUSART, 2009. 4. J Gero and M Maher. Mutation and analogy to support creativity in computer-aided design. In Proceedings of CAAD Futures, 1991. 5. P Machado and A Cardoso. NEvAr { The assessment of an evolutionary art tool. 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