Live Coding Towards Computational Creativity Alex McLean and Geraint Wiggins Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom, WWW home page: Abstract. Live coding is a way of improvising music or video animation through live edits of source code, using dynamic language interpreters. It requires artists to represent their work within a formal computer lan- guage, using a higher level of abstraction than is the norm. Although the only creative agents in live coding performance are human, this ab- straction makes the practice of interest to the eld of computational creativity. In this paper live coders are surveyed for their thoughts on live coding and creativity, related to the aims of building creative agents. 1 Introduction Live coding is the writing of rules in a Turing complete language while they are followed, in order to improvise time based art such as music, video animation or dance. This is a relatively new approach, receiving a surge of interest since 2004, through both practice and research [1{6]. Live coding is most visible in performance, however the `live' in live coding refers not to a live audience but to live updates of running code. Convention- ally humans write code followed by software, although some experimental dance improvisations have used both human rule makers and rule followers. Whether human live coders can be replaced by software creative agents is a question for the eld of computational creativity, which we hope to have at least clari ed by the end of this paper. In contrast to live coding, generative art is output by programs unmodi ed during execution, which often have no user interface at all. The lack of control over such programs has led to a great deal of confusion around the question of authorship. When watching a piece of software generate art without guidance, onlookers ask \is the software being creative?" There is no such confusion with live coding, there is a human clearly visible, making all the creative decisions and using source code as an artistic medium. In fact there is no di erence of authorship between live coded and generative art. A programmer making gen- erative art goes through creative iterations to, only after each edit they have to restart the process before re ecting on the result. This stuttering of the creative process alone is not enough to alter authorship status. If the computer's role in a live coding performance is uncreative, then what is this paper doing submitted to a computational creativity conference? Well, as a new way of producing art using formal systems, it is hoped that live coding 175 can give a unique clarifying perspective on issues of computational creativity, and perhaps even become a stepping stone towards a creative software agent. 2 Live coders on computational creativity A survey was carried out with the broad aim of gathering ideas for study of computational creativity. The members of TOPLAP [3], an active live coding community, were asked to ll out an on-line survey, and 32 responded. To avoid prejudice, the word `creativity' was not used in the invitation or survey text, and pertinent questions were mixed with more general questions about live coding. 2.1 Results The subjects. Users of the six pre-eminent live coding environments were rep- resented, between ve and fourteen for each system (many had used more than one). Background questions indicated a group with a generally rich musical back- ground. There were a diverse range of approaches to the question of how to de ne live coding in one sentence, and the reader is referred to the on-line appendix to read the responses ( While the responses show some diversity of approach, because the subjects had all used at least one of the main languages it seems safe to assume that they are working to largely the same technical de nition. Creating language. Computer users often discuss and understand computer programs as tools, helping them do what they need eciently. For a programmer it would instead seem that a computer language is an immersive environment to create work in. It is interesting then to consider to what extent live coders adapt their computer languages, personalising their environments, perhaps to aid creativity. Over two thirds (69.0%) collected functions into a library or made an extensive suite of libraries. This is analogous to adding words to a language, and shows the extent of language customisation. A smaller proportion (20.7%) had gone further to implement their own language interpreter and fewer still (17.2%) had designed their own language. That these artists are so engaged with making fundamental changes to the language in which they express their work is impressive. Code and style. From the perspective of computational creativity, it is inter- esting to focus on the code that live coders produce. Their code is not their work, but a high level description of how to make their work. A creative computational agent would certainly be concerned with this level of abstraction. An attempt at quantifying how live coders feel about their code was made by asking \When you have nished live coding something you particularly like, how do you feel towards the code you have made (as opposed to the end result)?" Over half (56.7%) indicated that the code resulting from a successful live coding session 176 was a description of some aspect of their style. This suggests that many feel they are not encoding a particular piece, but how to make pieces in their own partic- ular manner. Around the same number (50.0%) agreed that the code describes something they would probably do again, which is perhaps a rephrasing of the same question. A large number, (83%) answered yes to either or both questions. There are many ways in which these questions can be interpreted, but the sug- gestion remains that many subjects feel they have a stylistic approach to live coding that persists across live coding sessions, and that this style is somehow represented in the code they make. Live coding as a novel approach. The subjects were asked the open question \What is the di erence between live coding a piece of music and composing it in the sequencer (live coding an animation and drawing one)? In other words, how does live coding a ect the way you produce your work, and how does it a ect the end result?" Some interesting points relevant to computational creativity are selectively quoted for comment here, the reader is again directed to the on-line appendix to read the full responses. \I have all but [abandoned] live coding as a regular performance practice, but I use the skills and con dence acquired to modify my software live if I get a new idea while on stage." The admission that