Department of Knowledge Technologies National Institute of Biology

Generator of cost-effective GMO testing strategies


GMOseek is a software tool that supports detection of gentically modified organisms (GMO) in food, feed and seed samples. It supports three phases of thesting:

The software provides optimal or near-optimal solutions of the two phase GMO testing process and supports the inspection of testing results.


Dany Morisset, Petra Kralj Novak, Darko Zupanič, Kristina Gruden, Nada Lavrač, Jana Žel
GMOseek: a user friendly tool for optimized GMO testing
BMC Bioinformatics, 15:258
[link], DOI:


GMO testing is performed in order to confirm the absence or to identify the presence of individual GMOs in food, feed and seed samples. The goal of laboratories is to perform testing as conveniently as possible while guaranteeing the accuracy of results. Different testing strategies can be used. The GMOseek software supports decision making in sample-testing to help choose cost-effective GMO testing strategies that are tuned to a sample at hand. The system also helps the interpretation of wet-laboratory results. The system can adapt to new situations on the market by changing the input data matrix, which includes the data about GMOs, methods (assays) for detecting GMOs and probabilities of GMO presence.


The software is packed and deployed as one file which is named GMOseek.jar. It can be placed at any location suitable for a user. The program can be executed by a double click on the file from a file manager or by java -jar GMOseek.jar from the command line. The software runs on any operating system which has java 1.5 or later installed.

Download the software GMOseek.jar.

Download the manual GMOseekManual.pdf.


Download the input data or create your own dataset according to the instructions here.


Screnshot of the GMOseek support for screening

GMOseek: screenshot of teh screeniong phase

Screnshot of the GMOseek support for the identification phase - the program warns for inconsistent results and the possibility of stacked genes etc.

GMOseek: screenshot of the identification (interpretation) phase


Financially supported by the UK Food Standard Agency (contract G03032) and the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) through the project GMOseek, within the framework of the European ERA-NET consortium SAFEFOODERA and Slovenian Research Agency (P4 0165).

Last update: 20171110