getting new ideas on stage is infrequent, makes an im- portant and humble point. In terms of the Creative Systems Framework (CSF) [8, 7] we can say that live coding is useful in performance if you need to trans- form your conceptual space (the kind of work you want to nd or make), or your traversal strategy (the way you try to search for or make it). However, as with this subject, transformational creativity is not always desirable in front of a paying risk-averse audience. \When I work on writing a piece ... I can perfect each sound to be precisely as I intend it to be, whereas [when] live coding I have to be more generalised as to my intentions." Making the point that live coders work at least one level of abstraction away from enacting individual sounds. \Perhaps most importantly the higher pace of livecoding leads to more impulsive choices which keeps things more interesting to create. Not sure how often that also creates a more interesting end result but at least sometimes it does." Live coding allows a change in code to be heard or seen immediately in the output, with no forced break between action and reception. This would be a surprise to those whose experience of software development is slow and arduous. \Live coding has far less perfection and the product is more immediate. It allows for improvisation and spontaneity and discourages over-thinking." 177 This may also come as a surprise; live coding has a reputation for being cere- bral and over technical, but in reality, at least when compared to other software based approaches, the immediacy of results fosters spontaneous thought. \Live Coding is riskier, and one has to live with [un t decisions]. You can't just go one step back unless you do it with a nice pirouette. There- fore the end result is not as clean as an "oine-composition", but it can lead you to places you [usually] never would have ended." This comment is particularly incisive; the peculiar relationship that live coders have with time does indeed give a certain element of risk. Thinking again within the CSF [7], such riskier ways of making music are more likely to pro- duce aberrant output, providing the opportunity to adjust your style through transformational creativity. \... while Live Coding is a performance practice, it also o ers the tan- talising prospect of manipulating musical structure at a similar abstract level as 'deferred time' composition. To do this e ectively in performance is I think an entirely di erent skill to the standard 'one-acoustic-event- per-action' physical instrumental performance, but also quite di erent to compositional methods which typically allow for rework." This really gets to the nub of what live coding brings to the improvising artist { an altered perspective of time, where a single edit can a ect all the events which follow it. Live coding towards computational creativity. The subjects were given a series of statements and asked to guess when each would become true. Regret- tably there was a con guration error early on in the surveyed period, requiring that the answers of two subjects were discarded. Optimism for the statement \Live coding environments will include features designed to give artistic inspiration to live coders" was very high, with just over half (51.9%) claiming that was already true, and two fths (40.7%) agreeing it would become true within ve years. This indicates strong support for a weak form of computational creativity as a creative aide for live coders. Somewhat surprisingly, optimism for the stronger form of creativity in \Live code will be able to modify itself in an artistically valued manner" was also high, with two fths (40.7%) claiming that was already possible. If that is the case, it would be appreciated if the live code in question could make itself known, although it seems more likely that ambiguity in the question is at fault. A little more pes- simism is seen in response to \A computer agent will be developed that produces a live coding performance indistinguishable from that of a human live coder", with a third (34.6%) agreeing this will never happen. This question is posed in reference to the imitation game detailed by Alan Turing [9]. However as one subject commented, \the test indistinguishable from a human is very loose and there can be some very bad human live coding music." That would perhaps ex- plain why half (50.0%) thought the statement was either already true or would become so within ve years. 178 3 Conclusion What if a musicology of live coding were to develop, where researchers decon- struct the code behind live coding improvisations as part of their work? Cor- relations between expressions in formal languages and musical form in sound could be identi ed, and the development of new ways of expressing new musical forms could be tracked. If successful, the result need not be a new kind of music, but could be a music understood in a novel way. It is this new computational approach to understanding music that could prove invaluable in the search for a musically creative software agent. In looking at creativity through the eyes of live coders, we can see some promise for computational creativity even at this early stage of development of both elds. Live coders feel their musical style is encoded in the code they write, and that their language interfaces provide them with inspiration. They are actively developing computer languages to better express the music they want to make, creating computer language environments that foster creativity. From here it is easy to imagine that live coding environments could become more involved in the creation of higher order conceptual representations of time- based art. Perhaps this will provide the language, environment and application in which a computational creative agent will thrive. References 1. Blackwell, A., Collins, N.: The programming language as a musical instrument. In: Proceedings of PPIG05. University of Sussex (2005) 2. Wang, G., Cook, P.R.: On-the- y programming: using code as an expressive musical instrument. In: NIME '04: Proceedings of the 2004 conference on New interfaces for musical expression, Singapore, Singapore, National University of Singapore (2004) 138{143 3. Ward, A., Rohrhuber, J., Olofsson, F., McLean, A., Griths, D., Collins, N., Alexan- der, A.: Live algorithm programming and a temporary organisation for its promo- tion. In Goriunova, O., Shulgin, A., eds.: read me | Software Art and Cultures. (2004) 4. Collins, N.: Live coding practice. In: NIME. (2007) 5. Collins, N., McLean, A., Rohrhuber, J., Ward, A.: Live coding in laptop perfor- mance. Organised Sound 8(03) (2003) 321{330 6. 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